Author has written 42 stories for Harry Potter, Pokémon, Valdemar universe, Sherlock Holmes, Romance of the 3 Kingdoms, Dynasty Warriors, Dragon Ball Z, StarTrek: The Original Series, Star Wars, and Thor. Me? Well, I'm just your regular, old fanfic author who's been doing it for quite a while. I do tend to read more than write :) I came to the startling realization that my freshman year of high school was a decade ago, which means I began my awkward, stumbling path to adult-hood quite a while back. Who knows if I've really grown up yet, but it's strange to be able to look back a ten years and find those memories are ones where I was no longer quite a child. As such, many of these stories were written by a very different person, a person who I was, but who has developed into something else. What I am trying to say is these stories are almost like a little history of my life as a fan fic author, so please forgive them their little growing pains. I don't quite have the heart to toss any aside. That also means I've been on this site forever and don't always pay attention to the changes (like communities, what's up with that? Haha). What to expect: I've been riding the Avengers high for a while now, and hope to keep working on some really fun ideas. I am also revisiting Harry Potter--and finally watching the films! (I was too emotionally committed to the books the first time 'round.) I would really like to work on a time travel/au story for that! The Short List of My Fav. Fandoms :) (in no particular order): Dynasty Warriors, Sherlock Holmes, Merlin, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Avatar: the Last Airbender, Aubrey/Maturin, Horatio Hornblower, Star Trek Original Series, Star Wars, Homer's Illiad, as well as other random little things. A few notes: I try hard to update stories at a reasonable rate, but things like real life often get in the way (annoyingly...) So, just because I've left a fic for a long time does not mean it's dead. I also rotate between fandoms, so a fic might be in stasis for a while before I come back and finish it. But it's always my intention to eventually get it done :) "In the Long Shadows" is taking a long time to finish because I've been very stressed with classes and work. And I keep reading Harry Potter fanfics, oops. I have the next chapter mostly finished, but it needs some serious revision, and I want to give it my full attention. I also have accounts on DeviantArt(liked as my homepage here), Y!gallery, and LiveJournal, all under the same pen name (but without the space.) I like consistency. Wondering why I'm being a butt about updates? I like to blame it on my short attention span :) If you want to know what's distracted me that day, take a look at my tumblr blog! (username/blog name: RownaSeria) |
ginny29 (12) Maybe the Moon (29) | PikaCheeka (89) Sharon Armstrong (0) |