Author has written 3 stories for Harry Potter. Real Name: Nick About Me: I’m a 33 year old HP fanatic, married to a HP fanatic with a 6 year old boy and 3 year old girl. Born and raised in London, I went to California to study at Berkeley U. I studied Game Design and now work at Blizzard Entertainment (The makers of StarCraft, Diablo, World of Warcraft MMORPG). My hobbies include raising children (that’s not really a hobby, but you know what I mean), playing World of Warcraft, music (70's rock, 80'srock, metal,some alternative), reading (I love sci-fi/fantasy. I love LotR and Star Wars), and Harry Potter. My wife got me interested in HP, making me read the books and forcing me to stop messing around with computers. I was completely suckered in and once I started reading I just couldn’t stop. I quickly reread the books many times and then discovered fanfiction, which I believe is a great creation. I’ve read tons and now I’m trying my hand at writing one. Here are some of my views about HP, which I will state because I can. My favorite pairings include H/Tonks, H/Fleur, H/femBlaise, and H/G. I don't mind H/Hr. -H/G in canon disgusted me, simply because they have what, a couple discussions about Quidditch, and Harry starts wanting to kill Dean? In my opinion, they never really developed a strong friendship; they just felt physical attraction for each other, and JKR, instead of developing the emotional side, just decided to split them apart, and make them miss each other desperately. There's nothing wrong with Ginny, I just think that the way it happened was a real let down. We don't get a real insight into why Harry is attracted to her, aside from those moments where Harry is thankful Ron isnt a Legilimens. - I'm not against H/G. In fact, I'll go ahead and tell you Savior in the Shadows is H/G. Now, alot of people associate Ginny with a lot of Harry's weakness in canon. A lot of people feel that if Harry is indeed going to be Independent! then if he is with Ginny, by default, she will keep him from being dependent. This isn't true; there's no inherent disease with Ginny that turns Harry into a pussy. I think that the two of them can work together, and fight back. Words like Dark, Independent, Realistic, Gritty, Gore... and Ginny aren't mutually exclusive. Sure, there is way to much h/g fluff out there, but I think that if one forgets about that - forgets about the image of Ginny that HBP and DH has planted in our heads (I'm writing an alt6thyear, so the Ginny JKR gives us in HBP isn't the same person as I'm writing!), then the pairing can work, without stripping the story of the darker tone. - I hate naive, wide-eyed, embarassed, bottom, doormat Harry. Can't stand it. I feel that after OotP, there were two roads Harry could have taken. In canon, he took the wrong road in HBP. Savior in the Shadows is about what would happen if he took the other road to power, and shed his idealism. Idealism, hesitation, and morality - too little of them, and you become like Voldemort. But too much, and you find not only yourself six feet under, but your friends too. You cannot place your trust in the ultimate victory of good over evil - if Harry wants victory, he will have to earn it the hard way. If he wants to be victorious, he will have to kill. I don't want to read him killingVoldemort with an Expelliarmus. - I hate slash. 'Slash' is a damn good guitarist. Honestly, there are a few good slash fics out there, that I enjoyed. The rest made me nauseous. So no, none of my stories will be slash. - I don't like H/Hr. Sorry. It isn't that I don't like Hermione, I just don't like them together. I like her to grow up, shed her naivete and illusions about smarts being everything, and brains giving her the right to lord over Harry. After she has matured, I think she can be a good friend, but only if she accepts that Harry will have an equal say in everything, or even a greater say. I just hate those fics where Harry wants to go do something or the other, and he is put back in place by a huff by a bossy Hermione. - I like manipulate-me-not Harry, but I like it when Harry has subtlety, not 'How could he do this to me? Dumbledore, Ministry, I'm going to kill you all!!!!' and then blasts them with bolts of hate. So, here are my fics. I hope you enjoy. Savior in the Shadows – After the battle in the Department of Mysteries, the mind of Harry Potter is filled with two things, grief over Sirius’s death, and resentment towards the adults who, purposefully or not, made his life living hell over the course of his fifth year. When Harry finds out that there were even greater secrets being kept from him, Harry makes a plan to break away from Dumbledore and take his life, his training, and his role against Voldemort into his own hands. What will happen when a mysterious man comes into Harry’s life who decides to train Harry in both the light and dark spectrums of magic? What will Harry become? Can he deal with the increasingly gruesome war that lies ahead of him? Join Harry as he enters the shadows and transforms himself into a man fit to win the war. Rise of the Grey Lord - Harry escapes from Privet Drive, and is found not by Dumbledore, but by Lucius Malfoy. Harry learns to live as a noble, and the last thing he wants to be is a Gryffindor. Join Harry as he discovers what type of person he wants to be, and handles the influences of Lucius, Dumbledore, Voldemort, and others who are eager to tamper with his life. Join a very different Harry, who you may or may not like, but who, despite whatever flaws, is cunning, proactive, intelligent, and above all, a Slytherin. I have a few more projects that I am working on, but I'm too busy with Savior and RotGL at the moment. When I finish one of the stories, I will start posting my next one. I try to update each story every two weeks. I try. |