![]() Author has written 17 stories for Death Note, D N Angel, and Borderlands. Well hello kind people! If you are reading this you have wandered across my site! Welcome welcome! So anyway, I write, thats obviously why I am here. I love to make up interesting stories containing my favorite characters and even some of my own. I have been away from this site for quite some time...since 2009 to be exact...now that is way too long. And i have decided to start up again. :) First off who am I? I am Ashes. I'm a 24 year old Texas girl born and raised. I like trucks and mud and stuff like that, lol Texas stereotype yee-haw! But I am also a huge nerd. I collect dragons, action figures and comic books. I love anime and manga, and I also enjoy playing video games! I'm going to school for graphic design and printmaking and I love to draw. I'm mainly a horror and anthro artist! You can check out some of my work on instagram at @ashestheterrible and fur affinity at AshesTheTerrible! What do i normally write about? I Enjoy writing adult fiction. This means I write smutty fanficitons and I like it. lol I also write dark fictions, horror fics and romance fics. So if that sounds like your style come on in and pull up a chair! My favorite pairings are D.N.Angel: DarkXKrad D.N.Angel: DarkXDaisuke Deathnote: LightXL Borderlands 2: Zer0XMaya Borderlands 2: AxtonXHandsome Jack Borderlands/Tales from the Borderlands: Rhys/Handsome Jack Borderlands/Tales from the Borderlands: Rhys/Axton Borderlands/Tales from the Borderlands: Handsome Jack/Nisha(The Sheriff of Lynchwood) Borderlands 2: Axton/Ellie Borderlands/Tales from the Borderlands: Rhys/Timothy Lawrence Borderlands 2: Handsome Jack/Maya Borderlands 2: Axton/Maya Borderlands: Basically any ship with Axton, Rhys or Handsome Jack One Piece: FrankyXRobin But anyway please check out my stories hope you enjoy! |