![]() Author has written 6 stories for Naruto. Hey there! Welcome to my profile. Not much to say, other than I’m here to write my stories and read yours. I will give you a few facts about myself however, so...yesh. Call Me: Hikari Age: merf Likes: Sleeping, eating, writing fanfics/poetry/random stuff, drawing stuff (mostly anime/manga related items), playing video games, the Colbert Report, illegally downloading mp3's off the internet, listening to those illegally downloaded mp3's, hanging with my friends, working out, shopping at Hot Topic/Target/or anywhere else that's got stuff I like, dressing up, making music videos (no, not AMV's. music videos.)...and that's all I can think of right now. xD Dislikes: unnaturally preppy people (hey, if "preppy" is your style - go with it. if it's not and you're being a poser, it's annoying), poorly written fanfics that don't do the characters or plotline justice, tons of typos, TYPING IN ALL CAPS, obnoxious ringtones, Chemistry 140, Calculus, and sluts. 'Nuff said. Story Updates/Chapter Progress: Thicker Than Water: (Chapter 1) 30/100 She, who smelled of snow, smiled quietly as she spoke. Her eyes were sad, her body ready to crumble away beneath her. "I never meant to forget," she says, and for one night - one night only - will she remember their tie. Last memories are said to be the best... Threnody of the Harbinger: (Chapter10) 10/100 Eh...I've been uninspired to continue on, so bear with me for a bit. Announcements from Hikari: 11-06-07: Whootness! I got me a beta! 'Sanku to Sakra-chan for being so kind! 12-20-07: I'm back from being on hiatus bishes! xD 01-17-08: Screw writer's block! I don't care - I'm just gonna write and what comes out, comes out!! D: (So, yes...this means Threnody of the Harbinger is no longer "on hold") 02-21-08: Yosei is officially finished! Yay! 02-22-08: No Strings Attached is up. Wow - an update and a new fic within a week?! Sweet Lord, the world is coming to an end!! Hikari's actually... :gasp: profficient?! 02-25-08: Geez! So many reviews on N.S.A. (well, eight w/in 2 days seems like a lot to me, okay?!). So, I've decided that I'll be doing a new KakaRin fic, and a multi-chapter one at that. Maybe I'll do a sequel to N.S.A., but I've got be inspired enough to do it. Anyways, a little taste of my latest brain-child is available above. :points up: 03-03-08: H'Okay. So here's the plan: I'm going to write a sequel to N.S.A. and hold off on my other fic. Yes. This is indeed what I have decided. Don't ask me why, because even I do not know. It was kinda an impulse sorta thing. 04-26-08: So...I've started up on my N.S.A. sequel! Wow, that took a while. Anyways, I think it'll be multichapter, but who knows? I'll see what happens as I keep going. You guys can probably look for it in a week or so. :) I'm really excited about it too - it'll be sad, but aren't most of mine that way anyways? Don't worry though, I'll incorporate some happiness in too. Well, now I'm getting ahead of myself. Favorite Anime/Manga: Blood+ Trinity Blood Furuba Tokko Naruto Naruto: Shippuuden Excel Saga Gedo Senki Miyazaki (I think I love this man) Samurai Champloo Millenium Actress Vampire Knight Voices of a Distant Star Favorite Pairings: (Naruto) Sakura x Kakashi Rin x Kakashi TenTen x Neji (Blood+) Saya x Haji (Trinity Blood) Esther x Abel Esther x Dietrich (Tokko) Sakura x Ranmaru (Rave Master) Elie x Haru (Furuba) Rin x Haru Yuki x Machi (FFVII) Vincent x Lucretia (Samurai Champloo) Fuu x Hishikawa Moronobu On My Style: 1) I refuse to write lemons/limes into my stories. Sorry, but it just won't be happening. 2) You will never read a yaoi/yuri pairing from me. 3) To write about couples, I first must believe in the potential "canon-ness" of their relationship. For example, I will never write something like Naruto x ...Tayuya (or some other random, crack couple). True, I do have my favorite crack couples, but I would have no idea how to write them. xP |