Author has written 1 story for Twilight. Hello everyone, I'm Californiacupcakes, I am a 29 year old newly wedded female that has a severe passion for reading and writing. And at one time I had the opportunity to go to a 4 year college for creative writing. I had wanted and dreamed of becomeing the next harlequin romance novelist, I know it sounds cheesy and stupid but I love writing about romance and the troubles it sometimes causes. I passed it up though when my father was diagnosed and eventual passing away from Pancreatic cancer. I couldnt leave my mother after that. I couldnt let her be alone to deal with her grief. When we found out dad was sick, I went down a severe dark depression, only writing dark disturbing things. Where the main characters were as tortured as I felt, dealing with drug abuse amd self harm. Though I had time to greave and move on from my dark period I find only wrote about sickly sweet love; because my life was dealing with a relationship. I am sure most writers are the same and from my experience Iv found that my imagination and creativity circles around my life experiences. Iv delt with the death of family members, dealing with self harming, a drug addiction, a debilitating neurological disease, an oppressive and abusive boyfriend who I ended up married to, and later after 6 years of being with that person divorced. Now my life is extremely happy and healthy. Some of you that follow my story I'm working on now have read about my resent wedding, and that we are trying for a baby. So my life is pretty damn good at the moment. Lol. I like to think that my readers get some sort of lesson from what they read, be it selfesteam, personal or they just need some sort of guidance. I'll be here for any of you. I may only be 29 years old but iv been through alot in my short life and I'd like my knowledge to reflect in that of my work I give you all the privilege of reading. Though if any of you ever need to talk, know that I am always a PM away. :-) Thank you all for your love and support. It means everything to me and I love reading all your comments on my story. Maybe one day I will publish one of my stories and it will turn into a great selling book. One can only dream right. Haha. |