Twilit Bakery
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Joined 11-10-19, id: 12900229, Profile Updated: 11-11-19
Author has written 2 stories for Harry Potter, Mass Effect, and Percy Jackson and the Olympians.


So... I'm going to be honest, never thought I would end up writing one of these. I've been a rather avid reader of fanfiction for the past two years, for the most part in the Harry Potter fandom, but I dabble occasionally in the fandoms of Mass Effect and Star Wars, and as such I will only ever write fanfictions for these fandoms. If you feel really passionate about a crossover with something else, I can promise to look into it, but I'm sorry to say that I probably won't engage in writing one, that being said I love crossovers between Harry Potter and either of my now anointed sub-fandoms, which is kind of the reason I am going to probably write a lot of them.

That being said, I do love suggestions for stories, and will gladly consider any suggestions that you all put forth, just please understand a few things first:

1. I don't feel comfortable writing slash-fics, fem-slash and hetero fics I am completely fine with, but please don't insist on male/male fanfiction, as I really don't
feel comfortable writing it.

2. I dislike tragic endings, I will never write them. Period. I understand some people like the genre, but people, seriously the tears don't stop. I read this really tragic Harry/Bellatrix fanfiction, and I cried for a while after reading it, then I cried some more, and then in the middle of one of my lectures I started crying
it was kind of embarrassing, and so my policy is to not write any ultimately tragic ending.

3. I definitely have favorites, I will probably always write romance, I will always try to include copious amounts of fluff, and I have some favorite pairings that I will include below.

4. This is very important, I will always finish my fanfictions, it might take weeks, it might take years, but I Solemnly Swear, to never leave a fanfiction dead. That being said, if I don't update for one for 2 years, then well... I guess the fanfiction is adoptable, if I don't update something for 2 years, then I implore someone to finish it for me, as there is nothing worse then reading a good piece of writing (not that I think any of my writing is that good) then having it end, with the last update in like 2012.

5. I will only ever write 3 fics at the same time, this is because of a couple of reasons, 1 I want to do a good job, and spreading myself too thin is not a good way of doing that, 2 I am a broke college student, I have like no time, no money and no life, 3 I like other things, I enjoy playing RPG's, reading both fan-based literature and *gasp* actual literature and cats, I love cats, like so, so much. I want to spend time doing these other things.

6. My updates may be sporadic, I will try for at least 1 3,000 word chapter every month for every fic, that isn't a lot I know, and I will most likely write a lot more than that, but this is so that I constantly have a 'quota' to meet for you guys, if I don't have something that long I am sorry, but I will probably save it for when it is long enough to engage you for more than 5 minutes.

So now we move on to the fun part, my favorite pairings:

~Harry Potter~

Haruna (Harry/Luna) If I need to explain this to you then I will cry, I'm serious. These two would be and are so cute together, I love them both, and I think that they could make each other whole.
Harmony (Harry/Hermione) What should have been canon am I right?
Helphini (Harry/Delphini) I love this pairing for a number of reasons, mostly because I enjoy dark romances... I really enjoy dark romances.
Hellatrix (Harry x Bellatrix) I like this pairing when Bellatrix is at the very least dark, if not like evil. I understand the whole redemption fics, but sometimes we just need a pairing that will become the fire. Together.

~Mass Effect~ (I Don't know any of the pairing names, I apologize in advance)

FemShep x Tali I think it's cute, sue me, sue me, go on and sue me, I looove Femshep x Tali
FemShep x Miranda I think Miranda needs someone to hold on dark, lonely nights, and who better than FemShep?
FemShep x Shiala If you know it, you get it, if you don't you should try anyways.
FemShep x Samara Reasons
FemShep x Morinth Ditto

~Mass Effect Andromeda~

Sara Ryder x Cora Because I couldn't do it in the game, and I think that it would be really, really lovable.
Sara Ryder x PeeBee Let's be honest, who wouldn't love this energetic asari?
Sara Ryder x Vetra Yeah, I love this one for reasons... reasons...

~Star Wars~

Look, I kind of lied earlier, not too into the Star Wars fandom without the HP crossover aspects...

~Harry Potter/Star Wars~ (Pretend like the previous 2 lines don't exist)

Harry x Ahsoka Look, they have quite a bit in common, but enough differences to keep things spicy.
Harry x Padme I don't really know why, but I like it
FemHarry x FemAnakin I've never seen this before, but one day I'll write one of these, and it will be beautiful.

~Harry Potter/Mass Effect~ (Saved the best for last)

Harry x Literally any female character

This is literally the best crossover I can imagine, I mean seriously, if you write it as a romance tagged HP/ME crossover, I'll probably read it as long as the pairing isn't with any of the guys, hell I would love to read fem!Harry with any of the female romance characters as well, like what I'm writing right now!

Anyways, I guess now I'm onto my current stories and all that jazz...

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

What's a Monster to Do? reviews
Penelope Potter was a monster. Well, technically she was only half of one, but an empousa she met named Kelli reassured her that she was a descendant of Hecate, making them cousins of some sort. Penny wasn't sure how to feel about that, as Kelli later tried to get her to eat some mortals... which wasn't really her thing. Fem!Monster!Harry Fluffy!HarryxBianca GoFCliche! Please R&R
Crossover - Harry Potter & Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 5 - Words: 24,778 - Reviews: 27 - Favs: 252 - Follows: 320 - Updated: 3/14 - Published: 3/11 - [Harry P., Bianca A.] Nico A., Thalia G.
A Strange Future - An Empty Past reviews
Harriet Potter needed a fresh start; her friends were all dead, she had spent a lot of the past decades (centuries?) inside, learning what she could about magic, and when she tried to portkey to Gringotts she was trapped in some sort of metal coffin. Maybe now would be a good time to take a nap... Fem!HarryxSaraxPeebee
Crossover - Harry Potter & Mass Effect - Rated: T - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 2 - Words: 6,121 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 102 - Follows: 201 - Published: 11/13/2019 - Harry P., Sara Ryder, Peebee S.