Author has written 2 stories for Harry Potter, Mass Effect, and Percy Jackson and the Olympians. 11/11/19 So... I'm going to be honest, never thought I would end up writing one of these. I've been a rather avid reader of fanfiction for the past two years, for the most part in the Harry Potter fandom, but I dabble occasionally in the fandoms of Mass Effect and Star Wars, and as such I will only ever write fanfictions for these fandoms. If you feel really passionate about a crossover with something else, I can promise to look into it, but I'm sorry to say that I probably won't engage in writing one, that being said I love crossovers between Harry Potter and either of my now anointed sub-fandoms, which is kind of the reason I am going to probably write a lot of them. That being said, I do love suggestions for stories, and will gladly consider any suggestions that you all put forth, just please understand a few things first: 1. I don't feel comfortable writing slash-fics, fem-slash and hetero fics I am completely fine with, but please don't insist on male/male fanfiction, as I really don't 2. I dislike tragic endings, I will never write them. Period. I understand some people like the genre, but people, seriously the tears don't stop. I read this really tragic Harry/Bellatrix fanfiction, and I cried for a while after reading it, then I cried some more, and then in the middle of one of my lectures I started crying 3. I definitely have favorites, I will probably always write romance, I will always try to include copious amounts of fluff, and I have some favorite pairings that I will include below. 4. This is very important, I will always finish my fanfictions, it might take weeks, it might take years, but I Solemnly Swear, to never leave a fanfiction dead. That being said, if I don't update for one for 2 years, then well... I guess the fanfiction is adoptable, if I don't update something for 2 years, then I implore someone to finish it for me, as there is nothing worse then reading a good piece of writing (not that I think any of my writing is that good) then having it end, with the last update in like 2012. 5. I will only ever write 3 fics at the same time, this is because of a couple of reasons, 1 I want to do a good job, and spreading myself too thin is not a good way of doing that, 2 I am a broke college student, I have like no time, no money and no life, 3 I like other things, I enjoy playing RPG's, reading both fan-based literature and *gasp* actual literature and cats, I love cats, like so, so much. I want to spend time doing these other things. 6. My updates may be sporadic, I will try for at least 1 3,000 word chapter every month for every fic, that isn't a lot I know, and I will most likely write a lot more than that, but this is so that I constantly have a 'quota' to meet for you guys, if I don't have something that long I am sorry, but I will probably save it for when it is long enough to engage you for more than 5 minutes. So now we move on to the fun part, my favorite pairings: ~Harry Potter~ Haruna (Harry/Luna) If I need to explain this to you then I will cry, I'm serious. These two would be and are so cute together, I love them both, and I think that they could make each other whole. ~Mass Effect~ (I Don't know any of the pairing names, I apologize in advance) FemShep x Tali I think it's cute, sue me, sue me, go on and sue me, I looove Femshep x Tali ~Mass Effect Andromeda~ Sara Ryder x Cora Because I couldn't do it in the game, and I think that it would be really, really lovable. ~Star Wars~ Look, I kind of lied earlier, not too into the Star Wars fandom without the HP crossover aspects... ~Harry Potter/Star Wars~ (Pretend like the previous 2 lines don't exist) Harry x Ahsoka Look, they have quite a bit in common, but enough differences to keep things spicy. ~Harry Potter/Mass Effect~ (Saved the best for last) Harry x Literally any female character This is literally the best crossover I can imagine, I mean seriously, if you write it as a romance tagged HP/ME crossover, I'll probably read it as long as the pairing isn't with any of the guys, hell I would love to read fem!Harry with any of the female romance characters as well, like what I'm writing right now! Anyways, I guess now I'm onto my current stories and all that jazz... |