Author's Note
So, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter... if you didn't then I would love to hear about what you found wrong, or missing. If it's just a matter of taste, then there is really not much I can do about it, but if you want to review or message me about it then I will try to account for your preferences.
I love reading reviews, whether good, bad, stressful or annoying because all reviews inspire me somewhat, knowing that I inspired some level of emotion, from delight to revulsion is... encouraging.
So please review it! For right now I'm going to be posting one chapter a day, for the next 4-5 days, I try to edit my work, but if you find larger grammatical or spelling errors then please message me so that I can correct them in a later update.
This will be a longer fanfiction (Eventually) right now I have around 30k words typed, and I'm somewhere around a third of the way through the story, and yes, by that point there is some 'progress' in the pairing. I love reading slow burns, not so much writing them.
The length of these first two chapters are a little... lacking. Sorry about that, I was getting back into speed, and ended up cutting lots of writing, especially on this one. When I read through it the first time Harriet was a little... too understanding of her situation, and no one wants to read about understanding characters right? And because it was kind of dry, I mean like you wake up in a new galaxy, don't know anyone there, and then become a cute, reasonable character in this new world you're exposed to?
Well, I guess it's more of a 'We'll see.' (No one wants to read angst in a fic tagged Romance and Adventure am I right?)
With that all done, please enjoy (or at least read) the next chapter!
"I'm speaking to you"
'I'm thinking to myself'
Harriet was not amused.
This happened a lot around the goblins, the bastards were always trying new ways to get at her after she became the first witch to successfully steal from Gringotts, causing a host of subsequent attempts at the hands of other, less noble parties. While none of them succeeded (save the one which started them all off,) the goblins were always a little sore that they had tried at all, and who better to blame than the one who started it?
So Harriet became used to things like long waits, lost paperwork and many other consequences of pissing off the only wizarding bank.
She had tried at one point to transfer her galleons to pounds and avoid Gringotts altogether, but she had underestimated the strength of the goblin's absolute chokehold on wizarding Britain's economy.
It made her wonder who really won during those goblin rebellions.
But this was just ridiculous.
Absolutely Ridiculous.
'I mean, who does this, who?' Harriet thought as she knocked on the opaque glass before her, other actions rather limited because of the cramped interior the box provided.
She had been sitting in this… coffin(?) for a little while now, no one responded when she called out or scratched dramatically at the box's top screaming that she was alive, (this reminded her of a nightmare she had when she was younger) and after she calmed down from her initial fears, she realized that this was probably exactly what those filthy goblins wanted and if there was one thing she could do, it was piss a goblin off.
So she laid there, calm and collected refusing any level of response, like blowing the lid off, which could be seen as an act of war.
As she laid there she started thinking, and as she was thinking she realized that while she meant to go to Gringotts, her portkey was set for the Leaky Cauldron. Which meant this coffin thing might not be because of the stupid, ugly goblins.
Which made her feel a little bad for insulting the aforementioned goblins, even if it was mostly in her head.
After this realization, Harriet realized that as a result of her tragically rising tolerance towards caffeine, and the fact that she hadn't slept in what felt like (and was) a couple of days she was feeling rather tired.
Harriet knew, deep down that she could stave off this rising need to sleep with pure willpower if she so desired, but for now she would let the sleep think that it won...
'Wait what?' She thought tiredly as a cool breeze, reminding her of the brisk winters at Hogwarts flowed all around her, filling her with a rising sense of lethargy.
Harriet's last conscious act was to conjure a pillow, putting a little extra power into it to ensure it would stick around. 'After all last time I conjured bedding it disappeared, can't have that happen again,' she thought placidly as the chilling wind seemed to pick up a little sending her off into a peaceful if cold, nap.
Harriet woke up with adrenaline coursing through her veins. There was just this loud crash, lots of yelling and a moment of zero gravity all happening in the space of seconds before her box slammed against… something, and now a guy was yelling about damaged pods, and everything was blurred, and… is that frost on me?
Harriet froze at the sight of frost gathering on the opaque glass in front of her, gathering at her breath's contact with it.
Harriet then realized that she was feeling very very cold.
So Harriet did the smart thing.
She cast a warming charm on herself, and her impromptu bedding, and the pod itself, because 'why the heck not?'
Then things started to go weird… well weirder.
The box she was in, started sparking at her, and the guys voice outside the pod started to get even more frantic, there were shouts and argument before suddenly there was a loud *bang* on the box's door, and then another one, and a third, and a fourth before Harriet realized that nothing was changing, aside from the increasing ringing in her skull. So she decided to cast a small blasting charm to help out, only to be slightly too late as the individual had finally 'released' the top of the box, and was reaching their arm towards her.
Well, the charm had to go somewhere right?
And so Harriet's first action towards this seemingly helpful stranger was to hit her with a small (but still potent) "Bombarda."
Harriet was mortified.
Driven by her guilt, Harriet leapt out of her pod, (noticing many others like it in her peripheral,) and onto the stranger, straddling her and frantically apologizing as she cast a few charms to repair the (thankfully) little damage she caused, before looking into the stranger's (beautiful blue) eyes and freezing at their rather excessive proximity.
Harriet then colored slightly, and as she took in the rest of the stranger, (Her lush brown hair, rosy cheeks, well-defined body) that color deepened in its shade. The fact that there were numerous witnesses to her actions only exacerbating the now prominent blush that stole across her face, as she tried to gather herself.
"Well then," the stranger said teasingly, "Is this how you greet everyone or just a lucky few?"
Sara was a little bit agitated.
There wasn't any special reason for this, aside from the fact that her first moments after waking up were filled with events like:
Waking up from a 600-year sleep.
A sudden series of crashes
An equally sudden lack of gravity
Learning that her brother was going to be "sleeping in" for a while
And now there was a sudden shout from one of the technicians in the cryo bay
"Hey! I need some help over here!"
Sara, being the paragon of humanity that she was, decided to help out and ran over to the very end of the cryo bay passing a still-groggy Greer, where she found the technician that was shouting standing overtop a sparking cryo pod.
"What's the problem?" She asked a lot calmer than she felt, still defrosting from her time in a pod herself.
"This pod was damaged in the fall, and now I can't get it open if we can't open it up the person inside could freeze to death!" The technician cried dramatically, frantically typing into his omnitool, to little effect.
It was at this moment that the pod suddenly released a shower of sparks, bathing the surrounding area in light, before stopping completely, the lights which were on its sides turning off as the pod lost all power and shut down.
The technician, who was in a panic before yelled in surprise, drawing some of the others from the med-bay through his actions.
"I'm going to take the top off," Sara yelled, channeling her biotics into her fist as she slammed it against the top of the pod, once, twice and a third time before stopping, and opening her hand, grabbing onto the top and trying to tear the pod open.
Sara felt the pod give as she sighed in relief, opening the pod quickly, and reaching a hand in to help the person who was trapped in the pod get out.
She was then struck by… something. It felt a lot like an underpowered biotic throw, but there wasn't the light show that normally accompanied biotic use, just a push, oh, and a crack as she felt something break under its force.
Sara experienced a moment of weightlessness, before falling back to the ground, she was still in this slightly confused state when she felt a weight land on top of her, and an accented voice coursing through her head.
"I'm so so sorry! Please forgive me!" The voice rushed as Sara came out of her disoriented state.
Sara propped herself up slightly, before finding herself lost in the vibrant green eyes of the stranger sitting on top of her. Her cheeks reddened as the stranger on top of her started to… well... 'Is she checking me out?' Sara thought her blush deepening slightly as she said the first words that came into her head.
"Well then, is this how you greet everyone or just a lucky few?"
Upon hearing her words the black-haired girl froze slightly, before quickly standing up and offering a hand to help Sara, giving Sara a good look at her temporary captor. The gir-woman stood rather short at about 5' 4", and had long short, shoulder-length black hair that seemed to tangle into itself, she had a strange mix of soft features and hardened, lean muscle that mixed together surprisingly well, but the features that stood out the most was her gleaming green eyes and the faded scar on her forehead.
The eyes themselves weren't necessarily unique - there were many cheap operations one could take to change their color - but this stranger's green eyes almost shone with power, it was almost like when the Asari use their biotics, how their eyes fill with a shining power as they channel their abilities.
Her observations were abruptly concluded when she heard a rowdy voice, "Hey Ryder, at least give the rest of us a chance alright? Can't compete if the women are throwing themselves at you now can we?" He finished loudly, reigniting the blush on the smaller of the two, and earning himself a glare from the larger.
"Settle down." Cora barked as she saw Ryder open her mouth to retort, "We have a situation remember?"
"What situation?" The smallest of the four asked, "And where are we?" She continued, casting her green-eyed gaze about and noticing the lines of pods surrounding them.
"Well, we made it kid, welcome to Andromeda." Cora said simply, giving her a once-over as she grabbed Sara, pulling her away and leading her to the med-bay again calling out, "Ryder needs another check-up to make sure nothing's broken, and we've got a civvie who was just caught in a damaged pod, Liam make sure she doesn't collapse or anything, don't need another person in a coma."
Without any prompting, the 'civvie' started to follow Cora out, and Liam walked alongside her, "So what did you come to Andromeda for?" He asked, trying to fill the slightly awkward silence.
"The Quiet Game huh, an oldie but a goodie I guess." He said shrugging as he led the lean - if short - woman to the med-bay.
"Just trying to wrap my head around all of this." The accented voice spoke, irritation filling her tone as she processed his question. "Where exactly is Andromeda?" She asked shortly, still overcoming the effects of cryogenics.
"Over two-and-a-half million light-years from the good ol' Milky Way," Liam responded shrugging, before turning and noticing that his escortee had stopped moving, "Everything alright there ?" He asked concernedly.
"Oh, so you meant the galaxy." The lean green-eyed teen woman said with a suddenly acidic tone her gaze sharpening as she met his eyes, "Like the Andromeda Galaxy, right?" She said bitterly, a 'slight' amount of anger filling her tone.
Liam was never what one could consider a genius, but his years in crisis response made him understand when people were about to go into shock and made him extremely aware that when someone with biotic potential did so, you needed to get ready for… well just about anything.
So when this woman quickly reined herself in, Liam was rather glad he wasn't thrown through a wall. Again. He wasn't about to test his luck though and started to make his escape, hopefully delegating the task of defusing a biotic to the good doctors, like the one who was walking towards them now.
"Hello there, I'm Doctor Lexi T'Perro, have you noticed any headaches, numbness or pain of any kind?" The Asari asked kindly, concern filling her voice as she saw some indications of panic in her new patient. "Are you feeling okay? Do you need some water?"
Liam had turned to leave, and finish his checkup when he felt the sudden building of biotics behind him again. He braced himself and quickened his pace when a strange sensation overcame him, blurring the world around him. When he could finally focus again he felt… shorter.
AN (Again, sorry)
Two quick things, the pod's sparking reactions, wasn't to magic itself (will be explained later) it was more of how I imagine the thermodynamics would work. The other thing is that I have recognized that Harriet might behave a little OOC at times, there are reasons for that that will be explained later.
Also, I was going to have Liam crash through a wall, (Hence the heavy foreshadowing,) when I realized that such an action could be seen as biotics, so now he's a dog.
Final thing, (I know, I can't count) I am not an expert in Mass Effect: Andromeda lore and other stuff, if you find something somewhat off, (Like the physics of the cryo-pods) then please tell me somehow so that I can adjust them to be more within the bounds of 'reality' please recognize that at times this story will divert from canon, but for the most part I try to be as accurate as I can be.
At any rate, I hope you enjoyed reading this, please leave a review of how you feel! Even if it's negative. Please understand that I will probably ignore troll ones or ones that read like my third-grade handwriting. (Illegible.)