Author has written 4 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh GX. I LIKE POKEMON NAO. TALK TO ME. SUPPORT ELITEUNDERSHIPPING. ELITEUNDERSHIPPING I SEH! HI. They call me The Twinkle Alchemist, but I'm not with the state so I've no awesomely cool alchemic powers. I want Paul to be ma bitch~ They really are vicious bitches - Sho sabotages Edo and Manjy's relationship by leading Edo to believe Manjy was cheating on him with Aster only so he could keep Edo for himself. Yubel is fed up of how little attention Jaden pays her so seeks to kidnap all of his friends with the help of the homunculi. The Power of Pancake Buffalo -In order to get rid of Pancake buffalo for once and for all, Jesse and Jaden kidnap Rex and lock him in a water tank while Aster and Chazz do away with Pancake, only for Rex to escape and want revenge. Chazz is cornered by Zoey and they later find Rex in their room complete with a set trap. They go before the judge Blair to see who's innocent without realising Vampire Knight has penetrated their forces. Not so Silent Night - With few days til Christmas all parties get into the holiday cheer, all except for the Duel Academy Students, that is. While the Dinosaur King kids try their best to spread Christmas love by putting on a play, the DAs seem intent with ruining it. All except for Aster and Jesse who are both Christian and decide to decorate their room resulting in being kicked out and forced to room together. 17. Away in a Youth Hostel - Zoey's pissed with the lack of holiday cheer of the Duel Academy so she sees it that everyone at Sarafini records helps with the decorations. All of the females are amazed by the decor of Aster and Jesse's new room while the guys are simply pissed. Later Jaden and Chazz sneak out to the rooftop with them, best avoiding Alexis. 18. Presented by FullMetal - Edward Elric's internet talk show is becoming popular quickly, so so he and the others decide to mock the Dual Academy for all they'd done to them. 19. Never Say Die To celebrate New Years, the Judai decideds to kidnap Jaden only to end up going before the court and find out everyone is invloved in one big love pentagalonagon. 20 Garlic Champions Digimon is fed up with the little attention thrust in their direction and so orders a court case. 21. With the Discovery of Pokemon Special online, Pokemon Shipping and Pokemon season ten it seems Pokemon has practically taken over. The Duel Academy guys are pissed especially with the Moo Moo Cafe and increase in male fanservice. Also, Jimmy takes over court. 22. So long So Soon? It's only been 14 years Just as 2009 kicks in, so does the news of a cancelled doujinshi. It's noone to blame but it seems manga may get a better look in. Alternative names: The awesome chapter One The pwnsome chapter two The powerhungry chapter three the not-so-good chapter four the hilarious chapter five, etc... |
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