Author has written 10 stories for Inuyasha, Walking Dead, Labyrinth, and Riverdale. Hello everyone! Before you continue reading: I am a human. And a very busy one at that. I don't always have time to stop and work on my fanfic so if I haven't uploaded in a few days/weeks/months, don't think I have abandoned my fanfic because I haven't I promise lol Sometimes it's writer's block, and other times I'm slammed with work and other stuff. I will never stop working on my fanfics until the last one is written. (But I may delete ones I can't do anything with!) I'm a single mommy of two beautiful boys. I stay at home so I have a little time to write now, but it's not as consistent as it used to be. But now that I have a way to upload I am back in the writing business! Thank you to all my readers and all those who review and favorite/subscribe. You guys are very supportive and I love you all! You are all awesome! Once again thank you! Love always, HellKaisersAngel Also, if anyone is interested, I have started the process of writing my own original stories and looking into having them published soon. Wish me luck! |
akiraflame-tumblr (25) BLuerabbit Runa (2) Delriech (1) Dixongurl (6) FireGraceHunter (0) | ifollowthenight (2) PolkaDotSocks93 (10) PorcelainLullaby (0) SquishyCool (43) | Tempest78 (69) ValkyraAnn (2) Yaoi-Freak1990 (9) |