Poll: Whose was the most heartbreaking death throughout the Harry Potter Series? Vote Now!
Author has written 15 stories for Harry Potter, and Twilight. Oderint, dum metuant. -- Let them hate, so long as they fear. Welcome to the humble abode of my brain children. Children, say hello. MADNESS TAKES IT'S TOLL - please have correct change. ...Anything but hear the voice, It was anything but here the voice that says that we're all basically alone... "Greetings starshine, the world says hello!" "Ah-Hem Now that You've finished being sufficently random (or at least for the next 3.14527 seconds) maybe I can get on with the show?" "Well, If you must..." "Yes, I feel I must. Now, for those who have not been distracted by my brain's vague rambling or something shiny/tasty, please follow me. Those who don't wish to follow instructions and therefore 'rebel' against the system then please don't break anything and if I find cookie crumbs anywhere...SO HELP YOU." Hi, My name's Shannon Elouise Magnano. Good name, huh? Irish, French and Italian all in a name. I know what you're thinking, messed up. Got me in two words. Give yourself a handshake. I dare you. Well, I live in Ireland with my mum, step-father, my very unique but fantastic FTM brother, my baby brother and a hamster called Delilah. Oh, there's also the poltergeist and the aura, but hey, that's what you get when you move into a bed and breakfast which was built in 1883. Erm...so yeah, we're just a normal family, you know? Then there's my dad, step-mother an step-sister who live in Scotland. I travel. A LOT. Being still underage my parents are still at that, "You can have her every second weekend,the first and last two weeks of summer holidays and halloween easter, if I get christmas' stage. A.K.A - the one that makes the child quite happily prepared to slit their wrists. You know? Oh well Life goes on, the world still spins..or does it? Ha I am asking the important questions now! You are probably going...she is weird. But you know what? My mummy says I'm special in my own way. So nuh! It's late. I'm tired. I shall talk to myself some more tomorrow I think... But before it got dark I posted some stories and if you want to read them. Be gentle with them, they are my brain children. Play Nicely, love you all xx (who ever you might be...) "Say night night to the lovely people, brainy," "Night night to the lovely people brainy," "Oh God." Weird is good, strange is bad, and odd is when you don't know which to call someone. Weird is the same as different, which is the same as unique, so weird is good. If you are weird and proud of it, copy this onto your profile! Admitting you are weird means you are normal. Saying that you are normal is odd. If you admit that you are weird and like it, copy this onto your profile. Guys, what happened to my flame? I had one, ever so lovely flame (it really was genius) from SmokingCity someone or other and now it's gone! Does anyone know where? I really thought it bloody hilarious and I want it back!!! |
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