Seer of Terana
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Joined 04-07-07, id: 1254770, Profile Updated: 02-09-09
Author has written 6 stories for Resident Evil, Fruits Basket, Basilisk, Ouran High School Host Club, and Twilight.

First Name: Ichigo Last Name: Nakayama

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Nationaltiy: Father is a first generation immigrant to America, he's of pure Japanese blood and proud of it. Mom is an Americanized British woman, third generation immigrant. So I'm 1/2 Japanese and 1/2 British.

Religion: I was raised as a Catholic, but without my parents knowlege, I've been a practicing Wiccan since my first year of high school. I sometimes try to incorperate some of my Wiccan belifs into my stories. I'm what's called an Eclectic Wiccan, which means I do not believe that any doctrine or traditional initiation is necessary in order to practice Wicca. I also use angels of the Judeo-Christian religion in my work.

Birthday: "August 1st" is all I feel like giving you. If you can't use basic math to figure out the year... LEAVE NOW!

Languages Known: My native tongue will always be English. However, Dad has been teaching me Japanese since I was five, so I'm good at that too. I'm not that skilled with Kanji or Katakana or Hiragana, but I excel at the romanized language. Um... and I've been taking Italian since 9th grade. It's not that developed, but I can carry on a conversation. Recently, I've been traveling to Louisiana a lot, especially to Lafayette. Because of that, I've picked up Cajun French fairly quickly, but I'd never call my self a 'master of the language.'

Favorite Anime/Manga: Ouran High School Host Club, Fruits Basket, Bleach, Inuyasha, Fushigi Yuugi, and Fushigi Yuugi: Genbu Kaiden.

Favorite Books: Twilight, Greek Mythology, The Wilding, Lord of the Flies, and Edgar Allan Poe.

Favortie Games: Resident Evil (all), Half Life 2, Halo: Combat Evolved, The Legend of Zelda (all), Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly, Dead or Alive 2, and KOTOR 1.

Favorite Movies: Enough, Ringu, Dawn of the Dead, and Shaun of the Dead.

Favorite Pairings:

Ouran High School Host Club:

Kaoru/Haruhi, I've always preferred Kaoru over Hikaru when it comes to being paired with Haruhi. Kaoru is sweet, gentle, caring, and a whole lot less annoying!

Mori/Haruhi, In the first place, I would much rather pair myself with Mori, but since that can't happen... I always wanted Bisco Hatori-sama to elaborate on Mori's relationship with Haruhi, but now I do that myself!

Hikaru/Haruhi, Even if I prefer Kaoru, I still really like pairing Hikaru with Haruhi. Just not when he's being a jerk!

Tamaki/Haruhi, Of course. This is no where near my favorite, but I still think it's sweet. Plus Tamaki cracks me up.

Kasanoda/Haruhi, Awwww, Casanova-kun is so sweet! If only Haruhi wasn't so oblivious!

Tamaki/Eclair, I kind of pity Eclair, and there's no way I'd let Tamaki have Haruhi before Kaoru, so there you go!

Fruits Basket

Kyou/Tohru, The best pairing since peanut butter and jelly. I fell in love with it from the start, and exploded when Natsuki Takaya-sama made it official. -

Yuki/Machi, like those creepy Dairy Queen commercials with the people in dessert costumes: They were made for each other. I just think it's soooo sweeet how much Yuki understands her psychological problems and can help her.

Shigure/Akito, ONLY IN MANGA! While I think Shigure would make an awesome seme, I like him paired with Female Akito. Go on Shi-chan, bring some love into her life. -cries- She's... so... tragic...

Kureno/Arisa, Awwww, love it so much.

Hatori/Kana, T-T I feel sooo bad for them. True love cut down so prematurely. They deserve another chance...

Hatori/Mayuko, ...but sometimes you just can't get a do-over, but Mayu is there to help heal Hatori's heart - and he can help keep Shigure off of her.


Ichigo/Rukia, Grrrr, quit arguing and just make-out already! Everyone knows you want to!

Renji/Rukia, Urrgh, he is soooo annnoooyying! But it's just so sweet... Okay Renji, I admit it, you and Rukia is a good pairing. But this is for her sake, not yours!

Ichigo/Orihime, Ohhhh, that tearful love confession, and he can't even hear or see her! T-T... Tragedy... and she's too adorable not to get paired with him...

Kisuke/Yoruichi, the sneaky pervert and Catwoman, why wouldn't they get paired together. Go Lycanthropy!

Yoruichi/Soi Fon, okay... I really don't love this pairing, but sometimes it's sweet. I actually like it better when Soi Fon tries to confess her feeling only to get shot down by a seeminly oblivious Yoruichi. (Which reminds me an aweful lot of Haruhi/Every-Man-Ever-Born.)

Uryuu/Yoshino, The only person I like pairing Ishida with is the beautiful anime-exclusive Bount character. I'm a sucker for a doomed relationship, and boy are they doomed.

Nova/Rangiku, At the end of the episode where Chad, Nova and Rangiku fight off Sawatari, I laughed soooo much at the omake that I instantly liked this pairing. -


(Will continue this later, for now I have to run.)


I am the boy who never finished high school, because I got called a fag everyday.
I am the girl kicked out of her home, because I confided in my mother I'm a lesbian.
I am the prostitute working the streets, because no one will hire a transsexual woman.
I am the sister who holds her gay brother tight through the painful, tear-filled nights.
We are the parents who buried our daughter long before her time.
I am the man who died alone in the hospital because they would not let my partner of 27 years into the room.
I am the foster child who wakes up with nightmares of being taken away from the two fathers who are the only loving family I have ever had.
I wish they could adopt me.
I am not one of the lucky ones.
I killed myself weeks before graduating high school.
It was just too much to bear.
We are the couple who had the realtor hang up on us because she found out we wanted to rent a one-bedroom for two men.
I am the person who never knows which bathroom I should use if I want to avoid getting the management called on me.
I am the mother who is not even allowed to even visit the children I bore, nursed, and raised.
The court says I am unfit mother because I now live with another woman.
I am the domestic-violence survivor who found the support system grow suddenly cold and distant when they found out my abusive partner is also a woman.
I am the domestic-violence survivor who has no support system to turn to because I am male.
I am the father who has never hugged his son because I grew up afraid to show affection to other men.
I am the home-economics teacher who always wanted to trach gym until somebody told me only lesbians do that.
I am the woman who died when the EMTs stopped treating me as soon as they realized I was transsexual.
I am the person who feels guilty because I think I could be a much better person if I didn't always have to deal with society hating me.
I am the man who stopped attending church, not because I don't believe, but because they closed their doors to my kind.
I am the person who has to hide what this world needs most: love.
I am the person ashamed to tell my own friends I'm a lesbian, because they constantly make fun of them.
I am the boy tied to the fence, beaten to a bloody pulp and left to die because two straight men wanted to "teach me a lesson".


For people that hate stereotypes: If you think people should just shut up and stop, put this on your profile. (BOLD the ones you are.)
I'm SKINNY, so I MUST be anorexic.
I'm EMO, so I MUST cut my wrists.
I'm a NEGRO so I MUST carry a gun.
I'm BLONDE, so I MUST be a ditz
I'm JAMAICAN so I MUST smoke weed.
I'm HAITIAN so I MUST eat cat.
I'm ASIAN, so I MUST be sexy.
I'm JEWISH, so I MUST be greedy.
I'm GAY, so I MUST have AIDS.
I'm a LESBIAN, so I MUST have a sex-tape.
I'm ARAB, so I MUST be a terrorist.
I SPEAK MY MIND, so I MUST be a bitch.
I'm a GAY RIGHTS SUPPORTER, so I WILL go to hell.
I'm a CHRISTAN, so I MUST think gay people should go to hell.
I'm RELIGIOUS, so I MUST shove my beliefs down your throat.
I'm ATHEIST so I MUST hate the world.
I don't have a RELIGION, so I MUST be evil and have no morals
I'm REPUBLICAN, so I MUST not care about poor people.
I'm DEMOCRAT, so I MUST not believe in being responsible.
I am LIBERAL, so I MUST be gay.
I'm SOUTHERN, so I MUST be white trash.
I TAKE (or used to take) ANTI-DEPRESSANTS, so I MUST be crazy.
I'm a GUY, so I MUST only want to get into your pants.
I'm IRISH, so I MUST have a bad drinking problem.
I'm INDIAN, so I MUST own a convenient store.
I'm NATIVE AMERICAN, so I MUST dance around a fire screaming like a savage.
I'm a CHEERLEADER, so I MUST be a whore...
I'm a DANCER, So I must be stupid, stuck up, and a whore
I wear SKIRTS a lot, so I MUST be a slut.
I'm a PUNK, so I MUST do drugs.
I'm RICH, so I MUST be a conceited snob.
I WEAR BLACK, so I MUST be a goth or emo
I'm a WHITE GIRL, so I MUST be a nagging, steal-your-money kind of girlfriend
I'm CUBAN, so I MUST spend my spare time rolling cigars.
I'm NOT A VIRGIN, so I MUST be easy.
I FELL IN LOVE WITH A MARRIED MAN, so I MUST be a home-wrecking whore.
I'm a TEENAGE MOM, so I MUST be an irresponsible slut.
I'm POLISH, so I MUST wear my socks with my sandals
I'm ITALIAN, so I must have a "big one".
I'm EGYPTIAN, so I must be a TERRORIST!
I'm PRETTY, so I MUST not be a virgin.
I HAVE STRAIGHT A'S, so I MUST have no social life.
I DYE MY HAIR CRAZY COLORS, so I MUST be looking for attention.
I DRESS IN UNUSUAL WAYS so I MUST be looking for attention.
I'm INTO THEATER & ART, so I MUST be a homosexual.
I'm a VEGETARIAN, so I MUST be a crazy political activist.
I HAVE A BUNCH OF GUY FRIENDS, so I MUST be fucking them all.
I have Big BOOBS, so I MUST be a hoe.
I'm COLOMBIAN, so I MUST be a drug dealer.
I WEAR WHAT I WANT, so I MUST be a poser.
I'm RUSSIAN, so I MUST be cool and thats how Russians roll.
I'm GERMAN, so I must be a Nazi.
I hang out with GAYS, so i must be GAY TOO
I'm PUERTO RICAN, so I MUST look good and be conceited
I'm SALVADORIAN, so I MUST be in MS 13
I'm POLISH, so I MUST be greedy
I'm HAWAIIAN so I MUST be lazy
I'm PERUVIAN, so I MUST like llamas
Im a STONER so I MUST be going in the wrong direction
Im a VIRGIN so I MUST be prude
Im STRAIGHT EDGE so I must be violent.
I'm a FEMALE GAMER, so I MUST be ugly.. or crazy.
I'm BLACK so I MUST love fried chicken and kool-aid.
I'm a GIRL who actually EATS LUNCH, so I MUST be fat.
I'm SINGLE so I MUST be ugly.
I'm a SKATER so I must do weed and steal stuff
I'm a PUNK so I must only wear black and date only other punks
I'm ASIAN so I must be a NERD that does HOMEWORK 24/7
I'm CHRISTIAN so I MUST hate homosexuals.
I'm MIXED so I must be screwed up.
I'm MUSLIM so I MUST be a terrorist.
I'm in BAND, so I MUST be a dork.
I'm BLACK so I MUST believe JESUS WUZ A BROTHA (wtf)
I'm MORMON so I MUST be perfect
I'm WHITE and have black friends so I MUST think I'm black
I'm GOTH so I MUST worship the devil (So I’ve been told)
I'm HISPANIC, so I MUST be dirty.
I'm OVERWEIGHT, so I MUST have a problem with self control.
I'm PREPPY, so I MUST shun those who don't wear Abercrombie & Hollister.
I'm on a DANCE team, so I must be stupid, stuck up, and a whore.
I'm YOUNG, so I MUST be naive.
I'm RICH, so I MUST be a conceited snob
I'm MEXICAN, so I MUST have hopped the border.
I'm BLACK, so I MUST love watermelon
I'm BI, so I MUST think every person I see is hot.
I'm an ASIAN GUY, so I MUST have a small penis.
I'm a GUY CHEERLEADER, so I MUST be gay.
I'm a PREP, so I MUST be rich.
I don't like the SUN so I MUST be an albino.
I have a lot of FRIENDS, so I MUST love to drink and party.
I wear tight PANTS and I'm a guy, so I MUST be emo.
I couldn't hurt a FLY, So I MUST be a pussy.
I support GAY RIGHTS, so I MUST fit in with everyone
I hang out with teenage drinkers and smokers, so I MUST smoke and drink too.
I have ARTISTIC TALENT, so I MUST think little of those who don't.
I don't like to be in a BIG GROUP, so I MUST be anti-social.
I have a DIFFERENT sense of HUMOR, so I MUST be crazy.
I tell people OFF, so I MUST be an over controlling bitch.
My hair gets GREASY a lot, so I MUST have no hygiene skills.
I'm DEFENSIVE, so I MUST be over controlling and a bitch.

I'm a NUDIST, so I MUST want everyone to see my boobs.
I read Comics, so I MUST be a loser
I hang out with a FORMER PROSTITUTE.. So I MUST be a whore myself.
I'm TEXAN so I MUST ride a horse
I’m a GOTH, so I MUST be a Satanist
I’m a CROSSDRESSER, so I must be homosexual.
I draw ANIME so I MUST be a freak
I am a FANGIRL so I MUST be a crazy, obsessed stalker.
I WATCH PORN so I MUST be perverted.
I'm INTELLIGENT so I MUST be weak.
I am AMERICAN so I MUST be obese, loud-mouthed and arrogant.
I'm WELSH so I MUST love sheep
I’m a YOUNG WRITER, so I MUST be emo.
I’m CANADIAN, so I MUST talk with a funny accent.
I'm a GUY, so I MUST ditch my pregnant girlfriend.
I'm CANADIAN, so I MUST love hockey and beavers.
I'm DISABLED, so I MUST be on Welfare.
I'm a FEMINIST, so I MUST have a problem with sexuality and I want to castrate every man on the earth.
I WEAR A BIG SUNHAT when I go outside, so I MUST be stupid.
I like BLOOD, so I must be a VAMPIRE.
I'm an ALBINO, so I MUST be an evil person with mental abilities and is A MURDERER!
I'm ENGLISH, so I MUST speak with either a cockney or a posh accent, love tea and cricket, and have bad teeth.
I’m WHITE, so I MUST be responsible for everything going wrong on the planet: past, present, and future
I don't like YAOI or YURI, so I must be a HOMOPHOBE
I’m not the most POPULAR person in school, so I MUST be a loser
I care about the ENVIRONMENT...I MUST be a tree hugging hippy
I have a FAN CHARACTER, so I MUST be an annoying Mary-sue.
I CHAT, I MUST be having cyber sex.
I'm PAGAN so I MUST sacrifice babies and drink the blood of virgins
I'm PAGAN so I MUST worship Satan
I'm CONSERVATIVE, so I MUST be against Abortion
I'm SWEDISH so I MUST be a tall blond blue-eyed lesbian.
I'm a LESBIAN so I MUST want to get with every single girl that I see.
I like READING, so I MUST be a LONER.
I have my OWN spiritual ideology; therefore I MUST be WRONG or MISGUIDED.
I DISAGREE with my government, so I MUST be a TERRORIST.

I am a WITCH, so I MUST be and OLD HAG and fly on a broomstick.
Ilove YAOI, so I MUST be GAY.
I DON'T CURSE, so I MUST be an outcast
I like GAMES, ANIME and COMICS, so I MUST be childish

I'm SWEDISH, therefore I MUST be WHITE.
I SPOT GRAMMATICAL ERRORS, so I MUST be a pedantic bastard.
I'm GOTHIC, so I MUST be mean.
I’m STRONG so I MUST be stupid.
I'm Australian so I MUST hunt crocodiles and talk to kangaroo’s
I go to RENFAIRES, so I MUST talk weird, be a loser, and not be up with the times
I’m GAY so I’m after EVERY straight guy around.
I don’t want a BOYFRIEND so I MUST be Lesbian
I'm NOT CHRISTIAN so I MUST just need converting.
I like marching band, so I MUST be a friendless freak.
I DRINK and SMOKE, so I MUST have no life.
I an friends with a CUTTER, so I MUST be a CUTTER too.
I cry easily, so I MUST be a wimp.
I can't help pointing out mistakes so I MUST be an over-controlling perfectionist
I'm a PERFECTIONIST so I MUST check everything ten times, them burst into tears at one mistake
I DON"T LIKE to talk about my personal life so I MUST be having problems

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Neal's Bad Day by the little spanko reviews
Neal gets himself into some trouble. Written for ficwriterjet's 20 prompt challenge. My prompt was Orders. ***warning: spanking***
White Collar - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,596 - Reviews: 19 - Favs: 54 - Follows: 9 - Published: 5/12/2011 - Neal C., Peter B. - Complete
Someone Wake Me Up by MadderThanTheCheshire reviews
AU - It's been three years since Edward left Bella, and now she's moving on with her life as a singer in a band. What happens when the Cullen's show up at one of her concerts?
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 19 - Words: 47,183 - Reviews: 646 - Favs: 468 - Follows: 381 - Updated: 2/6/2011 - Published: 1/1/2009 - Bella, Edward - Complete
Kink by pathera reviews
There are certain things that Neal does that Peter absolutely cannot resist. One-shot, Peter/Neal slash, slightly smutty.
White Collar - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,179 - Reviews: 50 - Favs: 183 - Follows: 20 - Published: 2/2/2010 - Peter B., Neal C. - Complete
All's Fair in Love and War by Son Nuriko reviews
Rikku likes Tidus but Tidus likes Yuna. When the little Al Bhed accidentally concocts a love potion, everything goes haywire as another, more annoying Guardian falls for her instead of Tidus. Suck at summaries... R&R please! CHAPTER 1 EXTENDED!
Final Fantasy X - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 5 - Words: 4,407 - Reviews: 33 - Favs: 10 - Follows: 14 - Updated: 2/26/2008 - Published: 11/22/2007 - Rikku, Tidus
Late Night Revelations by TiggyToggy reviews
Haruhi stays late one night at Ouran to finish a project, and one of the Hosts has stayed late as well. Will anything come from some private interactions between Haruhi and Mori?
Ouran High School Host Club - Rated: K - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 10 - Words: 27,647 - Reviews: 371 - Favs: 943 - Follows: 350 - Updated: 1/30/2008 - Published: 2/19/2007 - Haruhi F., Mori/Takashi M. - Complete
The Other Way Around by Bjanik reviews
Cloud participates in one of the odder aspects of the SOLDIER program. Instead of a story with a lemon in it, more of a lemon with a story in it. YAOI SephxCloud
Final Fantasy VII - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 10 - Words: 66,427 - Reviews: 282 - Favs: 1,324 - Follows: 314 - Updated: 11/4/2007 - Published: 9/24/2007 - Cloud S., Sephiroth - Complete
Its A Kodak Moment by Bundibird reviews
During the car trip back from the lake, Ayame annoys all, Yuki loses his patience and Shigure wishes for a camera. ONESHOT! FLUFFY! KyoTohru
Fruits Basket - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 2 - Words: 1,309 - Reviews: 78 - Favs: 118 - Follows: 16 - Updated: 10/20/2007 - Published: 6/4/2007 - Kyo S., Tohru H. - Complete
Photograph by Kaouri18 reviews
Tsuzuki is an angel sent to ensure Hisoka's future, but what kind of future is he trying to ensure? Last Chapter up! Epilogue!
Yami no Matsuei - Rated: T - English - Drama - Chapters: 21 - Words: 35,217 - Reviews: 101 - Favs: 37 - Follows: 17 - Updated: 7/9/2007 - Published: 12/5/2006 - Complete
To the Victor Go the Spoils by The Grinning Pervert reviews
Kaoru doesn't love Haruhi. But that's a lie.
Ouran High School Host Club - Rated: T - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,442 - Reviews: 32 - Favs: 63 - Follows: 3 - Published: 6/21/2007 - Kaoru H., Haruhi F. - Complete
Disappointments by ekoy reviews
Love has many ups and downs. Disappointments come bundled up with love [HaruhixKaoru]
Ouran High School Host Club - Rated: K - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 11 - Words: 13,399 - Reviews: 71 - Favs: 46 - Follows: 29 - Updated: 6/19/2007 - Published: 12/28/2006 - Haruhi F., Kaoru H. - Complete
Mine To Hold by Julie5 reviews
A one shot vignette into the life of Tohru when she has a badream KyoXTohru Please R&R
Fruits Basket - Rated: K - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 696 - Reviews: 29 - Favs: 30 - Follows: 2 - Published: 5/29/2007 - Kyo S., Tohru H. - Complete
Miso Soup by Kyoru-KiTTy-ArTist reviews
Kyoru oneshot. Kyo is sick. So Tohru makes him feel better. Love love loveeee
Fruits Basket - Rated: K+ - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,183 - Reviews: 64 - Favs: 71 - Follows: 13 - Published: 5/18/2007 - Tohru H., Kyo S. - Complete
Scenarios by AnonymousFish reviews
Unbetad, Unreviewed, no correction, oneshots. Tikku.
Final Fantasy X - Rated: T - English - Drama - Chapters: 2 - Words: 2,988 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 11 - Follows: 10 - Published: 5/3/2007 - Rikku, Tidus
What I like about you by Kaouri18 reviews
A oneshot song fic. My first one! TsuXHis.
Yami no Matsuei - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,531 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 4 - Published: 1/6/2007 - Complete
Bedtime by tatterdemalion reviews
Haruhi gets a new bed! The Host Club members, however, are determined to share it. HaruhiXAll.
Ouran High School Host Club - Rated: K - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,374 - Reviews: 161 - Favs: 641 - Follows: 90 - Published: 1/3/2007 - Haruhi F. - Complete
Hisoka and the SAT by Kaouri18 reviews
What if Hisoka had to take the S.A.T. This is for evryone who has had to take the S.A.T. Lets see how Hisoka handles it... T for language
Yami no Matsuei - Rated: T - English - Humor/Parody - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,907 - Reviews: 15 - Favs: 6 - Follows: 2 - Published: 10/14/2006 - Complete
Confused by Kaouri18 reviews
A oneshot. HisXTsu You know the drill.
Yami no Matsuei - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,318 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 3 - Published: 9/16/2006 - Complete
How did things end up like this by Kaouri18 reviews
A cute oneshot from Hisoka's point of view. TsuXHis. My first story.
Yami no Matsuei - Rated: K+ - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,870 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 7 - Follows: 1 - Published: 8/26/2006 - Complete
For All We Know by Nanaki BH reviews
[TornxJak] Jak returns from Dead Town and Daxter's suspiciously missing but Torn won't let him leave his company without a fight. Rated for sexual content.
Jak and Daxter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,930 - Reviews: 29 - Favs: 58 - Follows: 6 - Published: 2/8/2006 - Jak M., Torn - Complete
Moonflow Memory by Z.A.G reviews
Oneshot Tikku Rikku thinks of the night between her and Tidus at the Moonflow. Surrounded by pyreflies, with the rain coming down at them, a moment is shared that they forever keep to themselves.
Final Fantasy X - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,546 - Reviews: 18 - Favs: 29 - Follows: 4 - Published: 4/27/2005 - Tidus, Rikku - Complete
Saviour, Conqueror, Hero, Villain by VMorticia reviews
HUGE SPOILER WARNINGS FOR KOTOR! Evil PC character! And it's finished, alternate ending and all. Read, review, and I'll be eternally grateful.
Star Wars - Rated: T - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 12 - Words: 197,344 - Reviews: 143 - Favs: 127 - Follows: 33 - Updated: 8/19/2004 - Published: 6/17/2004
KOTOR: Revan's Second Chance by VMorticia reviews
This story is now complete, though I am working on a prelude and epilogue to go with it. Contains spoilers! Lots of them! If you've not finished playing KOTOR, you don't wanna read this! ... I am Revan. I remember.
Star Wars - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 9 - Words: 142,812 - Reviews: 118 - Favs: 314 - Follows: 90 - Updated: 5/3/2004 - Published: 3/9/2004 - Complete
Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

A Capella Luctuoso reviews
Edward left Bella during New Moon and her way of coping with the loss causes her to be hated by everyone in Forks, including herself. All she wants is to be with Edward again, but would he even want to look at her after everything she’s done?
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 7 - Words: 27,649 - Reviews: 17 - Favs: 14 - Follows: 11 - Updated: 4/3/2009 - Published: 1/19/2009 - Bella, Edward - Complete
Secret Park reviews
Tohru discovers Kyou doing something unbelieveable. It's something she would have never expected from him. And it only solidifies her love for him. KyouTohru duh. oneshot R&R please
Fruits Basket - Rated: K - English - Romance - Chapters: 2 - Words: 3,018 - Reviews: 24 - Favs: 12 - Follows: 7 - Updated: 7/30/2007 - Published: 6/9/2007 - Kyo S., Tohru H.
The Kissing Contest reviews
The Club needs to figure out who the best kisser is. Who better to decide that Haruhi? But during the contest, Haruhi fantasizes about the men she's kissing. The main pairing is HaruhiHostClub, but It's a little Tamaki biased at the end.
Ouran High School Host Club - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 2 - Words: 2,933 - Reviews: 58 - Favs: 71 - Follows: 7 - Published: 6/29/2007 - Haruhi F., Tamaki S. - Complete
May Fly reviews
A week before the ninja demonsration at Sunpu, Kagerou reflects on her life as she fufills her purpose to the Manjidani. First Basilisk fic, Rating should probably be T, but I'm just being safe. If you like Kagerou, please read this. R&R please!
Basilisk - Rated: M - English - Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,437 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 9 - Follows: 3 - Published: 6/14/2007 - Complete
Forest of Confessions reviews
After a humiliating defeat by Yuki, Kyou runs off into the forest. Concerned, Tohru goes after him. KyouTohru obviously. Not really as romantic as I wanted it, but I like it. It's actually a oneshot. Sorry for the bad title. Please R&R!
Fruits Basket - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 3 - Words: 2,534 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 6 - Follows: 1 - Published: 6/5/2007 - Kyo S., Tohru H. - Complete
Officially Dead reviews
RebeccaBilly After Rebecca files the false report on Billy Coen, she relects on her feelings for him. Please R&R
Resident Evil - Rated: K+ - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 443 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 10 - Follows: 1 - Published: 5/6/2007 - Complete
Kaouri18 (13)
Nanaki BH (159)