Author has written 6 stories for Persuasion, Pride and Prejudice, In Plain Sight, and Life With Derek. It has been brought to my attention that having a blank profile is lame. Oops. There's not much to say though. I lurk in a lot of different fandoms but usually only write Jane Austen fanfic. Most of my Austen fics have been posted in other Austen forums, so if they seem familiar, that's why. I'm trying to branch out into other fandoms, so we'll see if those characters will cooperate. I have a huge weakness for cop dramas, especially Criminal Minds, and I'm shamefully obsessed with Bones and Grey's Anatomy. Well, and In Plain Sight. And Burn Notice. And How I Met Your Mother. Umm...and The West Wing ...and Buffy. Okay, I have T.V. problem. I never realized it was this bad. Perhaps I should seek help.. I also lurk in the LWD fandom and the House fandom because I am a shameless Dasey and House/Chase shipper. That is all. |