![]() Author has written 4 stories for Trinity Blood, and Final Fantasy VII. To all who even bothered to look at the author's profile, I sincerely thank you for taking your time to read it. Nickname: Guardian 0 Devil (formly aka Nanashi, the annoymous reviewer.) If you are wondering why I choose the nickname is because of mainly a few reasons: 1) Currently, I'm working with another author named Passe on an Angel (aka PoaA). This looks kind of interesting to see an "Angel and an Devil" working together on a story, it's simply "criminal"!! 2) I just realised that when it is in shortened form, it spells G0D. Get the humour? 3) Thirdly, before I signed up in the fanfiction.net, I was once an annoymous reviewer under the name of Nanashi. However, that name is taken up by other authors and I also prefer to be special. 4) Most importantly, this name is sort of my favourite nickname with a bit of long story and philosophy behind it all. In summary, if there's something named Guardian Angel, could there be also something named Guardian Devil? Go figure. My favourites include: Currently in 2012 and maybe in 2013, I'm playing: My favorite PSP games: Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, FF7: Crisis Core, Hexyz Force. December 2012 status: Currently gotten a new laptop. However all previous written plots I had saved are gone with the previous computer crash. Coming Backing status: Will eventually updated most of my works within the month. Will try to update weekly or see how well I can stick to that... Co-written Work: Ongaku Niji. (Working together with PoaA, officially co-author starting from Chapter 23.) Work(s) by Guardian 0 Devil: Insanity. Rainbow Life. Project K. My favourite quotes or moments of all time, READ THEM: "If ever there is a Hell out there in the afterlife, it will not be brimstone or hellfire waiting for me, but boredom in eternity as Hell freezes over." - Guardian 0 Devil. The only person affected by the jump seems to be Master Cain and his non-chibiness. Will he murder everybody now? "NOOOOOOOOOOO!! I DON’T WANT TO DIE AS A VIRGIN!!" - Guardian 0 Devil, aka Nanashi in Rainbow Life. This is all Cain's fault. Cain: Did I capture a sense of innuendo in your statement? You're indeed lovely to have around. Now what should I do to punish my naughty Isaak? Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well-preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting,"Holy S--... what a ride!" - Annoymous, "I enjoy life. I think I will enjoy death even more." - Cat Stevens, "To solve the human equation, we need to add love, substract hate, mutliply good and divide between truth and error." - Janet Coleman, "In three words I could sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on." - Robert Frost "In order to be an immaculate member of a flock of sheep, one must above all be a sheep oneself." - Albert Einstein. "Man - a figment of God's imagination." - Mark Twain. "I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the ordeal of meeting me is another matter." - Winston Churchill. "RAWR! I ARE THE VAMPIRE!" - Vincent Valentine, Ongaku Niji. "It's just that anything I do cook tries to eat me." - Emmie, Ongaku Niji. "MWETEOW!" - Sephiroth, Ongaku Niji. |