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Joined 02-18-07, id: 1222768
Author has written 1 story for Fire Emblem.

Hi. I'm Slothe. I have a story. I like Fire Emblem. I have beaten the game 14 times! JUST ONE MORE TIME! That's called obsession. My favorite characters are Soren, Boyd, Oscar, Rolf, Kieran, Sothe, Jill, Haar and Tormod. I hate Mist... and that's about it. OH! and then there's fire emblem 4, which i gots on the computer and is tons of fun! you get to breed your own children for an ultimate children army!!! in that game, if anybody's even played it, i like noish, azel, fin, aria, holyn, lachesis, eltshan, levin... the first generation sucks; like half the people left i hate. THEN in the second gen, celice, lackshe, skasasha, delmud, arthur, leaf, shanan, aless, faval, sety... wow quite a few people. well if you breed your kids right, like me! then you get amazing kids! everybody's good, it's just all about personality... and who they're parents are... and such. I'm sad because Goddess of Dawn got pulled back to November... now there's a date! November 5th! BUT that gives me more time to beat Path of Radiance one more time, so I can get Ashnard for the Trial Maps, and then finally beat the impossible... Trial Map #2!

I like yellow. I like the sound of two eggs tapping against each other. I like change(money). I like doughnuts. I like toilet paper. I like to walk in the middle of the road, mainly at night when there's minimal chance I'll get run over. I like air... not oxygen, maybe to be more specific; gasses. I like whip cream. I like knives. I like the dial tone from ONLY a payphone, I like the smell after a lawn has been cut. I like the sound of cans coming out of a pop machine and I also like to hit the buttons when there's no money in it.

I hate phones. I hate normal pencils. I hate people at drive-thrus who make big orders. I hate people who stop their cars at a crosswalk when I walk by; thinking I must be crossing when I'm not. I hate the sound of bottles coming out of a pop machine. I hate Mist. I hate cheap souvenirs. I hate it when people say the same line over and over again in a conversation, as if they aren't paying attention and they'd rather be somewhere else, which is just plain rude. I hate taking risks. I hate banks... why don't people just keep their money hidden in titanium safes in their basement? I hate people with fancy cars. I hate toasters, because no matter what I always get hit by surprise when it pops. I hate PC's... well mainly Windows. I hate people who try to be funny constantly. I hate how fastfood restaurants are getting healthier... if you want to eat healthier, just go to like subway. I hate people who drink gatorade, coffee or pop when they don't need it! I hate sitcoms... well just the new ones; all the good ones have no more new seasons. I hate people who wear the wrong size of pants. I hate shoes, because they're just so damn expensive... THEIR JUST SHOES! And I also hate celebrities; mainly Paris Hilton. In my opinion, if she was assassinated I think people would parade in the streets, but my sister disagrees. What do you think?

I have a tendancy to switch between games constantly, so I have no favorite game. For awhile it has been Fire Emblem, but recently it has changed. I have moved on to DarkCloud. Quite a fun game; awesome music, good storyline, and I love the gameplay. I'm making a flash for DarkCloud 2, or as I discovered outside North America is called Dark Chronicle. Go me! Although it has rather failed because my partner in crime gave it up, so I'm sad. BUT that does not stop me from... keeping on working on the flash.

My favorites games in the past have been(this could be awhile):

Mario Kart 64, Super Mario 64, Banjo Kazooie, Mario Party 2, Perfect Dark, Ocarina of Time, Banjo Tooie, Majora's Mask, Super Smash Bros, Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy X, Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2, DarkCloud, Jak and Daxter, THPS3, GTA3, SSBM, Star Fox Adventures, Metroid Prime, Soul Calibur 2, A Link to the Past, Vice City, Metroid Prime 2, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, DarkCloud 2, Jak 2, MGS2, AoE2, Half-Life, Jak 3, Age of Mythology, Kingdom Hearts, MGS3, Battle for Middle Earth 2, Resident Evil 4, Morrowind, San Andreas, Bully, God of War, Path of Radiance, Halo, Halo 2, Kingdom Hearts 2, The GodFather, Gears of War, Twilight Princess, Fire Emblem 4, AoE3, Oblivion... and I think that's all of them. I own(possess) them all... well most of them; there are like three I don't.; uh... the Halo's, Oblivion, Gears of War and KH2( I just rented KH2 and beat it over a weekend, the rest I play at a friend's house, but I own all the other Xbox games)

Games I look forward to:

Goddess of Dawn, Resident Evil 5, Banjo Threeie(it is rumored it will FINALLY come out on the XBOX 360, and it better; I've been waiting almost seven years), GTA4, The next installment of Zelda( whatever the hell it's called), MGS4, Metroid Prime 3, Final Fantasy 13, Dark Cloud 3(If it exists), Kingdom Hearts 3(ALSO If it even exists), Halo 3 and The Elder Scrolls V.

I have a lazy eye, and I was supposed to get surgery last august, but my eye doctor got sick... or something... i don't know. but i hate him, nonetheless, he has a grudge on my family because my brother was playing with one of those chairs and it broke, so he doesn't do work with anyone in the family except me, cause he's afraid we'll sue.

Yeah that's about it, I think. So yeah. Oh yeah, there is a chance I might attempt a new story; not a parody, something a bit more along the lines of ... serious... gasp. So look into that... not google search look into at, just wait around and we'll see what happens.

Fire Emblem: Path of Ridicule reviews
Join Ike and the Greil Mercenaries as stuff. Like save the world and get nailed in the head with various inanimate objects. No flames!
Fire Emblem - Rated: T - English - Parody/Humor - Chapters: 29 - Words: 71,353 - Reviews: 125 - Favs: 25 - Follows: 15 - Updated: 2/3/2008 - Published: 2/23/2007