Author has written 6 stories for Naruto, Fushigi Yuugi, and Harry Potter. Hello, readers! I write under the pen name, Izumi. Here's a few things to know about me as an author... I'm 21 years old, I'm married to a wonderful man who serves in the Navy, I'm a graduate of my hometown's community college. I have a lot of free time these days so I've rediscovered a love of writing that I was worried had peaked out at 18. I have 4 kitties who humor and inspire me every day and that I treat like children in liu of any children of my own. I love to cook, I hate to clean, I'm a Facebook addict and I really like working out. I watch and enjoy an assortment of anime, I absolutely adore nearly all of Darren Shan's novels! I've recently just finished the Larten Crepsely Saga and I'm moving onto the Demonata next! I'm a huge fiction/fantasy girl. I get my mickeys from stories about vampires, elves, dwarves, magic and anything that has a strong dramatic pull to it, so of course I'm a Lord of the Rings and Star Wars fan! I really love video games! My top favorites include Skyrim, Halo (all), Gears of War, and Minecraft. Some of my favorite bands of all time are Red Jumpsuit Apparatus (I often use them as my writing muse!), Rise Against, Silversun Pickups, Theory of a Deadman, Trocadero, Pearl Jam, and Incubus (another one of my muses!). Something fun to know about me is that I write to the beat :) If there's a really upbeat song playing, I type really fast, but slower songs cause me to pause and reconsider what I'm typing haha! Anyways, I'll let my writings speak for me as a writer! Thank you for reading and reviewing! Feel free to message me any time - I'll be on here a lot more now. -Izumi K. |