Author has written 2 stories for Hairspray, and Percy Jackson and the Olympians. Hi, First off thanks to anyone who's actually bothered to check out this profile. The reason I write fanfiction is normally because you see a film or read a book, fall in love with a character and then *Bam* their story ends there. Often, I also feel that some people have ended up with the wrong person in the end or were never given their own Happily Ever After. (Yes I am a Die-hard sucker typical fan of Disney and their talking animals, princesses and fairy-tale endings.) Also I sometimes have too many ideas and its easier to regale readers anonymously over the internet than endure your friend's polite noises as they do other things more important. This is a fact of life and is not intended to offend my highly valued readers in any way. That being said, REVIEWS MAKE ME HAPPY :D My tastes are eclectic and I will read just about anything at least once. But some of my favourites are: Les Miserables (my all-time favourite musical to which I know just about all the words to every song. Yes I am that obsessed) Anything old-school Disney Terry Pratchett's Discworld series especially 'Going Postal' Austen - Pride and Prejudice, Emma, Sense and Sensibility Middlemarch by George Eliot North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell Harry Potter (the books not the movies) Lord of the Rings (mostly humour related fics are my fave) Tamora Pierce (Briar/Sandry) |