![]() Author has written 2 stories for Harry Potter, and Naruto. I suppose since I'm going to try to start writing/posting the fics I have planned out I should add something to my profile. I'm currently looking for a more permanent job than retail... stupid economy. I'm trying not to let the stress of that overwhelm the fun of writing but we'll see... Anyway, I'm a huge procrastinator and one of the ways I do that besides reading is writing. All I have to do now is try to get that a little more focused so I have something other than a few sentences for dozens of stories. One last thing, most of what I read is slash with some gen thrown in and the rare het that sneaks in under the radar. However, I have no faith in my ability to write anything romantic so most, if not all, of my stuff will be gen. If I ever decide to post something that is not gen, whether it be slash or het, there will be lots of warnings everywhere. I won't blindside anyone. The next chapter of "Familial Bonds" is posted. Yay! To everyone who put "Attempted Vacation" on Alert: Thank you, I'm flattered. However, I consider the fic complete as is. I don't want any of you disappointed when it doesn't get updated. I have a few other plot bunnies wandering around that I'm also working on. Those will be posted when I have a couple chapters as cushion so no one goes through the long wait that my readers of "Familial Bonds" are going through. I realized today why I have such problem consistently reviewing the fanfics today; I almost never get a response from the writer and it seems like the writers on are especially bad about this. I'm left wondering whether my review made the writer happy or provoked thoughts, maybe gave them an idea they hadn't considered or if they even bothered to read it. It's hard to believe that what I think about their fic makes an impact on them when I never hear otherwise. I can understand a little with fics with reviews numbering in the hundreds but not when there are just a few reviews and definitely not when the writer is threatening to stop posting unless there are a certain number of reviews. So, anyway, I promise that I'll do my best to reply to reviews. Real life might slow down the responses but I will eventually reply (especially the long reviews). |