Author has written 7 stories for High School Musical, All American Girl, and Twilight. Important Update: 1/12: Amazingly, Chapter 11 is nearly done. It'll be posted within the week, but you know what inspires me to write more quickly? That's right, reviews, so get at Chapter 10. I'll be honest with you, reviews are the only thing that keep me going. 1/11: I put Chapter 10 up today, and I forgot to mention a thanks to my lovely beta, alexz1jude. She helped me more than you can imagine. Chapter 11 is in the process of just beginning to be written. It won't be as good as I was anticipating it to be, considering I had this perfect line I thought of in history last year and wrote down, but of course it was the only class from freshman year that I had to throw my notes out in. I'll post a quote here once I get 7 reviews for Chapter 10. 1/10: Chapter 10 of Everything In Transit is nearly done my friends. I just need my amazing beta to read it, and it'll be all good. I'm so happy I finally got out of my writer's block tonight. I hope you'll like the new chapter. It just might end with a cliffie O:-) 12/29: Alright, so I know you all think I died on you, but I just haven't been inspired at all for the past few (or rather many) months. After a while, I stopped planning on finishing Everything In Transit. However, I'm finally back into the motions thanks to alexz1jude. Everything In Transit will be finished, hopefully by the end of January. There's only 3 chapters to go, and I might even add a bonus bonus chapter. Doesn't "Miss California" seem like a good song to you?:) So, watch out for me in the next month. In the new year you might even find me on with a whole different story. Then again, you might not. And I'm super sorry for all of you who have waited so long just to find out when Everything In Transit would be updated. I'll tell you guys more from now on. Songs for Everything In Transit: MFEO: Pt.1 - Made For Each Other Songs for Never Change: Oneshot Songs: My name's Jenna. I'm a 16-year-old sophomore. I'm not like everyone else, but then again no one is. Sometimes I like to sneak in parts of some of my silly philosophies in fanfics. I have a hero named alexz1jude. She actually sits in front of me in geometry class. Well, she did freshman year :P My favorite books are the Twilight series. There's much more, but I'm way too lazy to write them all. I love Jack's Mannequin, Relient K, NeverShoutNever! and Chase Coy. Btw, I'm done with HSM fanfics because it's no use writing about something you hate. Favorite Quotes: "Memory is such a strange and selective creature. It collects those details that put a gentle pressure on the heart and yet it discards the ones that pierce too deeply." -James Lecesne, Girls Who Like Boys Who Like Boys "Desire was just the dumbest thing. You wanted what you wanted until it was yours. Then you didn't want it anymore. You took what you had for granted until it was no longer yours. This, it seemed to her, was one of the crueler paradoxes of human nature." -Anne Brashares, Forever In Blue "Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first the lesson afterward." -Some Quote in Forever In Blue "And today was a day just like any other." -Jack's Mannequin, I'm Ready Email: sing.ur.heart.out@ Xanga: http:///qwerty_jennachu AIM: qwerty jennachu |