Author's Note: Here's a new story from me, obviously a Troyella(If you want to read a Troypay go to my profile.) I enjoy writing this one very much. Give me your support and review please. I'm hoping to get at least five reviews :) The next chapter should be up by the end of this weekend, so check back shortly.

Chapter 1: A Sunset and a Song

I stare ahead at the glowing sun, contemplating what could happen tonight. A slight breeze chills the air, and I shiver, surrounded by plants of all sorts. I feel someone's hands on my shoulder as he gently rests a warm jacket, smelling like my favorite person in the world, over my shoulders.

"I should have known," I say with a genuine smile on my face while turning my head towards Troy Bolton standing behind me.

"Montez," he smiles, "We can't have you getting a cold, now can we?" Something about his saying my name sends chills down my spine. It lifts my heart and sounds very alluring. I walk towards the short bench as to not have him notice his effect on me, and I take a seat.

"But Bolton, I'm already sick."

"Oh?" he raises his eyebrow and sits very closely next to me, "Of what may I ask?"

"Oh, you can ask, but I won't tell you," I tease with him. I'm sick of not being able to touch him, to kiss him. All the while I have to force myself not to. I hope tonight can change that. I hope I can just reach and touch his face, have a claim on him, be able to call him my boyfriend.

"Oh come on, you know you want to tell me," he flashes a bigger smile than before, and I get butterflies in my stomach. My heart skips a beat. It takes a while for me to collect my thoughts, but I have to turn away first.

I shake my head teasingly, but respond, "Maybe I'll tell you later, tonight." He faces me and laughs, filling the air with his voice and tingling my ears.

"I can't wait." I relax some more, and Troy puts his arm around me, breaking the barrier. I rest my head on his shoulder lightly and look at the sunset once again. It burns and glows and is truly beautiful. It's like a song, burning with passion and emotion. I breathe in the smell of Troy. I sigh contentedly and close my eyes. It's better than a kiss. It's perfect here next to him.

We sit there for what seems like hours, but in reality it's just a couple of minutes. Suddenly Troy starts singing quietly in my ear, his lips brushing me ever so slightly and his breath warming, "It's the start of something new. It feels so right to be here with you. And now, looking in your eyes, I feel in my heart," I chime in, "the start of something new."

I remember that day I first met Troy in the ski lodge when we sang the same song. From the first time I set eyes on him, I loved him. His smile was welcoming and his presence made me feel better. If it was anyone but him with me that night, I would have never sang. I wouldn't have had the courage to do so. When he opened his mouth and looked at me, confidence surged within me. Now I feel the same here, the feeling of ecstasy. Nothing can ruin this moment, not even...Oh shoot, the science decathlon. I have to be there. I'm going to be late. "Troy, I have to go, the science decathlon. Good luck at the game," I say hurriedly while sliding off his jacket and giving it back to him. His eyes widen.

"Oh man, I totally forgot," he says while rubbing his face with his hands.

"Me too. You have that effect on me," I let slip, causing him to laugh.

"Hey, don't make fun," I joke, but he shakes his head.

"Go win and come back to see us win," he says to me, but I'm already gone, rushing down the stairs.

Sunsets. That's how I'm going to mark time, something beautiful and significant, marking the end of a perfect day and leading towards the night...