Author has written 2 stories for Danny Phantom. HELLO PPLZ! I am the almighty, I'm Lost In Thought! Bwahahaha, fear meh. Lol. WEIRDNEZZ SHALT RULE DE WORLD! ;) If u want 2 waste time, my profile is below. Plz read it. :D Gender: Girl. Age: 14 Name: Not telling u... fine. It'z Onyx. Meh no lyk it... My parentz haff this thing with calling us (Me and sisters) after precious stones. Pplz on FF that I kno from school: Robyn Powell AKA. Chaos inducer. That iz all. Sisters (I haff no brothers): Ruby & Garnet (Twins), Amethyst and Jade. Obsessions: Sporks, the word 'Eenuch' (BLAME CHAOS!) Danny Phantom, doodling in class, and ... other stuff. Other stuff: GOTH, emo, angsty, Drama Queen. Hates: Pink, color, and sunny days. Lots of other stuff, but, u would get bored... if ur not bored already that is. Likes: P!nk, Gorillaz, black and anything gothic or emo. Pain is my middle name. :) Quotes I have stuck in my head: Robyn: (Monotoniously) Be optemistic. The ppl u h8 will eventually die. Pic off DA: Guy 1: XD 'u will have fortune in ur future' Guy 2: (Monotone) and then, u DIE. Guy 1: O.o; -Shrivels- Song off da 'Gorillaz' : Santaz breaking down on a camelz bak Onyx: I have a black personality and I'm in a foul mood. Go away b4 I suck out ur soul w/ a bendy straw. Me: I lyk sporkz and pie. Put them 2gether and wat do u get? SPORKY PIE! A keyring I have: Just remember u r unique. Just lyk every 1 else. Onyx (2 a year 7) : Boo. Year 7: O.o; AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! -Runs off- Me + Robyn: O.o hahahahahahahahaha. Onyx: -_-; U 2 laf @ sum weird stuff. -Walks off- Me + Robyn: O.o; hahahahahahahahahahaha Onyx 2 a prepy girl: -_-; is all u think about ur hair? Girl: well, YEAH! And boiz, nails, rockbands... Onyx: -_-; -Waks girl on head- Scary Scale: Okay... I added this so I can show pplz how scary I think some crap iz... included r my friends... TELL NO-ONE! ;) o, the scale goes from 1 - 10. Onyx: 9.5 Robyn: 8 Me: 6 (T.T I'ma no good @ scaring ppl!) That iz all from meh 4 now. C U L8R! |