The last chapter, maybe the last in the series, I don't know yet. My head is killing me, I'm going to go take a nap in my make-shift bed, which is a bunch of blankets and pillows in the corner of my room. I have a feeling that Peter Murphy and a young David Bowie are going to worm their way into my dreams; I pity anyone who walks into my room during my nap. Loveling Bunny, I can update so fast because my muse is always working...and I type like sixty words a minutes.

X x x x

It was the day of Jeremys' wedding; Dorian had been allowed to invite Dominic and Recitalist. News crews came to give a live view of the funeral to the public.

It was time for Dorians' speech and the teen was nearly in tears. He walked up to the podium, looking older in his new black suit and old biker boots.

"Jeremy has been there for me since before I was even born. Helping my Dad do things he couldn't do because he was pregnant with me, getting him the things he needed. I was told he didn't even bat an eye when he found out my Dad was pregnant, just congratulated him," Dorian began, his voice strong even though he was beginning to cry.

"When I was born, he helped take care of me when my Father was away on a business trip, or both my parents just needed a break. He bought me ice cream after my first day of school when he picked me up and I was crying because kids laughed at me for having two Dads."

"He helped me through puberty, because my parents had an odd way of helping, I ended up scarred for life," he said and Vlad and Danny chuckled softly. "He became my first friend when all the other kids only wanted to be my friends because my Father was rich, famous, and powerful."

"He helped me when I first discovered I was gay." The crowd gasped and Dorian shot Dominic a small smile. "Before he died I told him I was in love, and he gave me some really good advice. He said that if I love someone that I should tell them, instead of living to regret them never knowing. I want you to know Dommy, that I really love you. Jeremy, I hope you're having a good afterlife I miss you a lot," with that he walked off the podium leaving the crowd in tears.

Vlad took his place, his face stoic as usual, but Danny could tell his husband was sad. "Jeremy first came into my services when he was nineteen. He came in for an interview and when I refused to see him, he walked into my office in my one of many buildings anyway. He was immediately hired," he said and everyone chuckled softly.

"He shrugged off the fact his employer had a sixteen year old lover and never aged. When I married Daniel, Jeremy came with us to Paris on our honeymoon; I gave him a suite and few thousand dollars as a birthday present. When we returned home, he confessed to me that no one had ever given him a birthday present before."

"When we found out Daniel was pregnant, he helped take care of the bitching wonder, that was Daniels' nickname during his pregnancy. Going to buy the oddest things at all times of the night. After Dorian was born he helped take care of the brat, I had to leave a lot on business trips and such."

"He was a good friend of mine, I miss him dearly." With that Vlad strode back to Danny who was crying profusely. He held his husband as the coffin was placed in the crypt before the stone door was sealed, an inscription written by Vlad marking it.

Many men fall

Names forgotten

Faces erased

Lost win the sands of time

One wish for the one who lies here

To be remembered for all

To never face the endless time

To be heard and remembered

Jeremy Westbrook

We will remember you…

X x x x

Dorian and Danny cried the whole way home, both held by their respective lovers. Danny in the arms of Vlad and Dorian in Dominics' both encased in love everlasting.

X x x x

The ending is so :sniff: sweet. Damn, why do I always pick the worst times to listen to fucking ballads? Anyway, there might be a sequel, I don't know yet. I think Dorian might get married…maybe, don't get your hopes up or anything.