![]() Author has written 7 stories for Greek Mythology, Naruto, Harry Potter, Good Omens, and Discworld. I love books, but particularly anything by Neil Gaiman and/or Terry Pratchett and fantasy stuff in general. Dr. Who is the best. Seriously. I am a student in the middle of England, and I love writing, but I really need to post more of it online (smacks hand! upload, damn you!). Mostly, I've got it on paper or file somewhere and need to post the gits. Turquoise lemons are my friends! I love my turquoise lemons of doom. They will come to get you if you do not read my stories (particularly "What Really Happened"). Ok, kidding. But please read it. I promise I won't set any insane citrus fruit on you. They are reserved for those who don't like Snape, or anyone I feel like poking. Actually, read Sevenfold Revenge... it's a better story. And I might finish that one in the forseeable future. My Favourites Killer Fruit: Turquoise Lemons. Books: There's a lot, but my all time favourites- The Vampire Chronicles, Harry Potter, The Amulet of Samarkand, Good Omens, American Gods and pretty much the whole Discworld Series. TV Shows: Dr. Who, Torchwood, House, QI and Star Trek on those rare occasions it's on anymore. Oh yeah, and Jeeves and Wooster. Go Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry! And Red Dwarf. Films: Van Helsing, Constantine, Mulan (just for the song "Be A Man" it's so funny...), Phantom of the Opera, LOTR Return of the King (the bit where they light the beacons, and the battle at Minas Tirith, when all the Riders of Rohan come over the hill) and Shrek 2 (awwww! Puss in Boots!! sooooo cute!) Foods: Raspberries, Lemons, Strawberries, Chocolate, Bread and Potatoes... and Marmite & Cheese Sandwiches. Quotes: "He's not the messiah he's a very naughty boy!" - Life of Brian Characters: Snape (obviously), Captain Jack, Sherlock Holmes, Kakashi, Jin, Bartimaeus, Aziraphale (who is wildly underrated and seemingly held in second place to Crowley, poor dear) and Lestat. Daft Things: The turquoise lemons, Loonyland (of which I am the Queen... in French... long story... don't ask), my fishy earrings, mismatched socks, singing along to Phantom of the Opera, speaking in Latin, correcting people's grammar when they really don't want to be corrected and my mad religion- The Church of the Holy Cabbage. If you want to join this wondrous religion, send me a message. It is a great religion. Please join. I will make a list, if anyone does. And they did: blondesavemorefun The rules are: 1) Don't eat the Cabbage, it's too holy. 2) Don't eat Sprouts, they're too evil (Barry the Sprout Lord is the devil, you see) 3) Eat chocolate, it pleases the great Cabbage when you do so. Miracles performed so far- 2. We made it snow... twice. We may do it again someday... if we feel like it... My Hates Orange clothing- it clashes with my hair. Other Things I have dreadful taste in hats. Why are you still reading this? Read my stories instead, they are more interesting. Seriously, they are. Well... maybe. I, RozulThorn, do solemnly swear to review all the fics I read, regardless of the number of reviews, its age, or anything else. I have joined the review revolution. (to join post the review revolution thingy in your browser and...umm...review the fics you read. Also check out the Reviews Lounge and forum, which can be found on the page of Lexie-H) |