Author has written 2 stories for Harvest Moon. Name: Kittiefan Age: -data erased- Race: Chinese Nationality: Singaporean Likes: Cats, kittens, ramen, miso soup, crabmeat sushi and Chinese dramas Dislikes: People who dislike cats, arrogant fools, know-it-alls, nerds, geeks, copycats, idiots who do seal imitations when they're supposed to be laughing, not getting 85 and above for exams, Harry Potter crazed fools koffkoff Scwibble koffkoff. (Not that I hate Harry Potter, but some people are JUST TOO CRAZY ABOUT IT) Hates: Those spring onion spiral thingies that aren't hollow, shellfish, people insisting that ALL TWINS ARE DIFFERENT, books by Cathy Cassidy and Christopher Hart and some certain idiots in my class. Oh, and Hilary and Haylie Duff. They're just gross. Reads: HP, comic novels, Fruits Basket, Magister Negi Magi, Mirmo Zibang!, Pichi Pichi Pitch: Mermaid Melody, .hack//Legend of the Twilight Bracelet, etc., random stuff my mother makes me read. Oh, and the book Warriors. It rocks. Watches: TV. Writes: Once Upon a Mineral Town Listens to: Green Day, Avril Lavigne, Good Charlotte & Paris Hilton Watever Else: Kittiefan rules, and Scwibble is a dumb name. Kittiefan totally PWNS Scwibble, I tell ya! IMPORTANT: IF I DO NOT ADD CHAPTERS FOR MORE THAN A MONTH, I AM EITHER: A) DEAD OR B) TO LAZY TO BOTHER ABOUT MY FANFIC(S) OR C) SWAMPED WITH REVISION OR D) ON HOLIDAY I WILL ONLY STAY AT POINTS B AND D FOR A SHORT PERIOD OF TIME. IF I AM AT POINT A, DON'T COUNT ON HEARING ANY MORE FROM ME. |