Author has written 23 stories for Harry Potter, Professionals, and Prison Break. Hi, I'm Hekko. I'm female, Czech, crazy and really, really odd. I started writing long ago, usually in Czech, but I like writing in English very much. I like to think about myself that I have a sense for humour. I don't take criticism very well (guess I'm too proud to do so), but since we are on the Internet and I'll never get any opportunity to stick my tongue at you, you're safe to criticise. Also, if you think you see some non-English construction in my writings, please let me know. We here in Prague speak Czech, so I don't have as much practice as I'd like. Enjoy my stories. I have read DH already. Yes, already. Blew mi mind, if you ask me - JKR really is an amazing author. I had to physically pry myself from the book to be able to do anything else. I am NOT going to answer reviews inside stories. If you want an answer, leave a way to send it. Register, it's free. Have an e-mail just for this purpose. Leave it in a name(at)url(dot)domain format, I can cope with this. Leave me your ICQ or jabber, I WILL answer. Harry Potter Send Me a Letter, my actually first thing longer than one chapter, took me unbelievable time to type it. Because some people misunderstood the first chapter and I don't want to rewrite it (I don't know how I should do that, anyway, it wouldn't work on the second try), I'm clarifying here: it's a SS/HG story with Hermione out of Hogwarts. No moral dilemma involved, just a little sweet thing. To my slash stories in this fandom - both are meant mostly as a joke. OK, scratch the mostly. I don't despise of gay people, I just can't write seriously about them. But then, I can't write seriously about anything. Have to put sick jokes everywhere. Even here. Checkmate - an experiment. I actually tried to write a PWP story, but I failed miserably. There is a story there, even. ;) Patchwork - this is going to be a long, probably a very long story. Thanks to whitehound, who is so kind as to correct my typos, mistakes and dumb faults, the first ten chapters are "debugged" now (I hope :)). Since I got stuck and I have to reread the last chapters each time I want to write a new paragraph (it really has become so painful, but I'm trying my best!), the rest of them should be at least cleansed of typos and the most obvious misspellings (I can use a dictionary if I really want to). CI5: The Professionals Yes, the famous "apart from that, the honeymoon was fine" and such. I actually think it's funny. My favourite episode, too, despite all the dying. The Good Girlfriend was originally meant only to be a short one-shot, but it got out of my hands pretty quickly. Not only it has seven chapters (it's completed now), it also has a sequel already lurking in the wicked depths of my (devious) mind. Don't blame me - I just want my beloved lads to be happy! Or blame me. Just don't sue me. ;) Prison Break For the Rest of Our Lives, Too Much Peace & Epitaph - three stories about T-Bag/Susan, meant to be read in this order. The cycle is now complete. Promise - a joke about afterlife, karma and keeping one's word. :) Close - you didn't expect me to write a MiSa, did you? ;) I've only seen first two seasons and I don't think I'll go back to watching it again. So it's pretty much a closed chapter for me. As for typos in my stories, I feel deeply ashamed to have them and I humbly thank you for pointing them out to me. I'll try to get them out of the displayed text as soon as possible, however, my real life may interfere (as does my keyboard sometimes). Ooff. In case I haven't bored you to death already, please proceed to read my stories. And please, pretty please, review - it makes my day! |
Arrmaitee (11) C.T.Thomas (3) Celebony (10) Didodikali (4) Draegyn (14) | FemmeFerret (6) kateydidnt (21) KawaiiTenshi27 (71) Kimmeth (39) | Shadowphoenix (1) StarryGazer (18) Storyspindler (2) whitehound (23) |