Author has written 4 stories for Naruto, and Teen Titans. I'm girl who avoids life in here These are some rules I use when I write. Do whatever you want. Don't read this pedantic trash and just write how you want. I'm just a random internet person, so the fuck do I know? 1) If you are going to write a high school story, make sure you've actually been to high school, People fuck, people fight, people smoke pot, do drugs, and drink underage, it's simply a fact of life. 2) I'm tired of reading this in a fic, "X, despite not having any homosexual thoughts, suddenly wants dick after Y, who also never showed any homosexual tendencies, plants a kiss on X and then shoves his massive erection into Xs face" I came up with that in like 5 seconds, show you can actually write like a grown up and write something that isn't complete trash and actually takes effort and thought. 3) English Mutherfucker! Do you speak it? Well since you're reading this you can, so lets be big boys and girls and actually write like we paid attention in English class 4) Movie fics don't belong on this site because you're just taking someone's idea and changing the characters names. 5) Harem's are illegal in most developed nations, because most of the "wives" were slaves and were treated as property and Pocket Pussies. So give a good reason as to why the character is fucking so many WILLING women. Nothing kills my interest in a fic quicker than "Oh, well let's just give him several women he's never heard of so he can fuck them all and exhaust himself." To anybody that has taken high school health class, you know that sex itself is exhausting and that a penis will go flaccid once it ejaculates, now once in a blue moon it will stay hard for a little longer than that, but otherwise, men sleep after fucking, seriously, that's what happens. Another one of my problems with harems are that they treat women like objects, and I cannot abide by that ideology. 6) Songs do not belong in these stories, they are not yours, they are filler and make you look stupid. Hell, I skip over songs in real books, just because songs lose any and all power when not accompanied by their music. 7) Reviews are what keep authors coming back. It's nice to know that people are reading, otherwise there isn't a good enough reason to write. We write to share our ideas with fellow fans of our favorite series. I once used quoted Corey Taylor in a paper about female genital mutilation, his quote about how movie nachos are not nachos, which I equated to female circumcision not being a real circumcision. I also said 'fuck' and its variations several times in a college paper. I've never been so happy in my life. Process of Stories Just... just no. Ideas for New Stories A spinoff of Reaver that is Somewhat similar in idea to ReEducating Ms.Roth. Mainly because I like the idea,I really like it, but I'm not a big a fan of the execution and want to try my hand at something like it. Synopsis-Raven and Jinx infiltrate a private school to protect a high value target and Reaver is their handler for this mission. Hijinks will ensue, especially in the one chapter where Reaver is mistaken for a student Oh and happy fucking Arbor Day, This is what people should read before creating original characters. It provides a very honest, and very true critique of OC's. I WOULDN'T READ MY STORIES BECAUSE THEY ARE JUST GOD-AWFUL. |