I'm back and shit. Also, just gonna warn you, this chapter has probably the grossest thing I've ever written. Also, if you haven't already, check out my other story, The Tale of the Uzumaki Brothers, it's a complete rewrite of my first story, because the first five chapters were written before I knew how to write well, anyway let's get this shit started.

Naruto, our favorite raven and blond haired protagonist, was giggling like a little school girl. Even though mentally she had been outside the village before, this was the first time she had ever been outside the village in this life. So of course she was excited to see how her plan to save the two rouge Mist ninja would turn out, though she had a good feeling about this plan.

Currently Team 7 was walking along the path that leads to the Konoha docks, hoping to catch a ferry to the Land of Waves. Kakashi sensei was blathering on about which countries had Shinobi and which did not and what not. Naruto, however, was deeply entrenched in a conversation in her head involving Beni.

'Is it close to being done yet?' Naruto whined.

"Hey this is complicated stuff! You can't expect a miracle in an hour," Beni complained, various pencils stuck in his afro. "It's a miracle that we can even talk to you, so be patient."

"Sorry, it's just that I can't wait to train with you guys," Naruto apologized. Beni simply nodded and took another pencil out of his hair. Further along the path Naruto spied the puddle that the Demon Brothers were hiding in. She glanced up at Kakashi, who gave her a puzzled look.

"What's wrong Naruto?" Kakashi asked, already knowing of the puddle and the ninja inside it.

"Oh it's nothing; I just have to…take care of some things. Private things," she said as she darted her eyes down.

Kakashi, getting the silent message, not realizing that Naruto knew of the ninjas, nodded. "Alright, but make it quick, I want to get to the land of Waves by nightfall.

Naruto smiled at this, "Alright Kakashi-sensei. It'll just be a second," Naruto said as she made her way to the bushes by the puddle and ducked behind the bushes to not let anyone see her rather evil plan.

Pulling down her pants she thought to the Kyuubi, 'You know I'm glad that you take care of the inward symptoms, but…' Kurama had cut her off.

"That's something that I can't take care off, it's all just a part of life, and I know what you're doing, and even I think it's disgusting." Kurama said as he shook his big fox frame in nausea.

'Yeah well,' Naruto grimaced at this part, 'I think they deserve it.'

"They do, but still…god damn." Kurama told her, emphasizing his distaste.

"Alright, all done, time to regroup and fight the brothers." Naruto grinned evilly as she walked out from behind the bushes. She nonchalantly deposited something into the puddle and ran to catch up with her.

"What took you so long, dobe?" Sasuke asked, completely oblivious to the fact that you should never ask that to a woman.

"Do you really want to know? I mean really want to know," Naruto asked him, almost smirking.

"No…shut up!" Sasuke said as he noticed Naruto laughing at him. When, in the distance they heard a rather loud shriek.

"Did you do something to the puddle Naruto?" Kakashi asked, with his back to her.

"I…may have done something to the puddle." Naruto responded as innocently as possible.

"Was it explosive?" Kakashi asked not even thinking that she would drop a used, albeit clean, tampon into the puddle where the demon brothers were hiding.

"It might cause the ninja to explode… in anger." Naruto said, laughing almost uncontrollably.

Only three things were going through the Demon Brother's head at this moment of time, "Kill, blond, old guy," and since there were no blond, old guys, they settled on attempting their revenge on Naruto and the old guy that was with her. Rising out of the puddle that they were hiding in, they darted toward the group of leaf ninja. They wrapped their chains around Kakashi and pulled, the sickening squish of the chains cutting into his flesh resonated through the forest.

"Kakashi-sensei!" Sakura yelled to her now supposedly dead sensei.

"Heh, now for that nasty blond bitch and the old man!" one of the Demon Brothers said in a cold and murderous tone as they both charged toward Naruto.

Naruto merely smirked and disappeared in a burst of speed; she then reappeared under Gouzu and released a kick to his chin so strong that it flung him into the air. His brother, still connected by the chain flew up with him. Naruto was about to finish off her move but Kakashi put his hand on her shoulder.

"That'll do, Naruto. Can't have you killing them before we find out who sent them," Kakashi said as his eye formed that upside down U that he is so famous for. "Unless, you know who sent them,"

"Not the slightest," Naruto said, feigning ignorance.

"Of course you wouldn't," Kakashi said in an accusatory tone.

The demon brothers hit the ground with a loud thud and a sickening snap. As they laid on the ground, groaning in pain, Kakashi walked over to them and knelt down.

"Now then, you'll tell me what I want to know, or I'll let the blond girl loose on you guys," Kakashi said.

"Go fuck yourself!" one of the brothers spat at the Jonin.

"Naruto," Kakashi said to his student.

"Gotcha, one Bangkok haircut coming up," Naruto said as she pulled out a kunai with an evil look on her face.

"Ok! Ok, it was Gato! Gato the shipping magnet sent us. There we gave you everything; just don't let her do that!" The Demon Brothers shouted almost in unison. Kakashi then smacked their heads against each other, knocking them out cold.

"Tazuna, I think you have some explaining to do." Kakashi said in his authoritative tone.

"That's why I had to lie you see, we need this bridge." Tazuna finished

"Well, that's all well and good, but this mission has just upgraded from a C-rank to at least a B-rank and therefore, out of our experience," Kakashi said. "We can't continue this mission; we have to return to the village."

"In all due respect Kakashi-sensei, but shut the fuck up," Naruto said as she picked her bag up. "I'll take Tazuna back even if I have to do it myself."

"You won't be alone, dobe," Sasuke said as he picked up his bag.

"I can't let Naruto have Sasuke all to herself, so I'm in," Sakura said as she slung her bag over her shoulder.

"Well Kakashi, what's it gonna be? Are you gonna let your Genin team go on without you, ruining your reputation?" Naruto asked her sensei with a smirk.

"I guess I've been out voted," Kakashi sighed and looked at his students, "Alright, but if we encounter anymore enemy ninja, let me fight them."

"No promises Kakashi-sensei, no promises." Naruto laughed at her sensei.

"You're boys failed me Zabuza, I thought you said your boys could get it done," A short man said to an extremely taller man who also had an extremely large sword. "I thought I was paying for the best, so if you'd kindly KILL THAT BASTARD…ulp," the sword was now pointing at Gato's throat.

"Tazuna got some leaf ninja brats to protect him; I will go personally next time," Zabuza said as he got up.

"Well, WHY THE FUCK DID YOU NOT GO IN THE FIRST PLACE!" Gato lifted his cane to hit Zabuza, but was stopped by another hand.

"Don't you dare put your filth near Zabuza-sama!" a young girl said with an angry look on her face. She then squeezed, shattering the cane.

"I'll kill Tazuna, and you won't have to worry about any more people ruining your fear induced hold over the Wave country," Zabuza said as he flashed a little killing intent. But What Gato saw was a giant purple demon mask behind him. "Well, I'm off. I think I'll pick up some milk on the way home," Zabuza said as he hefted his giant sword, "play nice kiddies."

Team 7 was just now arriving in the Land of Waves, which means Naruto was on high alert, watching for an eyebrow-less man. Of course she was also holding a conversation.

"…it's called the Venus butterfly. I hear kunoichi saying how much they love it all the time," Naruto said.

"Are you serious? I wouldn't even think that it would be that enjoyable," Sasuke said with a look of shock.

"Oh yeah, I heard that one red eyed Jonin going crazy over it," Naruto said with a laugh.

"I've used that," Kakashi said, eavesdropping on their conversation. "You put your thumb and ring on top of each other and stick the top two in," Suddenly Naruto's ears perked up and she tossed a kunai towards the bushes. "What's going on?"

"I heard something." Everyone sweat dropped as a white rabbit rushed out of the bushes.

"Naruto! Why would you try and scare such a cute fluffy bunny?" Sakura yelled to her teammate.

'I don't know why, but I feel like I need to grab the bunny and cuddle it,' Naruto thought to herself.

Kakashi was looking at the fur of the rabbit. 'That rabbit's supposed to have brown fur at this time of year, which means it was used for…substitution!' "Everyone, get down!" Kakashi said as he tackled Tazuna and Sakura to the ground as a large sword sailed over their head and embedded into a tree.

"Zabuza Momochi!" Kakashi and Naruto said in unison, and then looked at each other.

"Kakashi Hatake, also known as Kakashi of the Sharingan, this might be fun." Zabuza said as he appeared on his sword.

A bangkok haircut is when someone cuts off a man's penis, just incase you didn't know.
