![]() Author has written 17 stories for Kingdom Hearts, Naruto, Twilight, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Lurlene McDaniel. Yes, Samantha IS a girl's name. Meaning, I'm a girl. Or you can call me Tipper. WOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!! My best friend IN THE WORLD finally made an account!!!!!!! WOO! YES! YES! WOO! you should read her stories once she puts them up because she's an amazing author about fifty fo shillion times better than me and she rocks and she'll rule the universe some day for being the most awesome pants person in the cool-place of the galaxy time world place thing!!!!!! YEAH!!!!! Her pen name is Zakurowhip12 ( URL http://www.fanfiction.ws/u/1344923/ ) A little about me: I'm fifteen (turning sixteen November 21 next year)... and kinda short. Commonly, people are dissillusioned into thinking I'm smart... I'm NOT. I have a lot of nicknames, but call me what you want. I'm a plain person, not pretty at all. Short brown hair, big brown eyes(Too big, if you ask me), pale. There isn't much to me, physical or otherwise. I'm pretty blind, so I have contacts, and lucky, lucky me, I was blessed with braces(joy...). I paint my fingernails black and pull my hair up every day. Every summer, I dye the tips of my hair a different color. I love God, and I love Jesus, and I'm not ashamed of that. Favorite Animes:(There are more than this, but these are my VERY favorites) Naruto, Full Metal Alchemist, Ouran High School Host Club (Ouran Kokou Host Club), Trigun, Karin (Chibi Vampire), Tokyo Mew Mew, Fruits Basket, Kare Kano (His and Her Circumstances), Dragon Ball Z, Maburaho, and Bleach. Yeah, I like couples (in fact I LOVE them) but I like too many to list here. I've tried it before. It was LOOOOOOONG. I'll read almost anything that isn't yaoi/yuri (note: the only yaoi pairing i have EVER liked was Eclipse/Raenef from Demon Diary(or- but its really more like slash- Jace/Alec from City of Bones)) unless it's two OCs, because whatever floats their boat works for me. I'll even read stories for couples I don't like. For example, GaaHina, and really, it's not that I don't like that couple, but just that I prefer NaruHina. Yep... S'pretty much it... Yeah... Okay, well here goes nothing. im keeping the couple to my ABSOLUTE FAVORITES and if you care enough to see who else i like from an anime or game or w/e, you can message me and id be happy to say. :) but here are my, like i said, ABSOLUTE FAVORITES! Besically, any OFFICIAL twilight couple, Namixas(kingdom hearts), Kaiora(kingdom hearts), Haylette(kingdom hearts), Naruhina(naruto), shikatem(naruto), nejiten(naruto), tamahi(ouran high school host club), ichigoXrukia(bleach) As video games go, I mostly like Kingdom Hearts(one, two, and COM), but I do dabble in Mario games, as well. Books. Easy. I LOVE to read, almost as much as I love to write(that's a lot). My favorite author is Stephenie Meyer. My favorite books (in order) are Twilight, New Moon, City of Bones, The Giver, Messenger, Gathering Blue, and Demon In My View. I also like Lurlene McDaniel's books. I'm a Vampire freak. I LOVE them. I love writing, even though I'm not very confident in my work, I hope you enjoy it anyway. There are a number of people who inspire me to write, in a number of different ways. Some of my best friends (a.k.a. Lauren, Nikki, Sasookie, Fae), my family, other writers, my luverly and kind reviewers who i love with all my heart even though i hate people, and a bunch more. Note to the world: I survived freshman year without being trash-canned! -- Accomplishment #1!!! HOWEVER! No promises about sophomore year... Okay, well, this is basically the way it goes for ME. I hardly ever go story-hunting, so a lot of the time, i dont see the good stories out there. If you want me to read your story, or you just want more reviews, let me know. I'm always happy to do it. And, if someone reviews one of MY stories, and I've never seen their name before, I ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS look at their page to see if they have any stories of their own. They were nice enough to review me, so I see if they have anything that i would like. Really, I'll read almost anything, and most of the time, I review, so... yeah. Or, if I don't look at their stories, I at least try to reply to all of my reviews, unless you ask me not to, which has happened before. :) I guess I'm kind of annoying. That was a short explanation of my inner workings... Good luck on writing! I absolutely love the people who review my stories. They couldn't be any nicer. Thank you everyone! I appreciate a little love for my work, but only if you like it. I take flames, too, as long as they're reasonable, because then you're telling me what you really think of the story, and that's good. Always. Constructive criticism is also VERY welcome, though I don't seem to get much of it. Hm. Oh, well. Thanks! AND PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me if you have stories you think i would like or just want more reviews on or just want people in general to read!! I love that! I love all kinds of music and I draw much of my inspiration from listening. If you know any good songs or anything, let me know, please! i would love you forever(not that i don't already). I have also decided that I'm going to list the song/songs I was listening to when I wrote certain fics or chapters, so you, too can share my inspirational tunes!! Stories I would recommend to almost anybody: 1. Manami -- -x-StaarGirl-o- 2. Riku's Rain -- samuraistar 3. Institute 13 -- Kazemaru-kun 4. Perfect Sky -- Pink Chaos 5. What Happens After Next? -- Malcolm Yuy I will be adding more to the list later, so don't give up on me yet!!! And, yes. That is the order in which I recommend them. |