Author has written 12 stories for Gundam Wing/AC, Slayers, Final Fantasy VII, Weiss Kreuz, Slam Dunk, Harry Potter, D N Angel, and Prince of Tennis. I like anything yaoi, yuri or well-written het fics. ^_^ Special weakness for long series and angst! My fave character's are varied. Example, Omi, Schuldich, Farfarello from WK,Muraki and Tatsumi from YnM...etc. I love to read as much as write and I've been writing for a pretty long time. I'm hoping you'll be able to enjoy the stories I write and post here as much as I enjoyed writing them!NOTE Due to time constraints and a rather busy schedule, I have not updated very much at all. I'm terrible sorry and would like to apologize to those who are following my fics. Sadly, I'm afraid this infrequent updating trend will be continuing so all I ask is that you be patient. I do intend, just to put your minds at ease, to finish these fics eventually. I hope you can hold out until then. Thank you, all of you who have reviewed my fics. It is very much appreciated! ^_^ What Was Wasn't - *On Hold* My WK fics are all also On Hold, although i do intend to finishe them and put them back up again My two HP fics are In Progress so no worries about those. I know I'm taking a long time but this a way for me to have fun and relax so I won't rush or force ideas down that don't flow with the stories. Thank you all you lovely people who reviewed ANY of my fics. I greatly appreciated it. |