Author has written 4 stories for Sonic the Hedgehog, and South Park. My name is Kyle Gon Jinn. I am a Jedi Knight, dragon tamer and fanfic writer by profession. I am a mystery, an enigma, a shadow... much like the Shadow to this profile's right. ^_^ ...hey! Who took my sweeet Shadow picture?!? Grrr...Hey, if there's anyone here from the original Hellhole messageboard (), who has a copy of any of my fics in the "Survivor: South Park style!" or "Tomorrow Sucks!" series (excluding "Tomorrow, when the War Screwed Us All"), or just regular fics "Carry the Flame" and "Aussie Rules is Weird," please email me and let me know, then you can send me it and I'll give you lots of credit and stuff! ^_^ Okay, so what have I got here? Well, here at you can find my South Park fanfiction and also Sonic the Hedgehog fanfics. However, my new series of fanfiction is over at . I've decided to relaunch the Aluminium Falcon Adventures, which centre around myself, Kenny's Goddess, traP, Cartman's Girl, Tweek, and Ashley, getting into all sorts of mayhem as we struggle to keep my stolen starship from falling apart. You can read the new AND original Falcon Adventures here: http:///profile.php?userid=105235 Most Recent Releases (in order from most recent to least): Coming soon: |
GuGoomba (17) Kenny's Goddess (37) | NetRaptor (81) Snodin (46) |