Author has written 6 stories for Xiaolin Showdown, Bleach, Avatar: Last Airbender, and One Piece. Real Name: Too bad. However, I have been given many titles Age: Is that a need to know thing? Will 'student' suffice? Address: I worry about perverts, so that's a no-no I am a happy soul who won't let others bring me down. I am a bisexual male leaning towards gay, and don't care what others think about that. I work at a Burger King and am am hoping to find a better place to work. I am known to be slightly insane, especially when tired. I aspire to someday rule the earth and afterwards ascend into God-hood. What I really want to be when I get older is a psychiatrist. Favorite anime: Bleach, Ouran High School Host Club Favorite Manga: One Piece, Furuba/Fruits Basket, Fairy Tail Favorite Music Artists: Daft Punk, Perfume (japanese techno-pop) MSI, Amano Tsukikou, Alizee (french pop), Kylie Minogue, Cher, September, T.A.T.U. , Annie Favorite Author(s): Steven King, J.K. Rowling Favorite Villian(s): Eneru (One Piece-for obvious reasons-), H!ichigo (Bleach), Sae (Fatal Frame), Kyuubi (Naruto), Yagami Raito (Death Note), Demyx (Kingdom Hearts) Favorite Hero(s): Roronoa Zoro (One Piece), Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece), Kurosaki Ichigo (Bleach), Gray (Fairy Tail), Link (shame if you don't know where he comes from), Urumeshi Yusuke (Yu Yu Hakushou), Jounouchi 'Joey' Katsuya (Yu-Gi-Oh), Gaara (Naruto), Yagami Taichi (Digimon) Favorite slash couples: H!ichigo/Ichigo, Eneru/Zoro, Luffy/Zoro, Gray/Natsu, Harry/Draco (old school slash), Link/Good!Vaati, Yusuke/Hiei, Yusuke/Jin, Sokka/Zuko, Kyo/Haru (Fruits Basket), Jou/Seto, Kaoru/Mori, Naruto/Kiba, Naruto/Kyuubi, Ike/Pit, Link/Ike, Takeru/Daisuke (Digimon), Taichi/Yamato (Digimon), Sora/Roxas, Axel/Demyx Favorite couples: Mori/Haruhi, Beast Boy/Raven, Link/Midna, Ichigo/Senna, Grimmjow/Nell, Ulquiorra/Orihime, Naruto/Kyuubi In my first year of high school, I was given many nicknames, many of them not very positive. However, my friends and classmates say them with no malice, as they are now just habits. The only one that really bugs me is emo, because of the implications. They tell my I cut myself, as well as do various drugs. This is not true. My family would know if I did drugs. They run a rehab center, actually. Anyways, this has lead me to be very against drug use and self-mutilation. If you ever want to talk or anything like that, please e-mail me, and I'll see what I can do. It might take awhile, because I don't check my e-mail very often, but I will. Other than that, I apparently have mad cow disease, AIDS, avian flu, west nile, lukemia, and rabies. Whatever. I will be free of affliction when I ascend and become God! |