Author has written 8 stories for Harry Potter. About my writing: I've been writing Harry Potter fan fictions since 2007 but that doesn't mean I'm really good. Fortunately, however, I have improved over the years and have gained some awesome readers. The first HP fiction I've ever read and completely enjoyed was a Harry/Hermione story. Now I can't stand that ship. Weird... And the fiction that had inspired me to write fan fictions myself was a Draco/Hermione story by a very talented writer until she started posting her stories on her blog and I lost her link when I changed my computer. I tend to read more het pairings stories but prefer to write femmeslash. It's easier to emphasize with a girl than with a boy. I've tried a Nex-Gen fiction once, in Scorpius' POV; he was too effeminate, so I deleted the story. My male OC, Hayden Malfoy, is just the same softie. But I can't bring myself to delete that story. Basic Informantion: I'm a girl. Age: uhm... next? I'm a polyglot but English is not my native language. Guess which one is? Top 5 Traits/Habits: 1. Scared of birds, especially pigeons. (They're like rats with wings. Plus, beaks and feathers make my skin crawl.) 2. Gets slightly freaked out when going through revolving or automatic-closing doors. (childhood trauma) (-_-') 3. Ambidextrous. 4. I have some "talent" in drawing. I've drawn a few Detective Conan doujinshi. If you google it, you might even come across my work. c",) 5. I cry at sad movies. :( THE POTTERVERSE Favorite canon pairings: Harry/Ginny, Draco/Astoria, Teddy/Victoire (if their relationship isn't portrayed as extremely perfect) Favourite fanon pairings: Draco/Hermione, Draco/Pansy, Scorpius/Rose, Scorpius/Lily, Dominique/OC, Ron/Lavender Favourite F-slash pairings: Hermione/Astoria, Hermione/Pansy, Hermione/Ginny, Dominique/Astoria (I never came across this one, would be interesting c",) Favourite M-slash pairings: I don't like Draco being gay. He belongs to Hermione or Astoria c",) Harry/Ron, Ron/Seamus, Scorpius/Albus Top 5 Favourite HP Characters: 1. Draco Malfoy 2. Dominique Weasley 3. Astoria Greengrass 4. Hermione Granger 5. Scorpius Malfoy Stories Work In Progess: 1. What A Wicked Game You Play | ch. 9 aka ch. 8 | 90% complete 2. Fire In The Belly | ch. 4 aka ch. 3 | 15% complete 3. Golden Rules | ch. 9 | 15% complete 4. Saving Mum & Dad | ch. 20 | 50% (Revision of chapter.) | ch. 21 - 15% My Beta readers, and all writers, who have been a great support and help to me: Max82, lilleangel, DarkRose, Fallstar, Bella_Portia, celticbard, morgana67... Please forgive me if I missed someone out. morgana67 provides me with legal information on divorce issues for my story "Golden Rules". Thanks a lot, hun! Fallstar is beta'ing my Dramione novel "Saving Mum&Dad". Fellow-writer friends: inferno 54, datbenik513, dolphindragon888, plus the people above, more or less. c",) My Unbeta'ed Stories, sadly: 1. What A Wicked Game You Play 2. Fire In The Belly 3. Golden Rules (though I've been provided with legal information by a friend) |
dolphindragon888 (1) fembuck (318) | Inferno 54 (12) | Mione of Ravenclaw (11) |