Author has written 14 stories for Naruto, Fruits Basket, Yu Yu Hakusho, Saiyuki, Escaflowne, Gravitation, and Death Note. Hey, Akia here(HAHA! I got to do this first!). My name's Brianna, i'm 17 years old I love anime, and manga, and music, and hanging out with my friends. Story Update Info: A Disguised Rose: So far three chapters, the next chapter is being written but not a priority, but with more reviews i migth make it one XD Girl With the golden eyes: 8 chapters out, another is in the process of being made now, and i'm hoping to make this one longer. Inside the MInd of Sasuke Uchiha: 5 chapters, # 6 hasn't been started yet but will be soon(i hope) Loyalty to Fire: 2 chaps. i'm not inclined to write any more in this one at all My Savior: 1 chapter, the second hasn't been written yet but the ideas are bubbling in our minds so maybe soon it'll be updated. Night of the Drunken NAruto Boys: 3 chaps, and not really sure if it's going to be updated or not... The Elementals: 2 chaps. the 3rd is in progress but i ahev no inclination to finish that one either. Transfer:1 chapter, second close to finished, New Story: Life at Konoha High-should be out soon, and is very humorous, so worth checking out. One Shot: Flute Bashing- Basically Tayuya gets angry and starts bashing Ukon over the head with her flute. One Shot: Sweet Withdrawls- L wants Cake...and will do anything to get it. Also i may decide to make a couple of oneshots if anyone wants one just PM me. Fav. Animes(wow this might take a little while...): NAruto,Inuyahsa, Full Metal Alchemist, Full Metal Panic, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Fruits Basket, YuYu Hakusho, Vandread, Escaflowne(the movie at least), Saiyuki(this manga rocks,but haven't seen the aime...only Urasai which are little funny things at the end of each Reload episode), Zatch Bell, Tenchi Muyo, Ronin Warriors, Rurouni Kenshin, Mew Mew Power AKA Tokyo Mew Mew, Samurai Champloo, Chobits and Rave Master, Death Note, Bleach, Blood + Fav. Anime people(male): Haku-naruto Kabuto-Naruto Neji Hyuga-Naruto(LOVE THIS GUY) Sasuke adn Itachi Uchiha-Naruto Jiraiya-Naruto(AKA Perverted Hermit) Kakashi Hatake(sensei)-Naruto Shikamaru Nara-Naruto(he's cool depite is "everything is a drag thing" Kiba-Naruto Shino Aburame-Naruto(i actually remeebred his last name...) Gaara-Naruto Inuyasha-don't make me say it Naraku- Inuyasha Hakudoshi- Inuyasha(SO CUTE!) Bankotsu,Suikotsu adn Jakotsu-Inu Sesshomaru-Inu Roy Mustang- Full Metal Alchemist(FMA- Love this guy too) Ed and Al Elric-FMA Envy-FMA(yes Envy is a guy) Greed-FMA Sasuke-FMP(the main character who brngs a gun to school) Shinji Ikari- NGE Kaji-NGE Kaworu Nagisa- NGE Kyo Sohma-FB Yuki Sohma-FB Hatori Sohma-FB Momiji Sohma-FB Hatsuharu or Haru Sohma-FB Hiei Jaganshi-YYH Kurama-YYH Koenma-YYH Duero Mcfile(Due-l-o)-Vandread Hibiki Tokai-Vandread(not many guys in this show...) Lord Van-Escaflowne Lord Folken-Escaflowne Dilandir-Escaflowne Genjo Sanzo(sanzo)-Saiyuki Sha Gojyo(gojyo)-Saiyuki Cho Hakkai(hakkai)-Saiyuki() Kougaji-Saiyuki Kiyo-ZB Wonray-ZB Zatch-ZB Folgore adn Kanchome-ZB Tenchi-TM(that maybe it for that one...) Ryo of wildfire-RW Cye of Torrent,Rowen of Strata, adn Sage of Halo-RW Anubis, Dias-RW Kenshin-RK ooohhhh..what's his name...the one guy Misao likes...-RK Dren-MMP Elliot and Westly-MMP Jin-SC Hideki-Chobits Shinbo-Chobits Haru Glory-RM Musica-RM Sieg Hart and Shuda-RM(played by the same guy too) Mello-Death Note Matt-Death Note Near- Death Note L Lawliet- Death Note Light Yagami( i'm a gay)-Death note(only at the beg. then i ahte him...then i feel sorry for him...)) Teru Mikami-Death Note Ichigo Kurosaki- Bleach Uryu Ishida- Bleach Chad- Bleach Captain Aizen- Bleach Cap. Toushiro Hitsugaya- Bleach Renji- Bleach Gin Ichimaru- Bleach(actually i don't like him, but his VA gives him some points) Urahara(Hat-n-clogs)- Bleach Haji- Blood + Kai- Blood + Riku- Blood + Soloman- Blood + Fav. Anime Girls- Naruto: Hinata Hyuga(I love this girl), Sakura Haruno, Temari, TenTen, and Hanabe. Inuyasha: Sango, Kagome, Kikyo, Kanna, Kagura,Shiori. FMA: Winry,Lust,Rose. FMP: Chidori NGE: Rei Ayanami, Asuka Langley Soru, Misato Katsuragi. FB: Tohru Honda, Saki Hanajima(i love electric girl), Arisa Uotani, Kisa Sohma. YYH: Yukina, Keiko,Botan. Vandread: Meia Gisborn, Dita Liebely, Ezra, Barnette, Miss Gasgo. escaflowne: HItomi and Meryl. Saiyuki: Lirin adn Yaone Zatch Bell: Megumi, Suzy, Tia, Lei-en. TM: Ryoko, Ayeka, Sasami,Washu and Yugi. RW: Mia. RK: Kaoru, Megumi. MMP: zoey, Renee, Bridgette SC: Fuu Chobits:Chi,Yumi, Miss manager RM:Elie, Claire,Cattelya,Reina. Death Note: Misa(Best girl in the seires...adn that's saying something. But then. i hate most f the other girls of DN), Sayu Yagami Bleach: Rukia Kuchiki, Orihime, Yachiro, Momo, Blood : Diva, Saya Quotes: " Genjo Sanzo: Embrace nothing. If you meet the Buddha, kill the Buddha. If you meet your father, kill your father. Only live your life as it is, not bound to anything." Sha Gojyo: cracks open a beer and takes a swig "Goddamn it, this one's hot. Goku, get me another beer." Goku: "Oh, great, the carnival's in town." Genjo Sanzo: "I'm sorry, I can't concentrate. Not with those two morons in the back." Sha Gojyo: analyzing their foe "So, whadda ya think, Goku?" Genjo Sanzo: "And you're not all that bright either. Take away another forty-five." Goku: "But there are still some spring rolls left!" Sha Gojyo: "Well, it sure does look like Sanzo needs some anger management." Cho Hakkai: "It's such an eerie feeling, though. How he actually seems to anticipate our every move." Sha Gojyo: "Hey, Sanzo!" Sha Gojyo: "I'll be damned. He's sleeping with eyes open. " Genjo Sanzo: "I wish that stupid monkey would just shut the hell up." |