Author has written 7 stories for Naruto, and Pirates of the Caribbean. Name: Nicky Gender: Female Age:16 What I Love: anime! specifically: Inuyasha, Naruto, FMA, DBZ>, Wolf's Rain, Rurouni Kenshin, and digimon (seasons 1,2, and 4) Interests: going on the computer, downloading/listening to music, reading Naruto fics, playing sports, and hanging out with my friends, and writing fanfics. Fandom I enjoy reading the most: Naruto Favorite parings: Kakashi x Iruka: Yeah yeah i know, but i just LOVE this paring! It's just something about it. It's the most popular fandom i read. There's just something about them. Kakairu fan_ Naruto x Sasuke: Love this paring, as do a lot of people i'm sure. This paring is great. They look sooo cute together! Narusasu fan_ Naruto x Hinata: this couple is cute, and yes, omg, surprisingly, i do support straight couples. they're cute. I like hinata, shes cool, and Naruto's my favorite character, and they look cute together. Naruhina. Naruto x Sakura: they're okay. Kinda cute, Sakura's a little bitchy with him but it's alright. NaruSaku Naruto x Ino: I started writing SasuHina for my friend, and I added this pairing to go along with the fics...I feel inlove and now I love this pairing. =D Kakashi x Naruto: Yeah, that's right. Kakashi and Naruto. Love them together. Iruka x Naruto: I write it, might as well love them. =3 NarutoxKakashixIruka: 3 way! XD Iruka x Sasuke: I just happened to come across one fic, and loved them. Now I started posting fics with them. =) Parings that i dont support: Sasuke x Ino Kakashi x Sakura Gaara x Sakura Sasuke x Sakura Kakashi x Sasuke Kakashi x Gai Iruka x Gai Okay, if there's something I hate, DESPISE, it's people who INSIST on sharing how much they hate a certain pairing. Listen, if the fic says, for example, KakaIru, or Kakashi x Iruka, do see you the x? I see the fucking x, you know what that means? It's a PAIRING FIC. I hate it when they say "eww! why did you write a kakaIru?? why are they together?! That's gross! They're not gay!" Or, when they say "Eww...Kakashi's mine, bitch! He's not gay!!" Or when I hear "I don't like KakaIru, I like KakaGai or IruGai" Well then, DON'T READ THE FUCKING FIC. It's that simple! If you don't like it, don't read it! And don't tell someone's else you hate the pairing cuz I really don't give a flying fuck. I hate people who push away their friends or act like assholes when it's not necessary. I hate whiny brats. I hate kids who complain and complain when their life isn't so bad. I love my friends, I love my girlfriend Elena = I love writing, and I love music. I love the pairing KakaIru, it's my OTP = And this is my little section=D Kryzia at your service! Well...not really, but neh... O I like SasuNeji 8D Fluffen Stuff Annnnd...on the site I'm Minamoto Izumi=D Erm...what else? You may have figured out...I know Nicole in person. =O Well aren't I friendly with the Enter button today! -prods- o.o You may have also been able to tell I'm EXTREAMLY bored so I'm passing time here. SasuHina Hinata Hyuuga is my favorite character, despite all of my favorite pairings have Sasuke in them xD -Ducky The Pirate P.S.: Arrrrg 8D |