To whom it may concern,

I am writing this letter to inform the audience that this story is currently on hold for a long while. I know it was meant to be finished a year ago today but I honestly never got around to finishing it. I really need to take some time to re-edit and greatly improve this story before it becomes a masterpiece. It will probably be a long time before this story is finished, or it may not even be finished at all and left as it is. I will try my best to update and greatly improve this story but it has so many errors that I know if I continue to work on it, I have a lot of work cut out for me. Please understand that I do not mean to abandon this story, it is the longest one I have ever written and I used to be entirely dedicated to it. I love this story because even though it is not the best, I can still look back to then and see just how much I have improved as a writer. Please please understand that the last thing I want to do is abandon this story, I just have so much work to do that it is a bit overwhelming.

That being said, I have become much better at brainstorming and I could really turn this story into a fantastic one with new ideas. I had a paper that I wrote down everything I planned for this story to become but I lost it and with that went my motivation to write the story itself. I feel that if I take more time to truly think about the story and how it could be improved, you lovely readers would get a huge reward for being so patient. I just ask that you do not give up on this story just yet. I know it has been a long time and you have probably forgotten about this story, I did once too. However if I truly decide to abandon the story I will let you all know as soon as I do. This story has so much potential, I just need to find my motivation again. It may take some time but I feel like it could be amazing. If you are still interested in reading my story even though it has been such a long time, I am here to thank you personally for still giving it a chance. It has been through a lot and seen much better days, but I swear I will not give up on this story unless I truly have lost the love for it.

