Hey Everyone,
This was not a message that I wanted to write, but at this point there is no other option. It's been way too long since I've started this story and my writing style and interests have changed a lot. I do not think I am the best person for continuing this story, and I am sorry for those who were hoping for me to be able to finish this. I have actually had the entire story mapped out for quite sometime, but just never got around to putting the pieces together. That being said, I would be more than happy to hand this story off to anyone who has an interest in further exploring the ODST's adventure. I would love to see what ideas someone else can come up with, and what direction they can take the story. Just slide me a message if you are down and I will send you all of the previous chapters along with the outline of the entire story. Obviously, you won't have to run with it if you don't like it. I want you to come up with new ideas and put your own spin on to it! I think that it would be a let down to a lot of people to leave this story hanging. The amount of feedback, criticism and support I have received have been nothing short of incredible and more than I could have asked for. I am a better writer because of it. So for that, a big thank you to all of you who have followed, favorited, and reviewed this story, and to anyone else who has read it. I'm glad I was able to share my vision with you guys.