Lightning Always Strikes Twice

Author Notes

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-Update June 20th, 2014-

Warning - Mild Movie Spoilers

So the second movie was released not too long ago. And it was honestly a well constructed and thought out movie. It actually progressed the story forward which is very rare in sequels today. Usually, studies try to make the sequel to similar to the original plot not realizing that, by doing so, they are already damning the second one to the point that it just feels like filler. It needs to be able to stand on its own, with its own themes, tragedies and ideas. However, the movie brought a lot of ideas forward that collide with this story and take some of its thunder. Damn, you DreamWorks for having similar ideas.

However, I have made them all mesh together for the most part. There is one extreme exception. In the second movie, it was discovered that Hiccup's mother Valka disappeared when he was a toddler. This story was written before this was known and thus Valka disappeared much later when Hiccup was a young child. Because of this, he does have some recollection and memory of his mother.

-Release Rate-

The current plan is still to update this story once a week, but the release for chapter might slip back into Saturday. If you feel strongly one way or another please let me know though PM or review. But I cannot make any promises. Also, I am a Graduate Student and real life may prevent me from updating every now and then. Therefore, I reserve the right to not feel obligated to publish a chapter every Friday/Saturday, but will try my hardest to meet the deadline.


The cover picture is a cropped and lightly modified picture from the original created by InuKura on deviant art. Please see deviantart com / art / A-Monstrous-Nightmare-376263279 for the original. If you get the time you should definitely check out their work.


Prologue - "My life is a perfect graveyard of buried hopes."

Credit to L.M. Montgomery

Chapter 1 - "It was the possibility of darkness that made the day seem so bright."

Credit to Stephen King

Chapter 2 - "I have learned all kinds of things from my many mistakes. The one thing I never learn is to stop making them."

Credit to Joe Abercrombie

Chapter 3 - "I really like it when a bad dream doesn't scare inspires you instead."

Credit to Fwan Storm

Chapter 4 - "It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped."

Credit to Tony Robbins

Chapter 5 - "Not every puzzle is intended to be solved. Some are in place to test your limits. Others are, in fact, not puzzles at all..."

Credit to Vera Nazarian

Chapter 6 - "The language of friendship is not words but meanings."

Credit to Henry David Thoreau

Chapter 7 – "Sometimes it's the same moments that take your breath away that breathe purpose and love back into your life."

Credit to Steve Maraboli

Chapter 8 - "Stars, hide your fires; let not light see my black and deep desires."

Credit to William Shakespeare

Chapter 9 - "I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past."

Credit to Thomas Jefferson

Chapter 10 - "Peel away the layers and glance beneath the lies for there is always more to it than meets the eyes."

Credit to Myself

Chapter 11 - "There are two kinds of light - the glow that illuminates, and the glare that obscures.

Credit to James Thurber

Chapter 12 - "Am I not destroying my enemies when I make friends of them?"

Credit to Abraham Lincoln

Chapter 13 - "Tragedy, for me, is not a conflict between right and wrong, but between two different kinds of right."

Credit to Peter Shaffer

Chapter 14 - "It is during our darkest moments that we must focus on the light."

Credit to Aristotle Onassis

Chapter 15 - "No destination is too far for one with wings"

Credit to Myself

Chapter 16 - "Hatred is the coward's revenge for being intimidated."

Credit to George Bernard Shaw


I own nothing of How To Train Your Dragon or any of the associated rights. This work was done for enjoyment purposes only with no monetary value obtained in anyway. If anyone wished to use the ideas, including original characters or quotes, here within they are legally allowed to; no copyrights or protection exist for this story. Although, this author would greatly appreciate a nod if his ideas are used elsewhere.