A/N: Thanks to everyone who reviewed... maybe I won't quite end the story yet :P here's the next chapter :) Enjoy.
Tumblr: alltherightfeels
DISCLAIMER: Don't own Rookie Blue
"Serve and Protect, ladies and gentlemen" Frank said as he dismissed the room full of officers.
"AH McNally, you have the pleasure of riding with me today" Oliver said as he frowned and picked the pickles off his sandwich and threw them in the trashcan. "What does no pickles mean to you Epstein?" Oliver asked turning around.
"Uh, don't put pickles on it" Dov said grabbing the squad keys.
"EXACTLY! The ladies at the Sandwich place must not understand, Come on McNally, let's get out of here" Oliver said as he tossed her the squad keys. "you're drivin today" he said with a smile.
"Do you know where Sam is? I wanted to say bye..." Andy said as she looked over at his office, he wasn't in parade either.
"Already gone, him and Traci left before parade." Oliver said as he pushed open the door and ushered Andy threw.
"So Izzy decided that I needed an upgrade on my phone. Apparently flip phones aren't cool anymore. So there was this deal you know buy one iPhone get one free? Anyways she doesn't care if I'm cool or not she just wanted a new phone and tricked me into this deal. I don't even know how to send a text message on this thing." Oliver said as they drove down the road.
"Doesn't help that Celery sided with her saying I needed a new phone." Oliver said shaking his head playing on the phone.
"Detective's requesting back-up, 1504 are you available?" Dispatch said through the radio.
"That's Sammy" Oliver said as he flicked on the lights and grabbed the radio. "1504 mark us on it"
"Of course the D's need back up in the roughtest neighbourhood" Andy shook her head as she stepped on the gas.
2 minutes later they arrived at the apartments and saw Traci, "where's Sam?" Andy asked getting out of the car.
"He's around the corner, we came to get a witness and there were shots fired. Can you two clear the building?" Traci asked as she turned around to see Dov and Gail pull up.
Andy entered the apartment, gun drawn and she walked to the second floor as Oliver cleared the first floor. She recognized the building as the one she was at on her first day when she blew Sam's eight month undercover op. She laughed at the memory and knocked on one of the doors.
"Police Open up" she said. No one answered but she could hear someone inside. "Open the door please" she said again knocking. No one answered the door, so she decided to kick it in. Reasonable cause, she smelled smoke, had to make sure everything was okay, she said making up an excuse in her head.
"Police don't move" she said as she brought her gun up so the man in front of her, his back was to her and in a blink of an eye the guy was out the window.
"Not again" she groaned as she ran out the window and down the fire escape seeing the suspect running down the alley.
"Don't make me chase you" she sighed as her feet hit the ground. She started chasing the guy as she got closer to him, she jumped on him as squad cars waited at the end of the alley coming closer.
"Now you tackled me are ya gonna kiss me?" Sam laughed as he rolled over.
"What the hell Sam" Andy said as she stood up and brushed herself off. She looked her boyfriend up and down to see that he was wearing worn out jeans, a black shirt and a whole lot of grease... gel he called it, in his hair. She looked up to see Traci, Oliver, Gail, Nick, Dov and Chris standing laughing, as Traci pulled out her phone and started taking pictures.
"Did you join UC since the last time I saw you or what?" Andy said as she looked up at the police officers in front of her.
"Andy McNally, I love you to the moon and back. Right here in this alley when you tackled me and tried to kiss me, I thought to myself 'this rookie is going to be a problem for me'" Sam said laughing, "And I was right. It's been a long, hard, amazing four years and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Andy McNally, Ms. I don't date cops, will you marry me?" Sam said as he got on one knee and caught the velvet black box Oliver threw at him, opening it up to reveal the most beautiful ring she had ever seen in her life.
Andy brought her hands up to her face and covered her mouth, she could feel the tears in her eyes as she looked at Sam who was still on his knee holding the ring out to her. Not trusting her voice she wiped the tears away and nodded her head.
"Yeah?" Sam smiled his famous dimpled smile.
"Yeah" Andy said as Sam stood up and picked her up and spun her around and kissed her. He grabbed her hand, placed the ring on her finger and raised her hand up to the other officers. They all cheered and Sam kissed Andy again.
Andy stepped out of the shower and dried off walking up to the mirror in the girls locker room, she stared at herself as she started brushing her hair. She laughed to herself as she looked down at the beautiful ring sitting on her finger. She couldn't believe it, she was going to be a Swarek. Arianna and Andrew were going to be her niece and nephew. Sarah was going to be her sister in law. Sam was going to be her husband.
"McNally?" Sam said as he pushed open the woman's locker room door. "Are you almost ready? Everyone is heading to the penny in celebration of us" he said as he walked over to see Andy sitting on the bench, phone in hand.
"Andy?" he said as he walked over and sat beside her.
"That was the doctor's." Andy said as she looked up at Sam.
"You're going to be a dad" she said as she kissed him.
And that was the best news Sam had ever heard.
Welcome to the bottom. Wow engaged and pregnant in the same day, that's exciting! Let me know what you thought :) -C