Ok this chapter will have more of the rest of the fight between Naruo, Kurenai and Hinata. Please enjoy. I own nothing.

The Leaf Village was in extremely bad shape right now for a dark day had come to visit it. Now it had seen dark days before in fact all villages in the Ninja World had seen dark days. This time however it seemed as if it were the darkest day for the Leaf Village, for it was on the verge of destruction. The Leaf Village had faced destruction many times before. It faced destruction in each and every single war that had occurred. It faced it when the Nine Tailed Fox attacked both times. It faced it when the Sand and Sound Village joined together and lastly when Pein attacked.

However, each time the brave ninjas of the Leaf defended the village. Sadly, as is the case in all wars or battles, many died in these battles. The slain gladly gave their lives for the chance to save their village and the people they loved, many died but the village still stood. It seemed that nothing could bring the village down but now it was close to falling once more. This time only a few stood to defend it but they were falling one by one to the small force of the Uzumaki family and their allies.

No matter what or whom was sent at the Uzumaki family nothing stood against them. Each ninja was slain without mercy. This battle should have been an easy win for the Leaf Village. Since the Leaf forces outnumbered the Uzumaki family. However, the Leaf was still losing and losing badly.

The part that was ironic about all this was that now the village faced destruction form some of their best ninjas. Some of their best hero' and ones that had saved it quite a few times. Most members of the Uzumaki family had sworn to protect it and yet they were destroying it now. The irony was not lost on the Uzumaki family.

Naruto all he ever wanted was to be accepted by the Leaf Village. He badly wanted the respect form the people. All he got instead was hatred, dirty looks, death threats, and actual physical punishments for offenses, real, imagined, large and small. He got beaten so many times when he was younger that he lost track. He was nearly killed more times than he could count and that was before he put on the head band and yet despite that he still fought for the village.

He gave them a warning to leave him be when he left. He was more than happy to leave the village alone. They attacked his family so now he would destroy them. Now to be honest it looked like it was a set up, and in a way, it was. You see his daughters convinced Naruto to let them act as bait. It was a test to see if Hianta and the Leaf Village would act.

If they did not act then everything would be ok. If they did act then the family would attack and destroy and as all readers know that is what happened. Despite all of them wanting the Leaf to leave them alone forever none of them wanted to destroy it.

Both Naruto and Kurenai got ready and charged fire to their swords. Hinata was up and she was mad. Of course, she had reason to be mad seeing as she was not doing well at all and her foes were stronger then she thought. She knew they would be strong just not this strong. However, much she hated Naruto she knew it was foolish to underestimate him. Seeing as many have done the same thing and all were either dead or his family and friends.

She also knew it was foolish to underestimate her old teacher. She had watched as her old teacher started to get stronger over the years as she dated Naruto. She did however underestimate the rest of the Uzumaki family. She did not think they would have subdued the village this quickly. She also overestimated the strength of the Leaf Village forces and the former Hokages. It was clear that the strength of the former Hokages was oversold to the people she thought to herself.

"It was not oversold. The past Hokages were powerful that is a fact." Naruto said.

"Then how were they beaten so easily?" Hinata asked annoyed that her former crushed was able to read her that well.

"Well with the fourth. My mother was always more powerful than him and that was without the fox. In the spars they had my mom never once went all out where as the fourth did and he still lost every single time." Naruto said with a shrug.

"Then why was she not named Hokage?" Hinata asked.

"She did not want to be the Hokage." Naruto said.

"My Mom hates paperwork and sitting for long periods at a time doing nothing. It would have been bad for everyone if she was Hokage. Also it would have been funny, really funny. The council would have all been killed for trying to control my mother in the first week." Naruto said.

"I was not that bad." Kushina shouted into her headset.

"Yes, you were." The ones that knew her said back. This cause Kushina to destroy a building with her sword. It was only one swing of her sword for the record and no elements were used in the destruction of this building. Also the building was at least 15 stories high. No one commented that Kushina as Hokage would have killed the council within a day.

"As for the first, Mito was far stronger. The first made everyone think he was stronger. Mito loved him so she never said anything." Naruto said.

"Let us not forget that many of the clans were sexist and never would have agreed to be led by a woman." Kuernai said with no bitterness in her voice.

"Also, the first at the time was the one that set up the village and it would have looked bad if his wife led the village instead of him." Naruto added.

"The second was a little more powerful but not as powerful as Mito. " Naruto said.

"The third you brought back before he died not when he was at his prime. He might have been a threat then." Kuernai said.

"Just to be clear even if he was in his prime, he would not have been threat. As for junior monkey he only got the better of me due to drugs." Kuernai said.

"As for the toad he was no match for my mom." Naurto said.

"Mito was killed by the first." Hinata said.

"That is true but it was due to poison. The first was never able to match his wife strength for strength. Not once ever. The Uzuamki clan is powerful. It took the combined strength of three villages to destroy the Uzuamki clan and the combined villages nearly lost." Naurto said.

"Koyuki's uncle not even sure why you called him. As for the demon of the hidden mist he was my friend. I am not sure why you called Dan back, that was a massive mistake. He was good no doubt about it but he was not powerful." Naurto said. Hinata the whole time was fuming you could actually see the steam coming out of her head. It was funny as proven by the fact that Naurto and Kuernai were laughing.

That laughter stopped as Hinata lunched a tower made of water at the duo. Both slammed their hands on the ground resulting in a wall of earth appearing thus stopping the water in its tracks. Also, the fire in their swords did burn out sadly since they had to stop channeling the fire charka into the swords.

"Lighting earth wall charge." Both Naruto and Kuernai shouted. The wall that was summoned before was covered with drops of water from the water tower attack. Both Naruto and Kuernai charged lighting to the wall and then sent more charka to the wall to send it at Hinata. Making a moving wall that if hit would do a lot of damage and this is what happened to Hinata. She was not fast enough to move out of the way and she took the attack head on. The earth hit her hard and crushed her bones. The water combined with the lighting attack shocked her. This was not enough to kill her. The sword strike to her gut did kill her however. The number on her head changed from eight to seven. Kuernai took the time to enter sage mode like Naruto was.

She mastered it fast just like Naruto did. All of the Uzumaki family had master it quickly expect the children since they had yet to learn it. So, when Hinata got back up she saw Kuernai in her fox sage mode. It was at this point that true panic started to fill her being. It would do no good however since Hinata was too far gone in her rage. Panic is a reaction in one's body when things are bad to prevent people from doing stupid and dangerous things. It forces them to step back and think. As mentioned before Hinata was too far gone for it do any good.

She summoned 30 clones, 10 of them summoned walls of earth to surround her. The other 20 charged at Naruto and Kuernai. The earth walls summoned by the clones were stronger than normal due to extra charka being placed in it. The earth walls were not strong enough to stand up to the might of two fox sage's however. The walls were destroyed and the clones as well. Hinata was stabbed with two swords in her heart. The number seven disappeared and became a six. Whatever attack she had planned was stopped with this death.

In a matter of minutes Hinata was up and attacking with her own version of the gentle fist style. Naurto was hit in the stomach and knocked into a tree. Five Hinata clones surrounded him and drew knives making the point to Kuernai that she had to fight Hinata. Hinata wanted to knocked Kuernai out so that when Naurto got back up again she could kill Kuernai in front of Naurto.

Kuernai suspected that was her last former students plan and she had no intention of allowing that. She knew her husband was in an incredibly difficult spot. However, she also knew that he had been in tougher spots. So, she was worried but not as much as she would be. After all he had faced death many times and yet he was still standing. Kuernai started to laugh.

"What is so funny?" Hinata demanded of her old teacher.

"I am winning this fight." Hinata added with almost a shout.

"Nothing expect you thinking that you are winning." Kuernai said to her former student.

"I am winning. I have your girls held hostage and I have your husband held hostage. Also, I have a large army of highly trained samurai warriors on the way." Hinata said.

"These are specially trained to combat and defeat ninja's. The can block or prevent the use of charka." Hinata added.

"Well two of the three things are true." Kuernai said.

"What is false?" Hinata asked in response to the comment.

"Well yes you have my husband and my daughters trapped." Kuernai said and took a pause.

"The samurai have turned back. We told them the truth and they refused to fight." Kuernai said.

"What I have the ear of the Fire Lord and he controls them. They should have followed orders despite their feelings." Hinata said.

"For regular samurai maybe and if they have respect for the Fire Lord maybe. However, the Fire Lord is a sad weakling. No other feudal lord respects him. Actual no one respects him." Kuernai said.

"Also, the fact that we have the Nine Tailed Fox on are side helps to. No one wants to fight him head on." Kuernai said and dodged and stabbed a clone that vanished in a poof of smoke. She then signed a dragon of ice and sent it at Hinata who dodged it but not the kunai stab to her right shoulder and the kunai stab to her left leg and the kick to her stomach. After the combo Kuernai jumped back and hit Hinata with an earth worm, a giant earth worm.

Hinata was hurt but not dead seeing as her powers were making her challenging to kill.

"As I was saying the samurai were trained to think more and let their feelings be a factor in the fights they pick. If the lord ever went crazy and the decisions, he or she were making are not helpful to the country. They had to eliminate them. Plus, they are allowed to pick their battles." Kuernai said.

"Do you not think that it was odd that an army of samurai were at the villages gates that quickly. Considering that the fire lord is paranoid and has a lot of protection. These samurai are not allowed in the capital unless they have to be." Kuernai said.

"So even if the samurai did not help. I can still beat you all. I have Naruto trapped." Hinata said.

"Maybe" Kuernai said with a shrug.

"But that does not mean anything really. He has been in tougher spots." Kuernai said. She charged Hinata starting a hand to hand combat match. Hinata had over the years since the war ended increased her power. She increased her charka and her justus to a high degree she had many powerful ones at her command. All of her skills have been increased, that is expect for her hand to hand skills. She like all in her clan fell for a fatal flaw. The sad part was that when she was in love with Naruto she did not fall for this flaw.

Her clan prided itself on having fantastic hand to hand combat skills. Now this was true the Hyuuga clan had great hand to hand combat skills. However they had such faith in their skill that they felt that at a certain point that the clan member no longer needed to increase their skill. Once you master her clan's fighting style. It was felt that they could not be beaten. In many case's this was true for the Hyuuga clan. However, Hinata like many forgot a simple fact.

This fact was the Naruto was far smarter than he let on. Due to this she did not think that Naruto could beat her in a hand to hand combat fight. She forgot that he did with Neji after all. Naruto had studied the fighting style of the Hyuuga clan and had figure out how to beat it. He had also trained his family in how to beat the style even his daughters.

Also, Hinata forgot the Kuernai was her teacher and former squad leader. Also, one of Naurto's daughters was form the Huuyga clan and had learned many of the clan's fighting styles. Crystal had mastered the basic katas and the medium katas before being adopted and some of the advanced ones. Also, the foxes stole the scrolls which was far easier than they thought. Ice's words were more a less that it was sad how easy it was to steal.

Also, Kuernai had seen how Hinata had fought. As a result, Hinata was quickly overpowered and sent flying into a nearby tree. Kuernai followed through with a stabbed in the heart with a kunai. Hinata was stronger but a stab to the heart was still a stab to the heart no matter how hard it was to kill someone. This caused the clones to go up in smoke. The number six became a number five on her head. Kuernai was able to wake her husband up. She kissed him since that always got him up and ready. Plus, she wanted a kiss.

"What did I miss?" Naruto asked.

"I killed her once more now only five more time until she is mortal again." Kuernai said. Naruto sighed.

"Ok then what next?" Naruto asked his wife. She sat down on the ground and he pulled her closer to him and she put her head on his shoulder and he put his arm around her.

"How about wind we have not killed her with wind yet." Kuernai said. Naruto summoned some clones and they quickly got to work. They buried some kunai in the ground. The clones finished just in time for Hinata got up and was enraged to see the couple cuddling on the ground.

"Hinata give us a minute. I do not get to just sit and cuddle with my family much anymore." Naruto said. As stated, before Hinata was enraged and she charged for the sitting couple. She made contact with both of them. Upon hitting them the two smirked and exploded into a storm of kunai piercing every single part of Hinata.

Causing her to fall to the ground with punctured lungs, heart and brain. The five on her head became a four. Naruto and Kunerai then reappeared still on the ground cuddling.

"I thought you said wind." Naruto said to his wife.

"I changed my mind. I am allowed to." Kuernai said causing Naruto to laugh. Kuernai smiled since Naruto did not laugh much and it was hard to get him to laugh. He never laughed much growing up since he had nothing to laugh about. As a result he never saw the need to laugh. It was like a lot of things if you don't use it you lose it. Since Naruto married Kuernai that had changed. Actually, since he adopted Amber. Hinata got up and saw her foes still siting. When Hinata got up so did Naruto and Kuernai.

"Did you have a nice nap?" Kuernai asked with a fox like grin. Needless to say Hinata did not like that. Naruto stood up and Kuernai was about to but she felt a pair of hands rub her shoulders. Looking up she sees that it is a shadow clone of Naurto.

"You should take a rest and let me kill a life or two." Naruto said and Kuernai nodded her head she needed a little rest plus it was fun to watch this battle. Naruto drew his sword and Hinata drew a spear. It was never figured out where she kept it. The spear was about five feet long with a sharp point. Naruto smirked. He was not worried about the weapon. When Ten Ten moved to the wolf village she helped everyone get use to all weapons.

Naruto had mastered how to fight with all weapons and had mastered it quickly. Shadow clones were really helpful. Hinata charged with the spear causing Naruto to jump up. This led to Hinata to attempt to stab him in the air causing him to sub with a nearby rock. The spear point being made of strong metal did not brake upon contact with the rock. Hinata dodged a sword strike form her left and her right at the same time.

She jumps away to see two Naruto's both holding the swords. One Naruto went up in smoke leaving only one with a smirk on his face. Naruto was having fun with this fight. He summoned six clones and they started to spin around really fast. Hinata despite having her clan's eyes was unable to keep up.

"Dance of the Crescent Moon." Naruto said softly but still loud enough for Hinata to hear. Yuuago had taught him this skill. Unlike that last leaf ninja who used it this attack struck and hit. Hinata was not killed but she was hurt badly enough for Naruto to stab her in the gut a little bit higher then the first time. Hinata in great pain attempted to strike Naruto. It was sort of successful since he had to dodge and his sword was destroyed. This annoyed him greatly but since he was unharmed and it was not his mother's sword, he looked on the bright side since he was still alive.

Using the flying thunder god he quickly got close to Hinata and drew two seals on her. One froze her in place and the other speed up her blood lose. In a matter of five minutes she fell to the ground dead form blood lose. Both of the seals disappeared after her death. The four on her head became a three. Naruto went to sit down and held Kuernai close to him as holding his loved ones was one of if not the greatest joy that Naruto felt in his life. When he got his daughters back, he was going to hug them until they turned blue let them go and then hug them again until they turned blue again. The couple closed their eyes.

They were resting until they heard screaming form Hinata who charged them. At least that was what she was attempting to do. The hidden weapons that were planted in the ground early shot up and priced her body. They entered through her feet and out of brain slicing through every single organ in Hinata's body along the way to her brain. If one looked closely at Naruto one would see his hands in a tiger seal. The three became a two on Hinata's head.

She got up and summoned 50 shadow clones. All 50 of them started to run through seals at a rapid rate. Hinata and her clones after only three seconds fired a massive amount of lightning bolts at her former crush and teacher with a shout of "Grand Lighting storm."

All of them were dodged by the two with great ease now this was Hinata's plan so she was not anger about it. She summoned more clones not seen by anyone. These clones prepared an attack. After a few moments and all the clones that had attempted to shoot lighting bolts were destroyed the other clones launched their attack.

"Water Style: Rain of pain" was heard shouted by the clones. Giant spears of water fell from the sky and hit both Naruto and Kuernai with deadly accuracy. The lighting that was still on the ground made contact with the water from the spears thus elocuting the two. They fell to the ground dead.

Hinata smirked and went to check on her killed foes only to get her head chopped off. She fell dead to the ground the number 3 became a number 2 and her head reattached itself to her body. She got back up to see the bodies of her former leader and crush turn to smoke to reveal that it was two random unimportant Leaf Ninjas.

She was shot in the back with spears made of stone and fire. The stone being form Naruto and the fire being form Kuernai. The 2 became a 1 on her head. Naruto and Kunerai figured that Hinata was up to something and the lightning bolts were just a distraction so when they killed the clones that launched the lightning bolts and heard the water attack, they switched places with two nearby Leaf Ninjas and transformed them to look like themselves just in time for the two Leaf Ninjas to die painfully.

"I got to say the was impressive." Naruto said.

"Agreed, that was. I knew she had it in her. To think all it took was a simple revenge plot." Kuernai said with humor.

"Yeah I am glad I could help someone have the motivation to do better. It makes one feel good." Naruto said with humor.

"As a teacher I am happy but as mother, wife and enemy ninja I am mad." Kuernai said.

"O well nothing we can do expect kill her two more times." Naruto said.

End of chapter

I meant to end it this chapter but it has been too long since I last updated and I am sorry. I have no excuse and will offer none.

Dead Wolf Village

Suzume dead killed protecting the kids.

Mito died giving her life to take down her former husband.

Leaf Village

Army sent to the wolf village is wipeout.

Nara clan wiped out all accept Yoshino

Dan dead

Jirayia dead

Minato out of the battle waiting for final destruction

Gambunta dead all other leaf summon animals dead.

Rock Lee: dead

Aburame clan wiped out all members dead.

Inuzuka clan defected expect Kiba who is dead.

Konohamura defected

Zabuza defected

Yamanaka Clan wiped out.

Choji Akimichi dead. The rest of the Akimichi clan still lives for now.

Council of the Leaf civilian side dead.

Second Hokake removed from the fight awaiting the final destruction.

Dotou dead

Fire troops made it to the village but were given the option of be killed or leave and live. They chose to leave and live.

Frist hokage out of the fight waiting for final destruction.

Asuma not dead but waiting for final destruction.

Civilian's all dead except children.

Third hokage out of battle waiting for final destruction