Elsa walked down the corridor to her bedroom for a well-deserved rest after a busy day as Queen. As she passed by Anna's room, she heard a loud noise from behind the door. She took a few steps closer to the door and leaned in to hear better.

"Kristoff, not now. I don't want anybody to hear."

"Come on, Anna. You know you want to."

Silence. Pure and absolute silence. It was as still and quiet as freshly fallen snow on clear winter day. Then, Elsa could hear lips smacking together and a small moan come from Anna's mouth. She figured that the small issue had been resolved. Just as Elsa was about to turn away, she heard Anna complain to Kristoff again. Elsa stayed where she was and listened some more.

"Kristoff, please don't kiss me there. I'm not ready yet. I would like to wait until we're both ready."

"I thought you were ready, Anna. Are you sure you're just playing hard to get?"

"I'm not trying to play hard to get, Kristoff. It's not that I don't love you, but I'm not ready for this happen to us just yet. Could you please put your shirt back on so we can go to bed?"

"But Anna-"

"Kristoff, please. Let's just go to bed."

Elsa could hear the sheets being ruffled. She assumed that everything was fine between Anna and Kristoff and so she could feel easy going to bed herself. However, that was not the case. When she walked away from the door, she heard Anna yelp in surprise. Before she knew it, Anna flung open the door and ran out of her room yelling with Kristoff coming out after her shirtless. Before they could go any further down the corridor, they stopped dead in their tracks spotting Elsa standing just a few feet away from them.

Frozen in place with sheer embarrassment, all Anna and Kristoff could do was stare at Elsa. Anna looked down at herself feeling ashamed and uncomfortable realizing that she was only in her undergarments in front of her own sister. Anna couldn't bear to be seen in her current state by Elsa for much longer. She felt so ashamed of herself fearing that her sister would think less of her or worst: disown her. Anna attempted to cover her chest with her arms, swiftly turned around and ran away. Kristoff was about to go after her with grief and regret lining every inch of his face. Yet Elsa stopped him where he was and went off after Anna herself. It didn't take long to catch up with her sister and use her powers to freeze her feet in place on the floor. Anna tried to break free, but her efforts were futile. Anna tightened her grip around her arms as Elsa approached her. Anna avoided eye contact with her sister.

Elsa hesitated to place a comforting hand on Anna's right shoulder. She dropped her hand to her side knowing that Anna would try to shrug it off. She wasn't her typical bubbly, warm self. She felt ashamed and uncomfortable. Elsa sighed out of exasperation. She unclipped her cape and wrapped it around Anna's cold body. Anna's spine stiffened up from the contact of Elsa's cape being wrapped around her. She turned her head to her sister and stared at her horror and confusion. Her voice cracked like an old door being pushed open with a rusty doorknob.


Elsa commanded her voice to be as gentle as a flower yet as firm as a rock.

"Anna, please, don't run away."

"Why shouldn't I? You probably think I'm not worthy to be your younger sister."

"No. I don't."

Anna could feel fresh, hot tears forming in her eyes. "Really? Why?"

"You're my little sister and I promised to myself when I held you in my arms that I protect you from any harm whether it be emotional or physical harm and I intend to keep that promise."


"Anna, please, listen to me."

Anna could only nod in response as she tried her hardest to hold back from choking up.

"If you promise not to run away from me, I'll unfreeze your feet and I'll lead you back to Kristoff in front of your room so you two may resolve your problem."

Anna nodded in agreement.

"Okay. Hold on." Elsa looked down at Anna bare feet frozen feet and grimaced to herself. She wished that Anna had at least had slippers on her feet. With a flick of her wrist, Elsa unfroze Anna's feet and then helped her sister turn around and walk back to her bedroom.

When the two sisters arrived at the bedroom, Kristoff was seen leaning against the wall off to the side. He noticed that they came back and he pushed himself off the wall staring at Anna and Elsa with deep sorrow and regret swirling in his warm, brown eyes.

"Anna. I'm-"

Elsa had to cut off Kristoff. "Kristoff, I'm sorry, but I think you shouldn't speak right now."


"Don't worry, Kristoff. You'll be able to talk with Anna later. I'll make sure you two talk to each other and resolve this…issue. Please, trust me."


"Please, put on your shirt and return to your room. We will resolve this issue in the morning."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Now, please, put on your shirt and leave. I need to spend some time with Anna alone."

"Yes. Thank you, Elsa, for giving me a chance."

"Don't thank me yet, Kristoff."

Kristoff was unsure how to respond to Elsa's unnerving statement. He quickly went back into Anna's bedroom, threw his shirt back on and darted past Anna and Elsa as he quickly bid them goodnight before heading to his bedroom. Once Kristoff was out of sight, Elsa turned toward Anna.

"Do you want to go inside your bedroom?"

Anna vigorously nodded her head "yes" while holding back the tears that were collecting in her eyes. Elsa gingerly ushered Anna in the bedroom. She closed the door behind the two of them and helped Anna on her bed. Anna plopped onto her bed with a heavy burden of guilt weighing down her heart. Elsa sat down next to her and looking at her sister's pitiful face.

"Do you want me to get your night gown for you?"

Anna pursed her lips and bit down hard on the lower one.

"I'll take that as a 'yes'."

Elsa got up from the bed and walked over to the closet. She pulled out a nightgown as Anna curled up in a ball underneath her cape. Elsa returned to the bed and sat back down next to Anna within a few minutes. She showcased the gown to her sister.

"Will this do?"

Anna looked at the gown, frowned at her sister and shrugged. She didn't care. Elsa could tell that Anna didn't have the strength to speak to her, so she gave her sister the benefit of the doubt and didn't press Anna any further.

"Anna, could you please drop my cape so I can help you into your gown?"

Anna dropped the cape without a fight. She slumped her arms against her sides. Elsa frowned. She felt deep sympathy for her sister. She asked Anna to raise her arms and Anna silently complied. Then she slipped the nightgown over her sister's body until it was properly fitted on her. Anna instinctively dropped her arms when she could feel her nightgown was on right. Elsa saw a stray strand of hair pop out from over Anna's ear and tucked it behind the ear. After that, Elsa scooted closer to Anna.

"Would you like to tell me what happened between you and Kristoff?"

Anna shook her head.

"Okay. Well, we don't have to have to talk about what happened if you don't want to. We can talk about something else…or I can talk about what I did in my room while I stayed away from you. Maybe I should talk about how I remember taking care of you as a baby when Mama and Papa weren't around.

Anna sniffled in response. Elsa tried to cheer her up by lightly nudging her in the shoulder, but she didn't get an answer from Anna.

"How about I re-do your braids? They seem a little out of place."

Anna didn't say anything. She didn't know what to do. Elsa shifted from her comfortable spot and move behind her sister. Elsa began to undo Anna's messy braids. As she fixed her sister's braided pigtails, she began to tell her the tale of how she held her as baby.

"You know, Anna, when you were a few weeks old, Mama had shown you to me and handed you over to me. She told me how to hold you and then carried you to what would become our bedroom before we were separated."

Anna made a sound that was a cross between a sob and snort. Elsa put all her focus in braiding one pigtail as she continued her tale.

"When I had you to myself, I began to sing to you."

Elsa paused as she savored the sweet memory of her holding Anna as a baby. In the meantime, Anna sniffled and tried to utter a complete thought but all she got out was a skewed hiccup.

"I sang to you how there would be certain things expected of you as a princess, but also I sang about we would know better as princesses. Then I finished singing to you, I cradled you in my arms gently rocking back and forth on my feet and telling you how much I would love you."

Elsa had finished the first braid and went on to do the other one.

"I think it was silly of me to promise such high promises for a three year old, but all I knew is that I treasured you as my baby sister and I wanted to make you happy and make sure you were safe. All I wanted to do was to be the best big sister I could possibly be. That's all I really wanted for you."

Elsa finished the second braid and tied up the hair. She flicked the braids from Anna's back to her front so they rested neatly on top of her breasts. Elsa then readjusted herself so she was on her knees and placed her hands on Anna's shoulders. She brought her lips close to Anna's left ear.

"And I know that I haven't been able to be the sister I wanted to be to you for these past thirteen years, but I will try to make it up to you especially now when you need comfort the most. I'm here for you, Anna. You were there for me when you found out about my powers and it's only right that I'm here for you now. I want you to be happy. I want you to resolve your problem with Kristoff, but only if you want to. I'll support you in any choice you make."

Anna twiddled her thumbs. Elsa could sense that Anna wanted to say something, but didn't know how to say it to her. Elsa wrapped her arms around her sister's slender body and pressed her close to her.

"Anna, you don't have to say anything, but I hope you eventually tell me how you feel."

Anna cried at last. Elsa turned Anna around so she could cry into her chest. As Anna latched onto her, Elsa comforted her. She kept Anna tightly in her arms until she stopped crying. When Anna was ready, she gently pushed herself away from Elsa and wiped away some tears. She looked up at her sister.



"How could you be so understanding and loving? I thought for sure you would think less of me. That's why I felt so ashamed when you saw me the way I was."

"I saw you in need of help and comfort. I heard what you said to Kristoff. You did the right thing by leaving the room, but you didn't need to run away from me."

"I know that now, but-"

"Look, Anna. There's nothing you could do for me to think less of you. You did what you thought you had to do to let Kristoff to back off. I'm sure he did not intend for this to happen, but you needed to let him know. I can't and didn't judge you for that. I'm just glad you're okay…But I'm sorry I had to use my magic powers on you, Anna. I had to so you wouldn't run anymore."

"That's okay. I understand that you wanted me to face me. I know now that you wanted to talk to me. I'm sorry I ran away from you."

"It's okay. You were scared and embarrassed. I think I would have done the same thing if I was in your position."

Anna laid her head on Elsa's shoulder and buried her face in the crook of her neck.

"Thank you for not judging me and thank you for being here for me, Elsa."

Elsa stroked Anna's head before resting her hand on it.

"You're welcome. And thank you for giving me a chance to be the big sister I wanted to be for you."

Anna wrapped her arms around Elsa's waist. "I'm glad I get to be your little sister."

"I love you, Anna."

"I love you too, Elsa."

Elsa smiled. She felt an immense amount of pride and joy knowing she could make her sister feel better in a short amount of time. She felt very accomplished as she held Anna in her arms. All she had to worry about now was make sure Anna had a good night's sleep and patched things up with Kristoff. Elsa had a feeling that Kristoff meant no harm and that's why she wanted to give him a chance. She knew him long enough to know that he would never assume something unless he felt that it would happen. He was a man with good intentions and he was humble. Elsa figured that he was a little ready sooner than Anna had been. She couldn't blame him though. He and Anna seemed to be going in that direction anyway. She was thought that it was only a matter of time before Kristoff and Anna joined their hearts and souls together in an ultimate act of love and create a strong bond between lovers. Elsa lost her train of thought when Anna shifted away from her. She looked down at her sleepy sister.



"Are you sleepy?"

Anna yawned and sheepishly smiled at her sister. "Yes…."

"Do you need help getting into bed?"


Anna stumbled off her bed to stand straight on the floor. Elsa swung her legs over the edge of the bed as a swan would flap its wing to fly off into the sky. Then she stood up with perfect posture. She turned around toe face Anna and saw her throw the sheets back and climbed into bed. Elsa walked over to her sister's side and brought the sheets over her chest. She smiled at Anna and Anna smiled back at her.

"What will you do now, Elsa? Will you go to bed soon?"

"Soon, but not that soon."

"Why? What else is there for you to do? I think you could do all you could to help me feel better."

"Not all of it."

"What do you mean?"

"I need to kiss you goodnight."

"Oh, Elsa, you don't need to do that."

"But I want to. I want to make sure you'll feel completely comfortable on your own for the night."

"Okay. If you insist."

"I insist."

Elsa leaned down and kissed Anna on the forehead, cheeks, nose and then finished off with a tender peck on the lips. Then she lifted her head up and smiled softly at her sister once more. Anna smiled widely back at Elsa and reached up for her. Elsa took Anna's hand, gave it a gentle squeeze before setting it down. Then she stroked Anna's face and said goodnight. Anna bid her sister a good night's rest as well. Elsa walked over to the door and opened it. Before she left the room completely, she faced Anna.

"Anna, tomorrow morning you and Kristoff will talk about what you were feeling at the moment from what happened tonight."

"I'm not sure, Elsa."

"Could you please at least see him for my sake? I'm not going to let you and Kristoff give up on what you two have. All I ask of you is that try"

"Okay. I guess I'll try to patch things up with Kristoff if it'll make you happy."

"Thank you, Anna."

"No, Elsa. Thank you."

"Goodnight, Anna. See you and Kristoff tomorrow morning. And don't worry about Kristoff. I'll make sure he meets with you."

"See you tomorrow morning, Elsa. You're the best sister ever."

Elsa could feel tears form in her eyes. She quickly blinked them away.

"I probably should go."

"Go, Elsa. You out of all people deserve a good night's sleep the most. Go ahead and sleep."

"I will."

Elsa closed the door behind her and went to her bedroom to go to sleep.

To Be Continued…