After the finale of the fourth season, I finally got a good idea on how I can continue this fic. Believe it or not, writing is hard, and when the source material changes to fuck up your plans, it makes things way harder.

Author's note: I'll try to be a bit nice to Mako here. I do not like his character, and in fact I could really hate him, but I don't want to bash anyone. Besides, he isn't a total dickhead like many truly unlikeable characters, even if he gets on my nerves and makes pretty poor choices. I don't want to be someone driven by anger on my fics, I've grown as a writer. Then again, I write most of my fics because there's something I dislike/hate about some stories, so take that with a grain of salt if you will.


Hot as love?

"This better have an explanation that will make me not want to do horrible, illegal things to you three."

Understandably, the three friends stiffened to death from the fear that one angry Lin Beifong imposed. However, she was so mad that she had gone to that particular level of rage in which someone skipped the shouting and furious destruction, or furious word lashings in case of the more composed, and settled for being calm. But that calm was a fake mask hiding a sleeping dragon in the form of an angry police woman in her fifties that was married to her job and to making criminals feel pain.

The currently healed but tired trio sat on a police van, Bolin looked more asleep than anything, Korra still nervous from what she saw, and Naruto was still sore from having faced Amon's army. What Lin did know was that she had the three idiots responsible of finding a delusional man that would turn the entire city upside down with the abilities she heard he possessed from the other witnesses and the trio of fools before her.

Korra grinned sheepishly, "Self-defense?"

Lin summoned a glare so powerful that Korra and her past lives down to the first Avatar felt an earth-shattering chill run down their spines, "You…" she wanted to say something cold, dry, sarcastic, and to the point of why what she and Naruto did was stupid beyond belief, but Korra was right: they had defended themselves, but… "You came here on your own without the police to take care of a threat that could have cost you your bending or, even worse, your life."

Bolin chuckled, "Um… Can't you cut them some slack?" he got the same glare Korra received, and he was glad his bladder was empty or else his pants would've been coated with terrified wetness, "Hey, please! Hadn't it been for them, I and many others would have lost our bending, and you wouldn't have known about Amon's real plans until he decided to show himself in public!"

Naruto blinked, "That's… a really smart argument in our favor."

Bolin smiled sheepishly, "You think? I… I heard from Mako that I say smart things only when I'm under stress."

Lin's eyes turned to Naruto, who had experienced her anger so much that he wasn't bothered by it, "You still took care of things on your own accord. Naruto, this is by far the stupidest idea you've taken, and I am saying this after seeing you as a ten year old posting pictures of your naked behind all over the police department."

Korra turned to the blond with a raised eyebrow, "Do I even want to know?"

Naruto sighed, "I was enjoying being a kid at the time, so have some mercy…"

Lin scoffed, "You did that just because I didn't want to take you out for noodles."

Korra's eyes widened, "Wait, I know you've met each other for some time, but… how long?"

Lin turned her eyes away from them, "I met him when he was an orphan, just five years old and he had already attempted to steal my lunch. When I caught him and tried to teach him a lesson of how bad stealing was by showing him the cells at the department, what do you think he did?" she narrowed her jade eyes, making it hard for Naruto's friends to answer it and causing a knot to appear in the blond master's throat, "He ran off and ate every donut in the department before anyone could catch him."

"Hey, youth is the time someone must enjoy with innocence." Naruto said, but his argument never existed before Lin.

"And what of the time you tried to sneak into my house to paint my face?" she asked with her hands on her hips.

"Um… an artistic inspiration?" he nearly yelped when the chief's fist connected with the door's wall beside his head and her dangerously narrowed eyes were inches from his.

"It is only because there's a possible terrorist in this town that I can allow you three to be seen as innocent, so don't tempt my patience…" she all but growled. The three friends gulped and nodded fearfully, feeling tears threatening to fall from their eyes in fear. Truly, an angry woman with the legendary Toph Beifong's blood in her veins was someone to fear.

But Korra had a few words, "Are you sure you're not related?"

She regretted those words when Lin grabbed her by the collar with one hand and, actually gently, pulled her up to face her eye to eye, "Had I a son like him…" she grinned in a devilish fashion, "Trust me when I say he wouldn't have managed to pick his nose without my word."

Korra rolled her eyes while averting her gaze away from Lin's, "Good for him, then."

Lin certainly didn't like the girl's attitude.

Bolin panicked, "Hey, shouldn't you two try to be friends? I mean, we're all up for stopping Amon, aren't we?"

The two female benders turned to him with heated glares, "Shut up!"

The boy nearly jumped out of his skin, to which Naruto deadpanned at the sight before him, "Huh, you two are the same, equally stubborn."

"I don't want to hear that from you!" Lin finally snapped before grabbing her head, ruffling her hair and, after a long deep breath, calming down through a great amount of her will, "I… don't want to see any of you for the next three days while I try to investigate what is going on… I fear that I may do something I will truly regret."

Naruto chuckled, "Heh, so you do like us, chief."

She didn't reply, she just turned around to find something to vent her anger out on and calm down, and two mustached detectives appeared, "Hope you enjoy the bars once again, Uzumaki, because you'll see them for a long time…"

Lin's right arm shot itself into a steel pillar supporting the stage, leaving a heavy imprint of her knuckles on it as well as bending it, "Take them home."

"What?!" the mustached duo asked, which was a bad idea. Why? Because when an angry Beifong woman told you to do something, you just do it without second thoughts.

"Take them to their homes while we sort this out, now. I want them out of the premises while we do a proper investigation now that we've asked all relevant questions to these witnesses." The chief replied icier than a glacier.

"B-But chief, Uzumaki arrived here in some way, aren't you at least curious of how he-"

"Do I need to repeat myself?" the woman asked, turning around to show a face that'd scare a demon out of its skin.

"No, ma'am." The detectives replied and escorted the group out of the stage.


The next morning, Korra woke up with a long and exhausted yawn. She turned to her side, where her covers were all rolled up from her turning and tossing the entire night after the events with Amon. The Avatar couldn't lie to herself: an enemy capable of taking one's bending was a terrifying thought, mostly for her if she considered the implications.

With that in mind, she jumped off her bed, shook off any dizziness from the sudden movement with her will power, and stretched her arms up, "If Amon takes my bending," she grinned at her wall, and raised up her right leg, slamming her foot firmly into it, "I'll give him a kick he won't forget!"

Her ego was her best weapon, also her greatest weakness, but right now she had to cheer herself up and feel like she could make a difference no matter what the odds were. She couldn't be afraid, she couldn't allow herself to be cowering in fear. She was the Avatar, she had a legacy to live up to, and she would surpass Aang and defeat Amon by herself. This was who she was born to be, it was her-

"You still don't have the right balance, and please take your heels off my ribs."

"Sorry, and hello! I brought you breakfast."

Korra turned, doing so with one foot on the ground caused the water tribe girl to trip and fall on her toned behind on the floor.

She grumbled something under her breath and looked at her window where one Naruto Uzumaki was perched on with a certain earth bending dorky friend who had climbed on the master's back like a monkey, "What're you two doing here? Don't you know how to knock?" she grabbed her bed sheets and covered herself with a blush.

"We tried to, but Tenzin was a bit cranky this morning after he spoke with the chief." Bolin replied, "I was about to leave and bring you a little something for saving me later, but then Naruto said we could try something cool to give you a surprise… Uh… surprise!" with that sheepish smile Korra knew she couldn't be mad at her pro-bending friend, "Anyway, at first he told me to jump into his back and I was like no because it felt weird, then he pulled me over his shoulder, and in a single jump we passed over the guards!"

Korra blinked, "Wait, did you really get here that way?" she looked down the window and, sure enough, the young master was hanging on her window with an earth bender on his back, a window on the third floor.

"Korra, you should try to ride him! It may be like your polar bear dog, but much smaller, kind of faster, and much more agile!" Bolin said with childish excitement, rubbing Naruto's head, messing his slicked back hair.

"Hey, I'm not a pet!" the martial arts master grumbled, feeling tempted to bite Bolin's hand, but refrained from doing so. Instead, he tightened his grip from one hand on the window, and used his now free hand to reach into his gi, "Anyway, Bolin wanted to thank you for saving him. He went to meet me first, paid for my breakfast, and he bought you this."

Korra smiled warmly at the pastries that Naruto offered her, while Bolin extended a small box with a complete breakfast, "They're from my favorite place, so trust me when I say they're good, and good for growing!"

She accepted the gifts with a smile, "Now, mind telling me why Tenzin would be so mad to force you two to… do this?"

"The chief talked with him." Naruto replied, "Apparently, there's something important going on and-"

"Korra, who're you talking to?"

At the sound of the voice of a little girl, both males were gone from Korra's window in a blur. She blinked to try to settle in the sudden event in her mind, and replied, "No-one, Ikki. It's just my window."

"You're weird." The girl said before leaving.

And then her golden haired window did speak back, "Considering who you're friends with, that's not much of a stretch." She looked up above her window, her head out, and there were the two intruders with the blond man's toes on the top of the inch of surface they got, and showing perfect balance by keeping Bolin on his shoulders.

"Hey, think you could do this for parties?" Bolin asked, holding on to the blond yet daring to move nothing else but his mouth.

Naruto jumped off and grabbed back on to the ledge, now being face to face with Korra, who spoke up, "You will teach me that, right?"

"In order: get your hands off my face, and yes, I will but in due time." He said, looking at Bolin and then at the girl.

"So, what was this about our beloved chief Beifong?" the girl asked, her curiosity demanding answers.

"It's a big event that, surprisingly, someone invited you to. It's at the city hall." The whiskered martial artist replied. "That in itself is something; the chief has never gotten such a party after all she did."

"You think she's jealous?" Bolin asked with his hands now on the blond man's shoulders. "To be fair, I'd also get angry if someone just popped into the Pro-Bending tournament and started to mop the floors with me. But, should I?" he motioned to Korra, her blue eyes staring blankly at his question, "Like, I'd be angry, yes, but if I got to get my behind kicked I'd rather it was by someone actually strong."

Naruto hummed, taking the words in, "I think he's saying that the chief has no real reason to be angry. If she does, we can talk it out."

Korra resisted the chill running up and down her spine at the idea, "After how warm and fuzzy our last meeting with her was, I'd rather stay away from her-"

"My what?"

The trio cringed, closing their eyes and through very, very slow movements, they turned to see, indeed, that Lin was right there, hanging by her steel wires, "Oh chief. Nice weather, isn't it?" Korra chuckled awkwardly.

Green eyes stared deeply at the two sets of dual blue orbs and the terrified pair of green, "I was about to leave when, lo and behold, I heard familiar footsteps of someone very similar to a time all my uniforms were painted pink." Her eyes landed heavily on the shivering blond man, but she continued, "I will also inform you that you better keep your best attitude and pick a proper suit for the occasion."

Korra gulped and shakily nodded, "Okay… Anything else?"

"Be on time." The elder woman replied and turned to the blond, "And you and I know I should ask you a lot of questions of why you were there at that time, but I know that those Equalists have been looking forward to recruiting you, Naruto."

The blond nodded with a serious expression on his face, "They can try, I already gave them my answer yesterday."

The chief sighed, "You'll never stop being that little brat. Next time, though, I expect you to ask me for support, and to not do anything stupid with egocentric girls and circus boys." Said two wanted to say a thing, but Korra decided to simply lock glares with the elder woman while Bolin wondered who she referred to.

"I would have asked for your help first, chief, honest." The blond said firmly. "I just couldn't waste much time with the police and how they work. Before you-"

"The past is the past. Now that I'm chief I have an image to impose, Naruto. But… I'll take your word, for now." She stated before jumping off, leaving the trio where they were.

Korra took a deep breath and turned to the martial artist, "So, ignoring that… Pink?"

He shrugged, "I was young, innocent, and pretty stupid back then. I thought she could look more feminine to get a boyfriend."

Bolin shuddered, "That'd only work if the poor guy were really into having their pants covered in their own urine."

Korra found some humor, "There are some guys who'd like getting tied up by the chief. I know I wouldn't mind knowing metal bending to do that."

Naruto had to grip the girl's window tighter to not fall after the thoughts hit his head.


"I know this is my only suit but… no, I really should apologize… and I should stop talking to myself."

With a confident step Naruto moved forward through the streets of Republic City clad in his 'borrowed' suit towards a large building. It was a large company that paid well for all fire benders of great skill to use their lightning bending for the good of the community. In short, the fire benders were human batteries. Even so, the blond master had a nagging feeling at the back of his head at the idea of meeting who worked there and others who were in that place.

"Ok, granted, I have nothing against fire benders but fire and lightning do bring back painful memories, and I'm still talking to myself." He grumbled with his arms crossed, memories of a red eyed man trying to kill him didn't help, and images of a golden eyed fiery and sadistic princess… Ok, those did help make him smile. "I'm thinking this too much. For goodness sake, I'm supposed to be twenty now. I'm not…" he shook those thoughts with a hand on his forehead, "Why am I still talking to myself?"

He was still a mess inside, it seemed. No matter, he used to act as a brat when he was young, now he had to try to act like his adult self. With that in mind he entered the large building, asked for directions, and found Mako there, using his hand to shoot lightning at a generator. The red scarf wearing pro-bender turned at him for a brief second, and then returned to shooting more lightning bolts. And just like that, the clock ticked the last second of the youth's working hours and he could finally turn to perhaps the only blond man in the city.

"What are you here for?" Mako finally asked, straightening himself and grabbing a nearby towel to wipe off the sweat.

Naruto walked to him and produced a small box from his coat, "Bolin told me you also like these." He said upon handing it to the elder brother, who arched a brow at seeing the pastries inside, "And I'm sorry, for getting Bolin into trouble."

"I am not mad at you, or Bolin." Mako stated, raising the box in one hand, offering the blond any of the pastries inside, "My brother and I used to do almost as bad as what happened to him. Right now if he's out of trouble and away from the crowd we used to be with, I'll be happy."

Naruto pulled out a cream filled donut and smiled, "No hard feelings?"

Mako shrugged, "Will you promise to keep Bolin out of trouble like you did that night?"

The blond grinned his trademark goofy grin, "You better believe it."

Mako turned around with a small grin on his face before biting on a cupcake, "Just know this, Bolin is my brother. You're his friend, and a good one, so that's why I want to try to be nice. But if something like that night happens again, don't think for a second I'll be twiddling my thumbs."

Naruto watched the elder brother go, whistling, "He could really try to be more of an idiot…"

He then looked at the time, wondering inwardly if he had enough to get some decent clothes for the ceremony and meet Korra.

He grinned and walked into the streets with a skip on his step and… a motorbike inches from his face. "Look out!" the rider shouted, trying to use the brakes the moment the finely dressed blond walked in front of a parked car.

Both pedestrian and rider were in for a surprise when they were face to face, with the blond martial artist holding the bike and the owner of said vehicle with his bare hands a few feet off the ground. The biker had to be more than a little shocked that a single man could hold up any kind of motor vehicle without straining their back or turning into a paste of smeared blood and intestines.

What surprised the biker more was the blond master's chuckling, "Uh… Nice day, isn't it?" he put down the bike, "Sorry about the marks." He said once he let go and showed that, like he said, his hands had left dents on the two-wheeled ride.

The biker laughed and took off her helmet, "I should be the one sorry. I'd rather have some dents than harming someone."

And Naruto's mouth went dry at the sight before him: a mane of dark hair, makeup applied in all the right places such as a lovely red on sensual lips, green eyes with the proper shade of paint covering her eyelids, and a heart-shaped face. Her body, while clad in a biker outfit, showed she matured like a queen only would, and that she kept herself fit not to keep her figure but to be strong if her way of holding herself to her bike without falling said anything.

"I…" he was at a loss. He inwardly shook his head, "I'll pay you back for the damages."

She smiled and shook her head, "After what you saved both of us from, I'd feel bad if you did. Allow me to pay you back for almost hitting you. How does a date sound?"

Naruto stepped back, "Whoa, aren't you a bit forward, lady? You don't even know who I am… And while my clothes are nice, I am not exactly someone you'd like to associate with." He mentally added, 'Considering some people I unfriended not long ago.'

"You saved us a lot of trouble. I insist on taking you to dinner, and I shall never take no for an answer." She said with a wider smile and her hand extended to him, "I am Asami Sato, and it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mr. …"

"No mister or sir stuff, please." He said, regaining his laidback smile, "Name's Naruto Uzumaki, and it is a pleasure too." He shook her hand and had to resist the urge to be cheesier than needed and kiss it. He noted how warm and soft her skin felt too. "But, are you sure you want to do this? Listen, lady, for all you know I could be a dirty thief or some smooth silver-tongued womanizer trying to… Let's not get into that, shall we?"

Asami giggled, making the blond blink in confusion, "And I won't take no for an answer, even more so after hearing such concern for me."

He frowned, "That's not a very safe policy, lady."

Asami smiled, "Thank you, but I can fend for myself. And I believe you may be older than I am."

Naruto looked closer into her, "Well, pardon me saying this so bluntly, but you grew into an exceptionally mature looking beautiful young lady."

Asami laughed, "Ok, now I know you're a silver tongued devil… Or you're really blunt."

He sheepishly laughed, "Oh, sorry, I kind of let things go out my mouth at times. So… umm… I guess I'll see you later, Asami." Then he snapped his fingers, "Maybe you can come with me and some friends to a ceremony first? I'm sure they'd be delighted to meet you, and I really don't know if we should go on a date all of a sudden. It feels… odd."

Asami stared at him with her smile still in place, "You are very odd yourself, but it is fine. I look forward to meeting your friends. I'll drop myself at your place at, say eight?" he nodded "I'll see you there, then. Have a wonderful evening."

And with that she left, making Naruto blink, "Wait, does she know where I live?"


"Does she know where you live?"

Korra asked that in her nice blue dress beside the suited up blond. Bolin had even been invited on Naruto's request so they met the new friend he had bumped into after making an effort to come to terms with Mako. Korra found herself frowning at the idea that Naruto managed to find yet another woman for a romantic evening. His track record of dating far outmatched her nonexistent one. It did hurt her pride, but she also felt something fishy going on about a woman that'd go on a date with some random pretty boy.

She didn't like this Asami much, but she'd put the effort, if only for her master, "How pretty was she again?" Bolin would get a water whip to the head later for that question.

Naruto blushed and pulled down his bowler hat, "Pretty? I wouldn't say pretty, more like… Wow, this is hard to talk about with you around, Korra."

"Hey, don't mind me. I also want to know if she's good-looking enough to rock your brain like that." She admitted truthfully, seeing the martial artist like this was an odd first.

He admitted the truth, "I'll admit I feel odd around women when it comes to something like a date, but to have someone ask me out, this party, and you two here doesn't make me feel as much at ease as I thought it would."

"I was invited, Tenzin just let me get here when I asked him to because, sadly for you I'll stick to you whether you want me to or not." Korra smiled, glad to see he was still human, and roughly slapped his back, making him bite his lip to avoid wincing, "We got your back. Besides, I'll look forward to how you do with this Asami girl to get a few tips in how to get a date of my own, and how to pick someone better looking than you."

Bolin coughed into his fist and then grinned at his friends, "Did you call?"

The three laughed, feeling their tensions die with that joke, "Thanks, guys. I needed that." Naruto said with his warm grin. This did make Korra admittedly jealous that Asami would spend the night with such a nice man, or was it jealousy because that man was… No, it couldn't be.

"Well, you're kind of paying off my gratitude with a good little feast." He patted his stomach in anticipation, "I always wondered what does rich people's food tastes like."

Naruto stared at the earth bender, "Bolin… You're an empty barrel with a hole on the bottom. I think you eat as much or perhaps more than me."

"Hey, I'm a growing boy." The pro-bender said defensively.

Naruto saw the chance for a jab, "The only thing growing are your sides."


"Come on, it was a fairly easy joke." Naruto said with a warm grin to try to show there was no ill will despite his jab.

Bolin aimed a finger at him, "Fine then, mister. Just expect me to shoot back at you with an awesome comeback sooner or later." He then looked at Korra and grinned, "So, who would you say is prettier, Korra or this Asami girl you met?"

'Ouch… Well played.' Naruto inwardly winced and turned his eyes to Korra and then to Bolin, and then back and forth while trying to think of a proper reply while the Avatar crossed her arms under her breasts for his answer, "Can't I say both are beautiful and leave it at that?"

Bolin grinned, "No, you got to pick now."

Korra nodded, "Yeah, I'm also wondering what you think of me." She didn't have any frown or any particular sign of being mad, but he could tell she anticipated a lot behind her calm stare.

That calm face of hers actually unnerved him if he considered how hot-blooded his pupil was, "Fine… if I got to take a pick… I'd say none." He admitted bluntly and pulled down his bowler hat to cover his eyes.

"Hey, that's not fair!" Bolin said with an accusing finger.

Korra tilted her head, "Wait, why none?"

Naruto looked at her, "While you're not very feminine, and that is something you got to admit yourself…"

"Ok, you got a point there, go on." She said too serenely for him to feel at ease.

"You're very unlike many women I've met or seen. I guess what I think beautiful about you is how… different you are from many girls both in your appearance and personality…" he then looked to the side to avoid making eye contact, "As for Asami, she is really, really womanly and charming. I'd be an idiot if I didn't call her pretty, but I'd feel like an even bigger idiot if I didn't think of you Korra as someone just as pretty…"

Bolin whistled, "Then she must be… how does that saying goes?" he put a hand to his chin for a couple of seconds to try to think on what was on the tip of his tongue, and then snapped his fingers, "So, she's hot as love, right?"

"Where did that saying come from?" Korra asked with a raised eyebrow.

Bolin stared at her, "Haven't you heard it? It's what all the guys that cheer for you at the arena say about you."

Naruto made a mental note: 'Find Korra's fans and find out what they mean with that.'

"I hope I didn't make you wait."

The three friends turned to see… a drop dead gorgeous lady in a beautiful red dress that barely helped to accentuate the artistic design of the woman's anatomy when her face alone could make lesser men drool. Asami was so beautiful that the night gown she wore didn't have much work to do, but it still gave a good idea of her body's curves and athletic physique. Korra was amazed that Bolin managed to fight back his blush and Naruto kept a somewhat calm look on his face even as he walked to the girl walking out of a very expensive looking automobile.

"We got here earlier for you." the master said and took her hand to cordially greet her. He wanted to kiss her knuckles but… "Should I kiss your hand or is that just a stereotype?"

Asami giggled, and her laugh alone made Korra see why Naruto couldn't deny she was more than pretty, "Just a handshake is fine. And these are your friends, and this is your dojo?"

"How did you find this place?" Korra asked, trying not to come as aggressive to the young woman before her. She seemed… really, really nice.

Asami bowed politely, "I train myself. For self-defense, that is."

That sentence made Naruto snicker, getting him the Asami's eyes on his person but not of his friends who figured out what it was about, "Sorry, I got a mental tick with the word self-defense."

Rather than look oddly at him, Asami smiled, but her eyebrows said she was still trying to process what he said, "I see. I suppose you'd be seeing that you train many kids to defend themselves, whether they're benders or not." Then she looked at them, "Sorry about this. I did a little research on your name to find you."

"May I ask why?" he wasn't sure how to take those words.

She smiled, "I may have offered you a date, but did you really think I'd do so without having a way to keep myself safe?"

Naruto smiled in his surprise, "Impressive. You're a lady to both fear and admire, you could get a fool like me to fall for you."

Instantly, Korra stepped up, "Hello, we haven't been introduced yet." She extended her hand to Asami, "Name's Korra, you know, the Avatar… I kind of got into a big fight with Amon last night, and I also fought along these two guys against the Equalists."

Asami smiled, surprising Korra, "Yes, I've heard the news, if only today. It took me a while to get in touch with those events after my meeting with Naruto. Suffice to say, I am impressed by you, Korra." She shook her hand with a warm smile, "I think every girl and woman in the city will look up to you with what you did."

Now Korra could see why Naruto had trouble with this girl, she was a sweetheart, "Oh, I wouldn't say that…" she chuckled with a hand on the back of her head going up and down, "I kind of angered the chief of police, so that's one less."

"Just give her time… and space during this party." Naruto said with a chuckle before motioning to Bolin, "And this is Bolin… He's single so forgive him if he tries anything funny."

Bolin responded quickly, "Hey… Ok, I get it, that's payback for last time." He exclaimed at the end with a finger aimed at the blond.

"You bet it is." He said with an innocent looking grin on his face.

Asami looked puzzled at Korra, who shrugged, "Boys…"

Asami giggled, feeling like she would really enjoy this party.


And that's my rap!

I can't apologize enough for how long it took me to get here. The third season of Korra was pain seeing her in wheelchairs, and even in the fourth season I had a nagging feeling that I wouldn't see the end of her pain. Fortunately she got a decent happy ending. But the whole process made me feel uneasy.

And, once again, I'll try not to hate on Mako here. I may dislike him but that doesn't mean I'll be a bitch to him… however, when he screws up, like how he did in season 2 by not backing Korra up when she and others had a good plan to end a tyranny and basically metaphorically back-stabbing her… Well, I will try to be mature about it, but don't expect me to be on his side.

I hope you enjoyed Naruto meeting Asami. I'll say it, she is awesome. No matter how suave you are, I can't picture anyone keeping a goofy grin off their face with her around. She's charming, funny, witty, resourceful, determined, can pull through in both running an industrial empire and life, and… just look at those curves, I mean… wow…

Anyway, let me wipe my drool and see if you enjoyed this.

For now have a more lighthearted time than the gritty forced drama of the show.

Swordslinger out!