AN - I'm soooooooorry! I've been busy for this past month, but that's not really an excuse. First I had a crap ton of projects, then I went to Chicago with my school band for five days, and two days later I got my exchange student from Argentina! She's leaving today, and I haven't had time to really type stuff up with her here. Though it was fun. So, here, take this as an apology for practically a month without updates! I normally don't do this, so sorry. :P

Disclaimer - Don't own anything!

Past Nightmares

Jack! Jack!

The feel of icy cold liquid against his skin, leeching into his veins and bones. It wasn't his familiar chill, it was harsh and stabbing like hundreds of needles. Filling his lungs, blocking his eyes, scrapping and pulling at his weak consciousness.

Jack! Jack... That voice, fading, leaving him empty, lost, cold, alone...

Alone. Floating in the freezing water, trapped in his motionless body. Couldn't anyone hear him, crying out in his mind because he mouth wouldn't open? Screaming, howling, pleading to let him be free of this solitary prison. And even that, eventually he stopped. He just was - not alive, not breathing, not laughing, crying, thinking, sleeping, dying. He was there, alone and suspended and drowning in the ever present cold...

Jack jerked into wakefulness, gasping for air. His fingers grasped the neck of his hoodie, pulling it away as if it would strangle him. A strangled cry escaped him as he curled into himself, his staff held close. He barely managed to remained balanced on his tree branch as he calmed a bout of hyperventilation. It was with great effort that he forced down the bile in his throat and turned to gaze up at the stars.

That nightmare again. He had it at least once a week, and no matter what he could never fight it off. He tried to forget, tried to be positive, but it always lurked at the back of his mind. Alone. Cold. Empty.

He clutched his staff tightly, like a child would hold its safety blanket. He cast a pleading glance up to the ever watching moon, then shut his eyes as the clouds crept across the pale disc above. He fell into his nightly ritual, rocking back and forth and muttering, "Please, please, please, please..."

The moon had promised. He's promised, said that there were others. They would find him, eventually they'd come. He would always be alone...


AN - Well, that was slightly depressing, but I just had to get this out. It's a bit short, but it felt right to end it there. It's set before the movie, obviously, and I felt like looking into what it was like before the Guardians walked into Jack's life. Hope you enjoyed, leave a review and give a favorite! I welcome any and all suggestions, just put them in a review or PM me! Same thing for questions

- Matches :D