Hyoton: Sup people of the fanfiction universe your favorite (Or at least I hope) author Hyoton here. Some of you may have noticed in one of my stories recent updates that I'll be getting back into Shien'engan and the Raven's guardian wolf demon as well as starting a new story well I am. The shien'engan will be a story that will take me a bit of time to get back into the groove of since I walked away from it for so long and may take longer to get back into it all so for the people who enjoy that be patient.

Multi bloodline naruko, cold, intelligent, godlike naruko, EMS, Rinnegan, Juubi, Heavenly Body. Bashing of Kakashi, Sasuke, Sakura, Civilian council, Jiraiya and Ron.

Notes: When Naruko was born and her father sealed the nine-tails inside her Kami and her sisters decided to fix things and have the seal absorb the other tailed beast and become the new Juubi. While in Kim's universe three years after the defeat of the lowardians kim finds ron cheating on her and speaks with Shego her new best friend as the two were sent to the leaf.

Naruko/Hinata/Anko/Hana/Kami(Jun)/Yami(Kisa)/Shinigami(Haruna) /Tenten/Shizune/Orochimaru sister (Himegami)/ Yugito Nii/Fuu/Yugao/Tsunami/Tayuya/Karin/Kin/Ayame/Kurenai


Note I do not own Naruto or Kim possible sadly I don't because if I did Kim Possible's show wouldn't have ended yet for another two years. One of the only good cartoons that existed before now that didn't involve panty flashes or girls with out of reality proportions

00 Global Justice Base 00

"How is it coming Wade?" Betty asked walking into the lab as it's been a month since her three top operatives had just been sent across dimensions and have had no luck in contacting them to understand they're situation

"Same as you've asked last week. This device or should I say what little of this device we've salvaged from Dimentor's base is something I've never seen though I've gotten something" Wade said walking over to the monitor keeping track of their signal as it was attached to the device

"What am I seeing here?" She asked not understanding as like before while looking at the monitor that once had their signature split was now slightly stronger

"Thanks to this we've managed to get a better lock on their signature and could possibly track them down to a single location. Once we do all we have to do is come to find a single point of transfer where we can go between the two worlds and grab Kim, Shego and Monique" Wade explained getting a nod from the director

"Any news on ron?" He asked receiving a groan ever since Kim found out about him cheating on her with her former high school friend he's been hell bent on trying to get back together although Kim's parents threatened him with they're standard threats of a black hole and having his brain permanently swapped with a random animal although that didn't stop him from trying as when he was told by wade what had happened he insisted that when they find a way to get them he be one of the people to save her

"He keeps insisting he be in the group to save her" she said in frustration as he's kept this up every week since it happened

"He does know that due to him cheating on her she won't even speak to him without the urge to beat him till he's deaf and dumb right?" wade asked rhetorically getting a nod

"True but enough about that when do you think you'll have a stable access point?" she asked wanting her three top agent to return as quickly as possible

"You want me to lie or be straight with you?" He asked getting a raised eyebrow before he coughed into his hand as the others working with him on the device sniggered before they caught a glare sent they're way by the director

"Right anyways at the least another month to the max six months" He said as he continued to type away at the computer which she accepted before walking out of the lab

"BETTY!" she heard making her groan in annoyance as she only knows one person other than her brother to have such a high voice for a grown man

"What is it Ronald?" she asked already knowing what he could want

"You guys find anything on kp?" he asked since high school he was no longer the short twiggy football player but he was now a well physique youth with Rufus still on his shoulder

"As I told you before Ronald I will let you know when we get an absolute pin point on her location but that won't happen unless you give us time to work. I don't understand why it matters to you since you hurt her though" She asked as she leveled him a glare which was just as frightening with or without her eye patch

"Betty it wasn't on purpose!" He tried to reason only to get a stronger glare

"Don't give me that Ronald! You know full and damn well what you were doing when you took that girl to your and Kim's home and slept with her in both of your beds so don't try and bullshit your way out of this by saying that you didn't know what you were doing at the time" She said walking pass him not giving him a second glance as she walked back to her office

'Kim, Shego, Monique I hope you three are alright where ever you are' she silently prayed as she sat at her desk

00 Tazuna's home 00

After a week in wave Naruko and the others had been protecting aruko's family since team seven haven't been doing their job as kakashi would train Sasuke openly now since he was caught and was seen teaching him his most signature technique the chidori though he doesn't have the criteria necessary to use it although that didn't stop Naruko from copying it to teach the girls later.

Today was Tazuna's day off so they all sat in the house while Monique and Kim were out in the forest gathering herbs since morning while Shego was tending to her sword while Himegami offered to teach her the serpent style kenjutsu which for her lean body and flexibility mixed with her stamina and strength might do her well over the style Naruko taught her although she took to it well enough while the others conversed with Tsunami and Tazuna

When Kim and Monique came back Naruko noticed Monique had a struck stupid look on her face making Naruko asked "What hit Monique?"

"She met this boy in the forest and she's been a fumbling mess since" Kim explained getting a nod as Monique still mumbled in nonsense as she staggered to a seat

"He must have been pretty cute for him to leave the foxy Monique turning into a puddle of mush" Naruko said with a smirk getting a barely recognizable 'fuck you Naruko' from the mocha skinned youth getting a chuckle as Shego walked up to her and tapped Naruko on her shoulder

"What's up Sheg's?" She asked with a raised eyebrow who sat next to her on the couch

"I was wondering if you could help me with something tonight." She asked quietly receiving a raised eyebrow before nodding as she decided to help inari and Tsunami whom of which seemed to become rather attracted towards her as of late as she would subtly make advances towards her which Naruko and the girls found nice as Naruko admittedly found the single mother to be a rather beautiful woman

Her night plans set she and the others took to training inari and tsunami since the beginning of the week when they saw them training and was excited to learn from them which they were happy to teach much to kakashi and the Uchiha's ire.

Especially when they wanted to join Konoha once the bridge was finished while Tazuna was mildly sad about his daughter leaving he got over it seeing that she was finally getting over her late husband's death and moving on…And it didn't hurt that Naruko introduced him to a nice young girl after making him slightly younger with her youkai same for tsunami as she was easily mistaken for Inari's older sister…his hot older sister…okay his fine ass hot older sister while still holding that sexy milf personality.

Getting up she stretched saying "I'm going out for some air"

She was quickly followed by Tsunami who thanks to the training she was put through became even more lean and well physique in her health as she was now looking like a veteran kunoichi

00 far from Tazuna's home 00

Sitting on a tree branch Naruko was seen relaxing with her eyes closed until she said "Gotta work on your stealth training a bit more Tsunami-hime…but an A for effort though"

Dropping on the same branch as Naruko, holding a cute pout on her face making her smirk when she asked "Aw how did you know I was following you?"

"Since I left Tazuna's although it helps to know your chakra even though you were a civilian is higher than a veteran shinobi…at least an A-rank low S-rank kunoichi but given time your reserves are still growing thanks to my youkai same for little inari" She said opening her visible eye looking Tsunami in her beautiful coal black eyes

"But I don't think that's why you decided to follow me so hime…what is it you need?" she asked looking Tsunami in the eyes as she felt the mother of one slowly sit on aruko's lap till her hands were on aruko's shoulders

The young woman nodded saying "I-I want to be with you"

Admittedly this caught Naruko off guard as the woman explained "You see I talked to Kushina who is your mother a couple days ago when she sensed me eavesdropping on the conversation. She told me about you being the Juubi, your status as heiress to many clans and many other things with the most predominant being that you have to rebuild your clans. I won't deny that I would steal glances at you when you weren't aware especially when you would step out of the bathroom in only a towel and I can't stop myself from wanting you"

Touched by this she brought a hand to tsunami's face letting it rest on her cheek while whipping away a tear she asked softly "But what is it about me that you love so much? I mean I've hardly done anything to deserve your affection"

Getting closer to Naruko as her arms were around the juubi's neck as she was flushed against Naruko she said "Inari has been so alone when Kaiza died and since you and the others came into our lives he's been more active and inspired. Please Naruko mark me as your mate let me be with you forever!"

Relenting she pulled the collar of her shirt down till was barely over her shoulder and let her fangs sink into the civilians neck getting an aroused moan as she felt her leg get wet from Tsunami's juices which she steam cleaned with her katon affinity flowing through her body much like the wet spot on her skirt as she removed it from hers to not arouse suspicion from the others

Letting the now marked wife feel the youkai flow through her as she brought her lips to aruko's as they shared a kiss as their tongues battled for dominance which was difficult on her end as she and Kaiza rarely kissed in such an intimate situation like this and let Naruko take the lead just relishing the feel of her lover's hands on her ass massaging them until they separated letting her gulp down air greedily

She got up albeit unsteadily as Naruko caught her before she fell with Naruko having her arms wrapped around her waist keeping her flushed against herself before she kissed the mark on her neck which was that of a wolf's head with water forming around it

She let go once Tsunami steadied herself and watched her jump from branch to branch back to the house leaving Naruko alone groaning thinking 'great…now I'm horny and it takes some time to calm down'

Hopping down she decided to practice with the chidori and make it her own having already come up with several variants intent on taking her focus off her growing member

00 tazuna's home 00

"So Shego when you going to take your move?" Kushina asked sitting next to the forest green teen as she looked at the red head next to her while they sat on the roof of the house

"w-What do you mean Kushina?" She asked with a stutter as a deep green hue formed on her cheeks

The mother of her affection grinned saying "I know you wanted to be alone with Naruko soon or more so in a couple of hours so what are you going to do? I mean I love Naruko as much as you and kim so do the other girls in her life and the number of girls will only grow as time goes on…I wouldn't be surprised if a few women from other villages love her just as much"

Seeing she had no way of getting out of this she relented "I intended to have her mark me tonight when she and I go to do recon in the forest. I was originally going to wait when we got back to Konoha but when Tsunami came back I saw the mark on her and knew that even more girls would aim for her attention like that Higurashi girl and that one girl with red marks on her cheeks"

She nodded knowing who she was talking about as she was friends with their parents but said as she placed her hand on shego's shoulder "Well if you're going to fuck do know we Uzumaki women are rather aggressive and dominating so if you're not going to put your all into it it's going to hurt"

She nodded watching Kushina walk back into the house after telling her that they will be watching over Tazuna at the bridge while Kakashi's team will protect his family though they would leave some clones as a precaution

Waiting for some time she sat watching the sunset as she always had letting the heat be absorbed into her body but also as a means to think and calm herself as she would after going ballistic when she worked for Drakken back in the day

When the sun had finally sunk bellow the horizon she had gone into the forest as she heard a loud flock of crows cawing at a rapid pace seeing bolts of purplish black bolts of electricity shoot off randomly followed by a shockwave making her think 'Huh who needs a neon sign when purplish/black lightning bolts just shoot off randomly'

00 inside tazuna's home 00

"Hey Kushina where's Naruko and Shego?" Anko asked seeing her come down from the stairs

"Naruko's working on a technique and I asked Shego to go get her for dinner but they might not be back before we're all finished" She explained as the others nodded while team 7 save for sai paid them no mind although they were curious about what she was working on and would find out

Quietly Kim asked "Why is Tsunami so chipper today?"

Responding Haruna and the others gestured to the wolf mark on her collar bone which was barely covered by her shirt she said "It seems while we weren't looking we all gained a new sister and will be gaining another tonight"

Raising an eyebrow Kim asked what she meant as Himegami told her the actual reason shego's not inside yet getting a blush from the red head that planned on getting over her former lover and give herself to someone who she knows won't hurt her

"What are you all talking about?" Inari asked walking over thanks to their training even though it's been a week he's already started to grow into an attractive young man and given time would be a heartthrob among women everywhere as he decided to forgo his bucket hat while training and let his hair grow which he kept in a ponytail

Tapping Inari on the nose Jun said "Just talking about lady stuff gaki you know gossiping and fashion and all that"

He didn't believe her but decided against calling her out on it as he went back to his book on Genjutsu an art he took to as well as he did to kenjutsu and taijutsu

His mom soon joined him as she took to reading as well although hers is about a man with two souls fighting for control of the body they shared while through their life they experienced many trials after borrowing the book from Naruko when she saw her reading it she found it to be quite the read and she hardly put it down even while cooking

Looking to the side she said "They better hurry back soon cause dinner will be ready and I don't want them to come back to a cold meal"

The girls smirked as they heard Monique say "I think they'll skip dinner and head for dessert"

Inari who heard had a question mark over his head as he looked at his mom who told him when he was older only causing another question mark to appear over head while Monique gently patted him on the head

00 forest 00

We find Naruko without her kimono top wearing only her fishnet shirt as she continued to practice her variant of the chidori when she heard a whistle from behind her causing her to turn seeing Shego lean against a tree while she whipped some sweat from her forehead while sitting at a large lake with the moon reflecting its light around the area

"Damn girl that's ridiculous with how much damage you do…What are you doing?" She asked surveying the surrounding as the ground had several large holes as did several trees as she sat next to Naruko

"I saw kakashi teach Sasuke the basics of his chidori and decided to make some variants after I copied it the one I'm doing is more dangerous. Anyways what is it you wanted to talk to me about Shego?" she asked as her green skinned friend laid her head on her shoulder while the two let their feet soak in the water

Shego tried to gather her thoughts as Naruko watched she finally said "We've known each other for some time now haven't we?"

Raising an eyebrow she said "yeah for a whole month in the time you, Kim and Monique got here to the 31,000 years we spent training…Why?"

She felt Shego shift bringing herself closer to her object of affection while Naruko relished in the warmth when Shego said "H-How do you feel about me Naruko? I mean I told you all about my past and what I've done while we trained but you never told me where you stood"

She wrapped her arm around Shego's waist bringing her closer saying "Well Shego-chan I know your life was difficult with how when you and your brothers your egotistical older brother Hego included got hit by that meteor your father decided to use that to acquire fame. You weren't for it and he made you chose obey him and be his symbol of power or freedom doing what you desire"

"I know that was a difficult choice for you and one nobody should be forced to make especially when family is involved. I won't look down on you for becoming a mercenary and hired gun as like you I have blood on my hands that can't be washed off. But I think Kami gave you three the chance to actually have a life albeit one involving bloodshed as shinobi but a life none the less" She said with a pause making Shego look at her

"And?" She prompted the ten tails next to her eager to know what she's thinking feeling her heart race in both excitement by her answer and fear by her rejection

"And…I'm happy you three ended up in my life as you all became precious people in my life. With you and Kim holding an important place in my heart as women I love while Monique is like a sister to me" She said turning to look Shego in the eyes as she was mesmerized by those deep reptilian slit forest green eyes that glowed beautifully in the night and brought herself closer claiming the girls lips with her own getting a soft moan from her green skinned love

Slowly she let her tongue prod at shego's lips as she was given access as their tongues tangled with one another and explored the others mouths while Naruko relished in the heat she gave off

The need for air became too much for the two as they separated leaving a trail of saliva between them as Naruko said "You know I'm kind of sweaty from training and there is a lake right here to cool off in Shego I usually ask Hinata because she would bath with me whenever we were alone but I really can't stand the feeling of being covered in sweat"

She nodded and watched as Naruko shed her fishnet shirt and pants as she slowly submerged herself in the cold lake noticing shego's hesitant stare as she subtly noticed a large black tattoo form from her left wrist up to around her breast to her neck which appeared to be some serpent of some kind with its jaws around her neck in a tribal design

She said "Come on in the water's great"

The green skinned teen was still unsure until she felt a furry appendage wrap around her wrist and saw it was a midnight black tail coming from Naruko who was leaning forward letting the girl see her round ass just peak above the water with nine of ten tails waving around as it gently tugged her closer to the lake as she looked Shego in the eye

"Please come join me Shego it feels rather awkward just bathing with someone staring so intently at you" She said with a flirty grin as she watched Shego undress as she revealed her firm taut body from not only her years as an assassin bearing fruit but with the youkai and heavenly body coming into play as she finally relented as she joined Naruko in the lake as she shivered slightly from the cold water

Naruko grinned saying "See it's not so bad now is it?"

She nodded once she had gotten used to it as the two of them sat on a rock when shego noticed something on aruko's back "Hey Naruko"

Opening an eye she looked over at the green skinned kunoichi "Hmm?"

"What's that on your back?" she asked when she noticed Naruko lock up before looking away and for that moment Shego didn't see that confident strong willed woman she fell for

Before her was a girl who was scarred frightened of her past "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to Naruko I was just curious is all"

She shook her head and turned her back to her giving her a perfect view of her back to show the kanji for demon carved into it with a nine tailed fox carved into it as well "No I had a feeling either you, kim or Monique would ask that question sooner or later"

"How did you get that?" She asked hesitant to touch them when Naruko grabbed her hand and placed it on her back feeling the grooves as it seemed they never fully healed as her hand roved over her back she felt Naruko twitch under her touch

"It's an old story…Back when I was a kid when I was three I had a best friend who was the black sheep of the Uchiha clan unlike the rest of them she didn't have the pale skin, the dark hair or a katon affinity. In fact her hair was borderline white with a deep tan and had a futon and suiton affinity" she started letting shego's hand feel ever groove

"Next to Hinata and the others she was the first friend I ever had and she was like a sister to me. She wasn't all to liked in her clan. Anyways our friendship was short but one day a mob formed like usual but they attempted to kill her as well while they forced me to watch" She heard Shego gasp

"She had lost a lot of blood but she saw them advance on me carving this in my back when she awakened her sharingan and killed a large portion of the mob in front of her before she too had died" she said as Shego felt her shake

"Instead of feeling remorse they cheered over the fact they killed a little girl and said how they would get paid for doing what they were asked to get rid of the Uchiha outcast. Something in me snapped and I killed them all as I was covered in their blood with a grin before I passed out only to wake up in the hospital" By this point Shego was in tears

"I woke up a couple of days later thinking it was all some morbid dream and I would go outside to see her alive and smiling like usual…That wasn't the case as the hokage came I asked if I could go see my friend when he told me she died the same day I was taken to the hospital as he took me to her grave. I broke down there and refused to have this healed no matter how much he insisted to remind myself of that day and find the bastard responsible for hiring them to kill her. That was when I put myself through hell while training" She said bringing Shego onto her lap wrapping her arms around her waist

"And as a result I became an Anbu at the age of eight and a half, and another year and a half later I became Anbu captain at the age of ten performing missions not even the entire Anbu would take that were SSS-rank" She said kissing her neck getting a moan feeling a different wetness on her

00 lemon 00

"Naruko" She whispered huskily as she turned her head before kissing Naruko as she brought herself completely around

As they separated she said "Naruko I want you please"

Smiling she nodded and brought Shego up to the grass while the green skinned beauty hissed feeling aruko's lips on her neck before they went down to her breast causing her to moan feeling aruko's hands roam across her body as she shut her eyes

She felt Naruko go lower and lower as her lips left a trail of soft bite marks before they came to her thighs causing her breathing to hitch feeling aruko's breath on her slit before she felt something slid across it

"hmmm you taste really good Sheila-chan I gotta get more" Naruko said with purr before her tongue prodded her while her thumb and index finger massaged her clit getting a long moan in response when she felt a pair of midnight green claw like nails massage her scalp trying to push her closer

Shego felt herself get hotter while she felt something penetrate her and slowly thrust forward at a steady pace while keeping attention to her sensitive nub causing her to look down to see her fingering her with two fingers while licking her nub

Not wanting to be the only one to receive pleasure reached down to stroke her member only to gasp at the length as she looked down to see 13' of meat in her hand that twitched in her touch

She could only think 'she's huge' before she shut her eyes again feeling a not forming in her stomach as her first orgasm approached as aruko's tongue explored her depths

Naruko felt her walls tense as she egged Shego on saying softly in her ear "Let go Sheila-hime"

Going back down she sped up her speed while slightly biting down on her clit pushing her over the edge causing her eyes to snap open while rapping her legs around aruko's head as she howled feeling Naruko lap up the juices before she came up for air

"Hmmm Taste great" she said with a grin seeing shego's deep green blush burn on her face but hissed when she felt her grip her member as she stroked it

"You were loving enough to treat me Naruko let me help you" She said getting in the water as she got on her knees licking it from base to head getting a groan from her while she also fingered aruko's slit getting a gasp

She couldn't help but moan when she felt Shego's lips wrap around her member before taking seven of the thirteen inches into her mouth before she felt aruko's nails scrap her scalp

"Oh god Sheila your mouth is so warm" She moaned as Shego tried to get the rest down her throat before she felt aruko's hands on the back of her head making her nose tap her abdomen making the last six inches down her throat moaning feeling shego's throat constrict around her member

She feeling Shego gag slightly she started to thrust recklessly while looking down as Shego was looking up with her eyes still glowing as the slits in her eyes narrowed in a predatory type as she felt vibrations flow through her member as Shego growled slightly in pleasure pushing her over the edge

Naruko continued for another few minutes before Shego felt Naruko's member get bigger before she felt rope after rope shoot down her throat as her cheeks bulge as she pulled herself albeit hesitantly from Shego's warm mouth watching Shego swallow the large amount with an appreciative moan

"A little rough but it was nice" Shego said as her eyes were still slitted and as she spoke Naruko noticed her large fangs were as always evident though now they poked from her upper lip

Chuckling she said "Sorry but your mouth was just so inviting I couldn't help myself but are you sure you want to continue Sheila? I won't be mad if you want to turn back"

Sitting on the edge now she said spreading her legs letting her ears and tails out "No I'm sure and I'm not the type to start something only to stop halfway through So come here fuck me but be gentle it's my first time I guess my green skin and hot temper is a turnoff for a lot of people"

She nodded and slowly inserted her member when she hit her barrier as she looked up to see Shego nod with slight trepidation as Naruko leaned in fully sheathing her member causing Shego to dig her long nails into her back drawing blood

Remaining still she whispered soothing words into her ear while kissing away the tears and combing a hand through her scalp until she felt Shego grind her hips against aruko's getting a slight moan letting her know she could move which she did slowly at first

"God Sheila you're so tight" Naruko said as she drew back until the head was left before thrusting in causing the two of them to moan with shego's hands still firmly placed on her shoulders

As the two continued Shego couldn't help but think 'god I'm so full yeah Kushina was right about it hurting but after that my whole body feels hotter than normal I want this every time'

Naruko was moving faster only getting held back moans getting Naruko to growl as she thought 'Oh Shego keeping quiet isn't how this is going to work'

Using her tails to unwrap shego's legs she turned her around until she was facing the grass with her hands firmly placed on the ground for support as Naruko said in her ear "You don't have to be so reserved I'm doing this for both of our pleasure and we're too far away from the house to alert them… It's just you and me alone…Scream for me Sheila be as loud as you desire"

Feeling aruko's lips on her back as her thrusts grew faster and stronger she couldn't hold back anymore and let lose a scream after scream of pleasure as she kept hitting her G-spot causing Naruto to let out a feral grin as her eyes flashed preserving this moment in her memory

The forest was filled with screams and moans of ecstasy as Naruko continued to pound into her emerald green love as both of their orgasms were fast approaching as her thrusts had become erratic as she was close shego's walls clamped down on her member with the head stabbing at the entrance to her womb

As they reached their climax Naruko pulled Shego close and bit down on her collarbone causing the green skinned beauty to release a loud scream as the two climaxed as Shego's stomach expanded slightly as aruko's fangs were still sunk into her flesh only prolonging shego's second fierce orgasm until she let go as the youkai flowing in her left a dark green wolf's head with her tell tale plasma flaring around it

00 lemon over 00

When Naruko pulled out of her she had already come to exhaustion as shego's second orgasm had been far too much for her making Naruko clean the both of them off as she dressed both herself and Shego of sweat and each other's scent as she put her clothes back on as well as shego's before carrying her bridal style as she traversed the trees feeling Shego snuggle closer the her chest for warmth which she provided as she flared her katon affinity letting her draw in the warmth

00 tazuna's home 00

"Hmmm can't believe how late it got" Everyone heard Naruko say as she walked in with Shego in her arms as Kim walked forward asking

"What happened to her?" She asked getting a reassuring smile in response

"We were relaxing and wound up losing track of time she was so tired I didn't have the heart to wake her up" She said placing her on the couch when she had a good grip on aruko's shirt getting a chuckle from the others while kakashi had to be an ass and ask

"And where have you been Uzumaki?" He asked in a demanding tone

"Firstly Hatake don't pull that with me because you are not my sensei and I won't have any qualms with shoving my size ten sandal up your ass and make you walk with it. Secondly I was training and Shego came to get when I suggested we just relax for a moment and we lost track of time" Naruko said fixing him with a glare as he stood up

"Watch who you speak to Genin" He growled getting a snort before blasting him with killer intent making him buckle

"I am far greater than that of a mere Genin Hatake I suggest you remember that and secondly I would watch where you tread before the ground beneath you crumbles as your world falls around you especially concerning your team as you've solely focused on one brat and left the other two to fend for themselves pray Hokage-sama doesn't remove that precious tool from its socket or I might just do it for him" She said sitting down with Shego's head on her lap as she whispered to Haruna

"Is it possible for kakashi to just disappear without a trace?" She silently asked as kakashi had gone back to his book

Shaking her head she said "As much as I would love for that along with the self deserving brat no my sister Jun decides when they die I just take the truly corrupt souls"

"How isn't the jutsu stealing bastard not corrupted he killed Rin-nee-chan just because dad taught her the Rasengan?!" She asked incredulously knowing that kakashi was always jealous of the fact Rin was taught they're sensei's most renowned technique and could use it completely while he couldn't

She shrugged "I don't know while we've seen her soul something about kakashi just doesn't seem normal is it a repressed regret or he's just that good of a liar to hide his darkness but when he shows his real colors then we can make him go bye bye"

Accepting that albeit reluctantly she proceeded to comb her hand through shego's hair receiving an appreciative groan as her nails brushed against her hidden ears

"So are you going to eat Naruko or do you want to save it for later?" Tsunami asked seeing Naruko just recline in her seat getting adjusted so Shego was between her legs before she turned wrapping her arms around aruko's waist with her head burying deeper into her stomach mainly her face

"Awww, that's just the cutest sight. I never thought Shego did adorable" Monique cooed seeing Shego murmur in her sleep that sounded faintly like 'fuck you Monique'

"I think we'll save ours for later tonight I'm still rather exhausted myself" She said getting a nod from her newest mate and current hostess as she pre-made aruko's and shego's plates and placed them in storage seals to preserve the heat

Naruko was about to join Shego in her sleep when kakashi said "I still expect you to train Sasuke Naruko"

Giving him the finger she said "How about you do your job or what little time left as a jounin teaching your genin because when we return I can assure you that your position as jounin will be no more. And if you ever think of forcing us to teach the brat you can expect yourself dead before your corpse hits the ground"

He growled saying "And I'll just go to the council for disobeying a jounin's orders"

"And I'll counter that with abuse of power and authority Hatake. And who are the council going to support? The power hungry Uchiha and his lap dog who risked the life of his genin by taking them on a C turned A-rank when they weren't ready for it as said jounin continues to harass another team in attempts to gain they're techniques when they have no right?" She started as her eyes bled red for a moment

"Or the ninja who did their job and saved previously mentioned team when two of your genin left their client to the proverbial wolves as he was left alone tending to the bridge leaving him open to Gato's hired help? Oh you'd be lucky if the two brats kept they're shinobi license by the end of this" Naruko said with a grin as she pulled her headband over her eyes acting as a makeshift sleep mask to block out the light

With one last thing to say she said before falling asleep "And let's not forget the fact that if you bring this to the civilian council who are the main ass kissers of the Uchiha, the elders, the shinobi council and the hokage your ass is going to be on the chopping block because your favoritism nearly cost the life of three genin two of which are related to the head of the Civilian council and lord Danzo so think do you really want to start something with me?" she asked rhetorically

With a smile she went back to sleep holding Shego ignoring the coo's from the girls Sakura included while Kakashi and Sasuke Glared as he reached for their swords only to receive a harsh electric charge causing his to darken making him scream

"Oh yeah I forgot to mention our swords have seals on them to prevent unknown chakra signatures from wielding them giving the user a horrible burn or the loss of a hand" she said as an afterthought with a smirk before falling asleep

00 hours later 00

"Hmm that was a nice nap" Naruko said looking out the window to see the moon was out as well as everyone in the house was asleep save for a pressure on her chest who was now sitting on her lap wide awake

"Not that I don't enjoy this have you been watching me while I was asleep?" She asked getting a slight nod from the green skinned beauty; as she bent down to kiss her which she reciprocated until the need for air became too great

"I guess it felt great then?" She asked getting a smirk from the former villainess

"Great nothing I still can't feel anything between my legs I never felt so wanted till then. But where is everyone?" She asked with a raised eyebrow when her stomach rumbled causing her to blush

"Well I'm happy I made you feel so good as for the second everyone's asleep you wouldn't let go so Tsunami made our meals and placed them in a storage scroll so we can eat if you're ready" She said as the two of them got up and went into the kitchen finding a scroll laying out when they opened it their meals came out still as hot as when Tsunami made it which they thoroughly enjoyed

"I hate to say this Naruko but she blows your cooking out of the water" Shego said getting an eye roll from the Juubi

"Yeah that's true I gotta know what she does to get it this good" Naruko admitted as she finished her place soon after Shego who was washing it before she was pulled back on the couch in their previous position with shego's arms thrown around her neck and face on her breast

"I'm guessing they're that comfortable?" Naruko asked sarcastically getting a content nod as she promptly fell asleep with a light snore making her shake her head in amusement before kissing her on the forehead and returning to sleep as well

00 next day 00

"I still can't get over how many clones that girl can make" Monique said in morbid fascination looking at the ever large cluster of black and red haired doubles working on the bridge

"I can't believe the uses" Anko said with the girls save for Monique nodded with a perverted grin and a slight puddle of drool forming beneath them

"I'm just grateful for that little lady and all the hard work you've all done it will take at this rate another week and everything should be finished. I really owe you all a great deal of thanks that Hatake fellow and his team save for that quite boy don't seem to do their jobs" Tazuna said before shouting warnings to some crewmen as they almost incorrectly placed a support beam

"Oh you don't have to worry about them before we left I sent a summon to Hokage-sama updating him on Kakashi's actions he and the two brats are going to get a serious ass handing he also said he's understanding of your situation and said that he'll accept the mission you paid for and when you get back in the swing of things just send the proper payment for the A" Anko said receiving a nod from the bridge builder

"I really appreciate that because unless we find were Gato's hideout is we're going to need some time to regain that amount of money" He said when a voice behind them said

"Really because I just happen to find it when I sent some shadow clones to guard your family" The voice said making them jump and saw Naruko with an amused smirk

"Naruko you know we hate that and why didn't you tell us?" Kushina asked with a raised eyebrow once she got her heart rate to steady

"I know that's why I love doing it. And lastly the reason I didn't say anything is because my clone just dispelled before it made another to continue Its job if you want Tazuna I can go to the pigs place and reduce it to rubble and get your money?" She said looking at the client who she had also made younger now looking like he always did if slightly younger if not in his early twenties as he met this attractive young woman who admittedly hit things off on an admittedly high note

He nodded saying "The sooner you can the better anything you ninja use is yours for the taking" He said getting a grin as her sclera flashed black for a moment before she waved them off and vanished in a flash of black

"Um…that was new" Monique said slowly as she had never seen that type of grin on her surrogate sister and this truly worried her as was kim and Shego but her worry was quickly extinguished when Anko said

"No need to worry she gets like that when she hasn't shed any blood in a while or is seriously pissed and with Kakashi, Sakura and Sasuke getting on her case and the lack of action she's gotten a bit stir crazy so this is like someone told her Christmas came early this year. Don't worry once she slaughters a few thugs and possibly getting drenched in their blood she'll be fine" She said gaining a few worried looks from the three girls

"Is she always like that?" Kim asked getting a so so expression

"Not all the time back when she was in the anbu as one of Konoha's strongest anbu she took missions that even the Sannin wouldn't dare take out of fear for they're lives. During these she had to cut off all negative thoughts like 'will I survive' or 'What if I mess up' the only thing on her mind when you see her eyes like that is kill and be quick about it" She said watching the clones perform they're given jobs

"It's at that moment she gives her demon side what it craves and that's hearing her prey beg for their lives only to receive nothing it's why she keeps her distance from Hatake and the Uchiha brat because they work her nerves so much that the demon blood in her keeps clawing at the back of her mind screaming to shut them up" Anko explained as she leaned back against a railing chewing on some of her dango rations

Everyone was silent for a few moments until Kim said "She's going to be a mess when she gets back…won't she?"

Everyone nodded and continued to watch the clones work in a peaceful silence as they let the clones do everyone's jobs

Hyoton: And that's where I'm going to leave you all for this chapter and we'll continue off on the next one I just like to try and spread it all out and not jam a whole arc in a single chapter if I am able

As for my other stories I sadly to say am going to place Shein'engan under Hiatus (BOOO!) I KNOW I KNOW Your all ashamed of me as I am ashamed of myself even more so but I just need to get my final pieces together pertaining how I intend to end it all for that story but note that when I do I can assure you it will be worth the wait

I will be starting a new story called Naruto's red down:

For some who already get where this is going it's a Naruto Akatsuki story where what if Naruto wasn't as moronic as he let on and hated the leaf including a certain Hyuga heiress and a group of S-rank Kunoichi didn't use the Jinchuuriki for their original purpose but to end the hatred given to them for protecting them and to end the corruption of the leaf

Naruto(Juubi) (Kushina and Mito included)/Anko/Hinata/more to be posted as it goes

And another is the ace of Oto:

basically Naruto found out the truth about everything pertaining to him who his parents are, what happened, and the leaf's village's attempt to break him and make him a pawn for their plan of domination of the elemental nation as he is the container of the strongest biju or is he?

Naruto(Juubi) /Anko/Hinata/Yugito Nii/Kurotsuchi/Kami/Yami/Shinigami/?/?/?/? (More to be posted as it goes)