Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail. Hiro Mashima does. That is All.

A bit of context to this story: I've just finished the Oracion Seis Arc, and I like it. So I made a Fanfic about it.

The pacing may get confusing, but it will start off light and become progressively darker and more serious as time goes on.

I hope you like this enough to review :D

As always, most things italicized are representative of thought, except where it is used for emphasis (anything that is completely in italics is a thought)

Hope you enjoy~ss

Now, how did he get himself into these kinds of situations?

Infiltration may be his specialty, but he isn't so good as to think that he could sneak into Oracion Seis - considering the fact that it is one of the very few Dark Guilds that had managed to maintain its place as one of the key groups in the Balam Alliance - without, you know, being completely and utterly destroyed by them.

Quite frankly, he found the idea completely absurd. Whatever his commanding officer was smoking when he thought that this was a good idea must have been some real strong stuff for it to have that much of an affect.

Making a mental note to ask about his superior's drug dealer, Carbuncle could only stare in outrage at the nonchalance oozing off of the man's figure. It was almost as if he didn't realise that he may die just from being around them, and he was slightly unnerved by how callously he has been lead to his inevitable demise.

"Sir, not to be rude, but this has quite possibly got to be the worst idea I have ever heard of in my life." Eyebrow raised, Carbuncle's tone was positively frigid. He was, at this point in time, a sacrifice. So he may as well be as rude as he wanted to be. "And to make it even worse, you are asking someone who has to rely on offensive lacrima to do any damage. I may use Crystal Magic, but it isn't exactly known for its offensive purposes, is it?" With evident disdain, Carbuncle's anger was reaching a fever pitch.

"And that's what makes you perfect for the job!" Exuberant as always, his commander cheered, so much so that Carbuncle could almost hear the exclamation point at the end of the sentence.

"…How?" Stunned once more, Carbuncle failed to see the logic behind the elder male's reasoning. "How in the name of all that is good in the world does that make any sense to you?" Saying he was far from understanding would be an understatement.

A huge understatement.

Crystal Magic is, at its very core, a defensive-auxiliary type. All it was able to do was protect the wielder from damage, or buffer others with its plethora of beneficial spell. At what it does it is second to none, and some spells could even heal others slightly - something he found impressive, as healing magic was a lost art. It almost outweighed the fact that he knew absolutely no attacking moves, instead having to use martial arts to do any damage in a fight.

So why he was being chosen to infiltrate something like Oracion Seis was perplexing to him, when they would most likely prize offensive skills more than any other type.

"Because your Crystal Magic has access to the mental state." His superior shouted this as if it was the greatest finding known to wizard-kind, resembling more and more like a strangely familiar anime character.

Something like Guy and Me?

The excitement was lost on Carbuncle.

Failing to see its relevance, he stated as such. He was, naturally, unprepared for the shock painted over the other man's features, looking as if he had just offered him his first-born child on a silver platter.

"I don't see why you are so shocked; I've been lost ever since you opened your mouth." He felt he didn't have to filter his thoughts around his superior, since he has just been handed an SSS-Rank Mission. It would be his first, and his only it seemed. He would be given more than enough to live happily off for the rest of his life.

"Crystals, like glass, have the ability to diffract, refract and reflect light, whilst also being able to make something soundproof. Our leading researchers have found that you can bend mental probes using a similar technique." Feeling the dawning realisation, Carbuncle could only glare at the other, as it became obvious just what he wanted.

"You want me to use crystal magic on my mind, don't you?" Seeing the wince, he was about to take advantage at his superior's show of weakness and tear him a new one, but was stopped by a slip of paper shoved in his face.

"Read that, please." Face returning to the spitting image of innocence, the commanding officer could give even the best actors a run for their money.

Not that Carbuncle could see. He was being blinded by paper after all.

Yanking the paper away from his face, his eyes scanned the penned note, eyes widening as he saw what was printed on the sheet of paper.

Dear Carbuncle,

That's you! Ignoring the voice of his subconscious, he continued reading, curious as to who had written him a personal note.

In light of your recent exploits in infiltrating the dark guild Hag's Nose (How cute, they actually had taken note of our achievements – let's get them a Christmas card), we have decided to give you an opportunity to become a commander, just like your superior Celeste (No wonder he didn't give me his name, and just told me to call him superior…) but in order to do so you must infiltrate the dark guild Oracion Seis and gather as much information as possible.

If possible, it would also help your chances if you neutralise members of their guild (lolno not gonna happen, I'll probably look at them and melt), whilst sabotaging their every move. In fear of failure, you will be temporarily cut from this organisation, so you will be alone.

Good Luck, and Godspeed.

With Regards,

Siegrain, member of the Ten Wizarding Saints.

Eying the newly named Celeste, whose face was glowing red from the impromptu reveal of his name, he sighed – resigned to his fate. After all, he was commanded by a member of the Magic Council and one of the Ten Wizarding Saints – it was impossible for him to back out when they had the weight of such a powerful being pressuring them.

"So, is there anything you need to give me before I go?" He was feeling slightly scared now, as the anger had faded away - the comforting red haze had dissipated, leaving him with no other option but to face the situation.

"The spell. And the whereabouts of one of their members." Smiling ruefully, Carbuncle stood up, accepting the offered tome with shaking hands, almost dropping it.

"I guess this will be the final time that I will see this place then…" Grimacing, his eyes absorbed the vanilla-painted walls, painted so falsely in order to make the inhabitants feel more at home and at ease. A large window in front of him overlooked the central courtyard, giving the occupants a clear view of the many statues of important figures in the magical world that rested in the green square below. The room wasn't professional at all, and Carbuncle always loathed the fact that he was attached to it – he spent almost as much time in the debrief room than he did in his own home.

The desk was littered with papers, and the room was that cosy mix of tidy-untidy that made it look a lot less professional then it actually was.

"The spells, and a few others, are in that tome. No matter what, do not show them that book – you have to pretend that the mental barrier is natural. If they see that, then they will know that you are lying." With that said, the room was invaded by an uncomfortable silence, the staccato tick-tock of the clock on the wall being the only thing rude enough to break it.

The silence spoke volumes, and Carbuncle knew it was time to leave.

It's not even raining either… Trying to make himself feel better, he joked to himself. And it really wasn't raining, it was sunny and happy and he could have sworn there was a rainbow in the distance. Not at all like it was supposed to be in them clichéd books, with it being raining, or there being a thunder-storm, when something bad happened.

"Guess like I'm off then. If I come back, I'll hand in my form of resignation." Grinning weakly, he was halfway out of the door before being called back by a teary Celeste, who was waving around an image lacrima like a mad-man.

"At least get your picture taken – and at least smile for it. After all, this may be the last time I see you." Startled, he turned back and re-entered, staring bemusedly at the grinning mad-man who was wielding the image lacrima like a weapon.

The image lacrima was an old thing that had to be charged hourly, and you could tell just how archaic it was just by looking at it. It looked on the verge of breaking, the lacrima oozing an acrid poisonous green instead of the vibrant emerald that newer models seemed to have. The rest of the team, when they very rarely see each other, joke about it – saying it's infected.

It had been a while since he had last seen them – maybe a year or so? He forgets, but that may be due to the fact he always gets drunk around the others and it always ends with him having a pounding hangover and a memory so bad that he forgets who is.

"Say cheese."


A loud flash accompanied the ominous cracking sound, smoke oozing from the lacrima as it tried to produce an image. As the glow reached its zenith, the old thing shattered, slivers of it flying everywhere. He had to cover his eyes to protect himself, from both the glow and the lacrima shards, waiting until the glow disappeared before re-opening.

"Well, isn't that just typical!" He just couldn't help himself, scowling at the remains of the blasted thing.

"Calm down. See, it made a picture!" Waving the black image around, splotches of colour spawned, culminating together to make an odd mixture of blue-black-red-green-yellow. Becoming more focused, he could only scowl at how bad the image was - he certainly wasn't photogenic today.

His long, blue hair was in a mess, he had bags under his emerald eyes and he was scowling. His Heart-Kruez shirt was tattered, his jeans were ripped from the lacrima shards, and he was dismayed to find that he could feel blood escaping from a gash on his chest.

Sorcerer's weekly would definitely love this side of him, that's for sure. He'd be number one in no time, knocking Loki from Fairy Tail off his number one spot, and kick Hibiki 'Winzip' Lates out of the competition.

If you couldn't tell, that was sarcasm.

"Can I leave now? You got what you wanted…" All but running out the door, he gave a hasty goodbye, heading out into the absurdly bright world.

He wasn't going to make it back here alive.

That much he knew for certain.

Prologue, Complete~

As this is the prologue, it's short - I normally try to average 4000+ for main chapters, so that's a thing.

I hope you review~ And I'm accepting Ocs~

The general template is this~





Magic Strengths:

Magic Weaknesses:




Past (can be as brief or long as you want~):

And Misc (which is random things that you want the character to be involved in):

I hope you put forward your OCs, and say what you like/dislike about the stories~

Until then,


Edit: Minor touch ups here and there.

Edit: More Minor touch-ups, plus check out Dreamer852's "A Place To Call Home", go check it out :D

Edit: More minor touch-ups, plus the fact that I am still accepting OCs, believe it or not.