"So you want anythin' to drink?" Eridan asks. You have just entered his apartment, just outside of town. You're glad he drove you, that would have been a bitch to sit through on the bus.

"Do you have any coffee?" You ask, looking around.

His living room is connected to the kitchen and in the far left there is a hallway. He has a dark blue couch, purple pillows shoved into the corner of said couch, a orange blanket hanging off the top. A flat screen TV, not new but not old; placed on a dresser. Why he is using a dresser is a fucking wonder. Theres a double screen computer in the corner near the hallway, you wouldn't mind playing on that anytime soon.
His kitchen looks like a fucking kitchen. Only with a lot more pans than necessary hanging from the one thing that old people tend to have.

"So, how did you get into this place?" You ask, sitting down on the small couch, sinking in instantly. Wow thats fucking squishy.

"Some people have a job." He remarks from the kitchen.

"I'll have you know that I do have a job, just not a good one."

He comes walking in with two mugs, one red with an elf on it and the other has a way to happy looking santa. "Here." He practically shoves the elf into your face.

He plops down next to you reaching inside the cushion hes sitting on, pulling out a remote. "You should find a good one then, its not hard."

"Oh haha, you're funny. Do you know how hard it is to find a computer job that doesn't piss you off? Its fucking hard as shit I'll tell you what."

"Its not fuckin' hard, just suck it up and deal with everyone like a grown up." He flips the TV on, going through a good selection of channels.

"Fuck growing up." You sip your coffee. Only to practically spit it out. "Why is this so damn sweet?" You hiss.

He looks over his cup, seeming not to notice your distaste. "Do you not like creamer?"

"No, who the fucks adds creamer?"

"I do an you're goin' to finish that damn cup so help me."

"Fuck off."

He smirks, going through more channels at an annoyingly fast pace.

You both spend a good amount of time bickering about random shit and watching animal planet.

"You want to play anythin'?" He asks after a few commercials later. "I got a shit ton of games that i've been dyin' to try."

"Any games you have in mind?" You ask, kind of hoping that he wants to play on the computer in the corner. It sure as hell is big enough for two people to play on.

"Oh yes I do." He gets up from his seat, coffee gone and the cup is now on the floor next to the couch, he's standing in front of the TV. "I just got this one a bit back, never really bothered to play it, but I think you might like it as well so yeah." He opens up on of the dresser drawers and pulls out a game. Is that thing loaded with games? Last time you seen Ampora, you were pretty sure he hated games. Well besides his flarping. But thats besides the point.

You get up and make your way over to where he is standing. "Is that fucking Lego Star Wars?" You laugh, you beat that game so many times its not even funny.

He puffs air out at you. "Yeah, so? I never played it and it looks fun, so fuck off do you want to play or not?" Eridan looks over at you, practically pouting. Holy fucking shit that looks adorable, he looks like a fish almost. But not in a bad way. Okay kind of in a bad way because its way to fucking fun to make fun of him.

Grabbing the case you tear open the plastic that works as a shield from the familiar game you used to play in high school. "Hell yeah I want to play, i miss the shit out of this."

"I wanted to open it sol. Everyone knows its the best part." He whines.

"To bad. You might of fucked it up anyways."

"How could I fuck up opening a damn game from its plastic." He tears the game away from you, opening up another drawer; peeking inside you see a playstation one and two, xbox and the xbox 360, the wii and some random wires everywhere.

Holy shit he is loaded.

"Sol go sit back down, you're distractin' me."

Walking back over to the couch you lay down, adjusting yourself into a comfy pose. You place your hand behind your head and lay your foot onto the arm rest. To be honest you could go for a nap. "I have to piss." you yawn out. After a few rounds of kicking his ass you'll have him take you home. You don't feel like going to your other classes anyways.

"Fuckin' deal with it while I plug in the playstation."

You do not want to deal with it.

"Where's your bathroom?" You sigh. The coffee needs to leave your system.

He looks over at you and points down the hall. "Down there and take the second door to your right."

"Aight dog I'll be back in a few." You did not just say that.

You hear him chuckle though so plus 5 points.

Practically slithering out of site you slip into the bathroom and take the worlds longest piss. Set up the world record for longest piss. It belongs to you. Wait never mind you stopped a few seconds ago.

Washing your hands you exit the room and make your way back to where he is waiting on the couch, controller in hand and a huge smile plastered onto his dorky face and the all-so familiar Star Wars music is playing.

He hands you another controller as you sit down, smile growing wider. "I can't wait to beat your fucking ass."

Poor soul doesn't know that you have to beat a few levels to unlock multiplayer.
"You do know that multiplayer is locked?"

His face drops, he puffs out more air. "Not fair."

"Just play and tell me when you're done so I can play too."


You end up with your legs on Eridans, he kept swatting them off but you're pretty sure he gave up after the eleventh time and the fact that he kept dying whenever he did so. You're almost asleep when he speaks to you.

"Hey, Sol?"


He pauses, eyes still glued to the screen. "What did you mean when you..messaged me earlier? Also We missed most of the classes for the end of the day." He adds the last bit hurridaly.

You were hoping he forgot. "I know."

"Sol, thats not answering my question."

"I dont know what you're talking about." You lie.

"You know damn well what I'm talking about."


"Sol I swear to fuckin' god, you have not changed one bit."

"You shouldnt fucking swear, that's not classy."

"Says you."

Its silent again for a little bit and you close your eyes, letting the warmth of his couch lull you to sleep. That is until you feel someone shifting from the couch and onto the cushion next to your face. Like for real, you can feel his breath.

"Why." You crack open your left eye.

"Why what?" He looks confused, yet, determined.

You just want to smother that look off him with a hug, kiss away the stress you can see because the way his brows furrow together, tickle him until he can't laugh anymore. "Why do you want to know?" You ask.

It seems to take him a moment to process this. "I don't know. Just do."

You sit up a little bit more, leaning on one arm and body all twisted. Leaning in closer you barely touch his lips. "This is why," You let out softly. "I want you, I have wanted you for a long time. I wanted you, knowing I can't have you, not even a fraction."

"Who said you couldn't have me?" He asks. Smirk playing at his lips.

"Shut up, I'm not finished."

He puffs out air and you can smell the coffee.

"I would dream at night, what it would be like to hold you tight, wondering if I could save you from this world thats so full of hate. You, Eridan Ampora, made me want to care about life again, watching you read, seeing the way you smiled whenever FF talked to you about..anything. Seeing the passion in your eyes. I wanted you so much it hurt; I moved, hoping this feeling would go away." You sigh, you have been feeling like this for a while now.

He visibly pales. Does he not like you? Does he even find you a little bit attractive?

"It never did." You add. Closing your eyes. You lean in, pressing your lips to his. Moving them against his chapped, vanilla coffee flavored lips. Its like everything you ever wanted in a few seconds.

But in those few seconds you can feel like you're floating in the sky, skiing in the snow, eating something new for the first time, taking an unexpected nap, watching a kitten cross your lap, and wishing upon a star. You, right now, are happy. But that never lasts, now does it?

He pulls back. Face all red and eyes all big. You love his eyes, big and round, deep like the sea, only its a violet sea.

He has buried his face in the crook of your neck, his body hugging yours. "I don't really have your jacket." He sniffs. Wait is he crying? He shakes his head and the only thing you can do is place your hands on his back. Holding him tightly.

"Kay." Is all you can manage to say. Feeling a lump in your throat. Your eyes growing more and more tired as time ticks by.

Of course he doesn't like you back. He's Eridan Ampora, the guy who likes to get into others pants and lead you on for his own amusement. He's the guy who would ask anyone out who he thought was attractive, he's the guy who had a fling with KK and VK.

He moves from your neck, his head inches away from yours and wow okay his glasses just fell on your face. He laughs, placing the glasses on the floor. "I uh I was wondering if maybe I was the only one that felt the same about.. everything you know?" He whispers.
"I moved here after my fling with Kar because it didn't really feel right, ya know? So, I kept thinking about it and I kept re-reading our old pesterlogs and thinking of you made my stomach go all weird and I just." He lets out a stuttery breath. "I missed talking to you, we used to fucking fight twenty four seven but it was all in good nature, you insulted me, I insulted you. That's how it worked."

All you can do is nod. Remembering the old high school days. You would sit next to him in computer class, sending him pesterlogs, insulting him whenever you could, because honestly, he only got into that class because the teacher just so happened to be hot.

"So I, for once, regretted something. I hated what I did to Kar but also I couldn't stop thinkin' 'bout you."

"You should bring me home." You let out. You stopped listening to be honest, this was a waste of time, he doesn't have your jacket, he's on top of you and you feel like shit. Very, very tired shit.

"No, you're staying here a little bit longer, at least until I finish tellin' you that, yes, maybe I fell in love with your hot piece of ass. So what?"

He leans in, kissing you. At first it's awkward and rushed, a little sloppy, but you soon melt into it. Your high school feelings bubbling up again, leaving you to feel all giddy and the butterfly feeling to sink in your gut.

So maybe he does like you after all. Maybe, just maybe, this might work out in your favor. Just this once.

You nudge him off, slipping your arms around his waist, pinning him to your body into a tight hug. His eyes go wide and you smirk.
you erupt into laughter. That was so fucking cheesy, everything he just said was so fucking cheesy. Everything you said was so fucking cheesy. God he's stupid, you're stupid. This situation is stupid.

"Whats so funny?"

You shake you head, laughing even more. "Nothing."

He puffs air into your face, leaving you to remember just how close his face really is to yours. "Doesn't look like nothing." He pouts, for the love of god, he pouts at you. You can't help but laugh even more at that.

"You're so fucking stupid,"

"Hey I just poured my heart out, don't call me stupid, stupid."

You snicker into his ear. "You just poured your heart out?"

You can hear him swallow. "w-well not really, okay maybe you did it better than me. You hav-ve to giv-ve me credit, you w-wouldn't even be on my couch unless I mov-ved here." His stutter coming out as he spoke.

Thats was true, this morning, you had no clue what to expect, thinking that today, might just be another shitty day, full of lesson reviews, walking to the bus stop after school lets you out, fiddling with some shit on your computer, coding just to make some money for rent.

Today you did not expect to end up wrapped up in Eridans arms, laying on his shitty blue couch, soft purple pillows pressed to your feet. The orange blanket above you, so inviting for a quick nap.

"mm." Is all you can manage to let out. To tired to bother forming words at this point.
Nuzzling the side of his face you let out a content sigh.

He yawns.

"Mmm nap. Now."

"I'm not tired." He lies. You can so tell thats a lie.

"Bullshit, I'm tired, you're tired, we should sleep."

He grumbles but nonetheless he moves to lay on his side, wrapping his arm around you. "Take off your glasses fuckwad." He states, looking at you with heavy lids.

Taking off the dual colored glasses you hand them to Eridan, he gladly places them onto the floor along with his.

Adjusting yourself so you're facing each other you kiss his forehead. "Does this mean you'll be my.." Stopping, what if he doesn't want to be with you, regardless of admitting to each other what was on both of our minds for the past three years.

"Boyfriend?" He smiles, face practically glowing, smile stretching from ear to ear. "Of course I'll be your fucking boyfriend, Sol. Why the fuck wouldn't I want to be? You may be a complete dick, who, never shuts up and is a lazy piece of shit, but you are the loveliest piece of shit I have ever seen. Plus, you're hot as hell."

"You can shut up now." You laugh. Wrapping your arms around him, pulling him closer. "I think your a hot peice of shit too." And with that you drift to sleep.

You don't even hear him say night.

You dream of Aradia, she's under that same tree, a smile on her face as she looks up at you. "I think I found your happiness under that tree." She laughs, pointing to the tree you where both digging under.

How did you not notice the big heart carved into the purple and yellow stripped tree. Two entails within the sloppy heart, E A + S C.

You both laugh.

Today, unlike yesterday, was filled with warmth and acceptance. Today was a day that you will never forget. Later on in life you will smile, maybe cry because of how happy you were, how lovesick you where, not realizing it until you seen his eyes that cold morning after all those years of lonely nights curled up in your pillows and sobbing because of how alone you where. Always alone, always cold, always missing a piece of yourself. Today, you have found your lost piece

Today, was a good day.