Welcome to the sequel to 'The District Sleeps Alone Tonight.' If you've not read that one, go do it! GO DO IT NOW! With that said, I really like the idea of our favorite boys having an easy thing to do, but it becomes chaotic for no real reason other than the fact that they're all pretty stupid. So that's the theme for this story. There will be more drama than the other one, but not to worry. It's not my usual brand of drama. For those reading, thanks! It means a lot! So let's get a move on, shall we?

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters, but I own the plot. So suck it.

Take Me to the Riot


[Grey skies and light fading, headlamps making patterns on the wall. Uptown, it's dead now, but out here no one seems to care at all. Sick girls and sick boys and each one lining up to take him home. They hold tight their coin and they pray no one has to see them fall.]

Your name is John Egbert, and one day you're seriously going to remember to put your fucking phone on silent before you go to sleep.

Grumbling to yourself, you manage to reach over and hit the volume button, stopping the chiming noise immediately, but it's too late. You're already awake. Dave mumbles something, but from the way he's practically drooling on your shoulder blades, you can tell he's not awake just yet. He has a serious talent for being able to sleep through anything. For a brief moment, you consider rousing him just to be spiteful, but then think better of it. You're just tired and grumpy.

You unlock your phone and check the newest message.

-grimAuxillatrix [GA] began pestering ectoBiologist [EB] at 09:07-

GA: I Assume You Are Awake At This Point

GA: Did You Have Any Particular Shade You Would Like To Wear For The Big Day

EB: kanaya.

EB: do you purposely forget about a little thing called time zones? because those are a big thing.

GA: I Did Not Forget Any Such Thing

GA: It Is After Nine There

EB: and i was asleep!

GA: Dave is rubbing off on you, John.

GA: That Was Rose

EB: okay.

GA: She Sends You Salutations

EB: look this is really adorable and all, but i think i might pass back out again. if that's okay with everyone involved.

GA: You Did Not Answer My Question

EB: i don't care what colors we wear!

GA: I Will Ask Again When You Are Equipped With A Better Attitude

EB: thanks a bunch.

-grimAuxillatrix [GA] ceased pestering ectoBiologist [EB] at 9:12-

Reminding yourself to shoot both Rose and Kanaya a particularly nasty message about asking you anything before noon, you bury your face in your pillow and try to fall asleep again, but no such luck. You're wide awake on the first morning of your summer break. Lucky you.

Pushing Dave's arm off your waist, and dodging when he tries to grab you again, you make your way to the kitchen to find something to eat, only to find you're not alone in your house.

"Good morning to my motherfuckin' early bird brother. What are you all up and awake for?"

You stare at Gamzee, who's sitting on the stool at your kitchen island like he does it every day, and then shrug when you realize asking questions at this point won't accomplish anything. He watches you make your way to the refrigerator, that stupid grin plastered to his face. Finally, you ask the inevitable question.

"Why are you here?"

"I have an official motherfuckin' message from Karbro on this most miraculous of days," Gamzee walks around you to put on some oven mitts you left on the counter, and you watch interestedly as he removes an entire pan of muffins from the oven.

"And you couldn't message it over Pesterchum?" you ask.

"You get all up and irritated when we message early."

You grin at him, taking the eggs from the fridge, and walk around him to find a pan from the cabinets. "I knew I liked you for a reason, Gamzee. But that doesn't explain how you got in here."

"I made a key."

"Well, that's not illegal or anything."

"You want one of these muffins?"

"I don't like baked goods. Thanks, though. Dave might want one later, so leave one out for him."

"Will do, my brother."

You start frying eggs, and Gamzee eats about four muffins before your curiosity starts to bother you.

"So what's the message from Karkat?"

He blinks up at you, a puzzled expression on his face, and then he smiles stupidly at you.

"I don't motherfuckin' remember."

You roll your eyes, turning back to your breakfast. While you're at it, you go ahead and make some bacon for Dave, since he would seriously live off it if he could. Gamzee continues to stare into space like he's thinking about whatever it is he forgot, and then you decide to go get dressed and leave him to it. You get about three steps into your bedroom before Dave finally rolls over to acknowledge your presence.

"Somethin' smells good…" he mumbles, his face halfway hidden under the pillow.

"I made eggs and bacon. Oh, and Gamzee made muffins."


"Yeah. He has a key to our house."

"Fuck, again?"


"Yeah, man. I thought I told you about all those times I'd get home to find him eating his way through our chips while you were at school. I finally changed the locks," Dave says, sitting up. "I wanna know how the hell he got our keys to make a copy."

"It's Gamzee, who knows," you say, pulling on your favorite blue shirt. "Remind me why we're friends with him again."

"Well, he did save our asses that one time. You know, when you were too drunk to function."

"Fuck. You."

Dave smirks, and then walks up to wrap his arms around you, pulling your back to his chest. "Where's my good morning kiss?"

"Up your ass with the massive stick that's been lodged up there since I met you."

"Ouch. Sass, much?"

"Kanaya woke me up and I'm grumpy."

"Was it a question about fashion?"

"It was."

"Mmm," he leans in to kiss you, and it's full of morning breath, but you still press back against him, unable to help yourself. Dave's not wearing his sunglasses, so you look into his crimson orbs when he pulls away, only to see he's regarding you with a fond smile.

"What?" you ask, still unused to him being so emotive around you sometimes.

"Your hair is massive amounts of ridiculous right now, babe."

"I just woke up!" you defend, hands shooting to try and press it down on impulse. Dave's golden strands always seem so manageable. Sometimes you hate him for it. Stupid Striders and their perfect hair.

"'S cool. I think it's kinda sexy. Bedhead, y'know."

"Yeah, yeah," you scowl, but pull him in for another short kiss regardless. "Does Mr. Big Hollywood Director have any plans today?"

"I was thinking we could just stay in. After kicking Gamzee out."

"That's not very nice. He saved you a muffin."

"Oh, sweet. Okay, after I eat my muffin we'll kick him out."

"Sounds like a plan."

Breakfast turns out to be surprisingly enjoyable. Gamzee regales you both with a story about the first time he got high with Karkat. Apparently Karkat had an entire theory on how mankind didn't actually exist, and you were all part of a computer simulation. Then he got sick because he drank too much before smoking, and ended up becoming best friends with the toilet.

"You know he'll fucking kill you if he finds out you told us this," Dave says, finishing his fourth piece of bacon.

"He ain't motherfuckin' here."

"You keep making copies of our keys and I'm telling him you told us," you mumble. Gamzee grins at you.

"So the big day is only a week away, huh?"

"Is it really so big?" Dave asks, reaching for more bacon before you slap his hand away. He frowns at you. "I mean, it's not like we aren't already pretty much married by this point."

"I'm with him," you say, slapping his hand from the bacon again. "I'm all for having everybody visit again, and I'm looking forward to everything, but it's gonna be a serious cluster fuck. Plus the media will be all over this and everything…"

Dave's movie, Sweet Bro & Hella Jeff The Movovie, is finally finished filming. They wrapped up about two weeks ago, and his editing team is finishing the rest of it. The press has been a nightmare from the start. Since his comics were so popular, word naturally got around. They camped outside your house more than a few times since the beginning of the fiasco. Then, when it came out that Dave was actually in a long term relationship with a man, things got even worse. You'd had the pleasure of being referred to as 'Strider's Twink' by the tabloids. You'd never seen Dave so furious. He'd called his agent, Terezi, and all but screamed that he wanted every last one of the assholes killed. You tried to assure him it didn't bother you much, but you knew neither of you really believed that.

You knew what you were getting into when you agreed to go with him to California. You knew what you were getting into when you agreed to marry him. You understand that people like to get involved in the personal lives of celebrities for some reason, and you don't really give a shit that they posted things about your relationship with Dave everywhere. What upset you was the way you were portrayed in the articles. You weren't some pale skinned skinny eyesore who somehow managed to get Dave to shack up with you. Dave's told you more than enough times how much he loves you just for being your natural nerdy self, and you don't need constant reminders of that, but-

It still hurts sometimes to be told Dave's too good for you, even if you know it's not true.

"We don't have to do it, man," Dave says for the thousandth time, breaking you from your reverie. "We can just put it off till the hype about the movie is over-"

"No. I said I was nervous, not that I wanted to cancel it," you argue. "We'll just have to hire great security or something." You think back to the muscly guy Roxy had working for her that night at her club, and you wish you knew people that big who could punch a few paparazzi clowns in the face for you.

"Sounds like a motherfuckin' big deal if I ever heard one," Gamzee says.

You make your way to get more coffee, thinking of how you should find a way to invite Roxy and Jane to the wedding, when Gamzee slaps the table, startling you into tossing your mug in the air before it crashes at your feet.

"Shit! Gamzee, what the hell, man!" Dave says, looking like he jumped from the barstool at the sound.

"I all up and remembered what it was I had to be telling y'all!" Gamzee says with a triumphant grin. "Karbro said he won't be able to make the wedding. He's got an emergency back in Washington."

[Saturday nights in neon light, Sunday in the cell. Pills enough to make me feel ill, cash enough to make me feel well. Take me, take me to the riot! And let me stay. Let me stay.]

Sachi: End of the first chapter! Sorry for the length, the rest will be longer. This is an intro of sorts. Review for love and a faster update! We gotta support our boys, y'know! *wonks for eternity*