(Lame title, I know)
AN: Hello! I've been at it again. This time, with my new favorite ship, Jelsa! A.k.a., Jack Frost and Elsa! And THIS TIME, it's gonna be a multichap!
Not sure how many chapters tho.
Anywhoooo! Lookout for my new chapters! Not sure when they'll be coming.
Enjoy my story, friend!
Disclaimer: Neither Frozen nor Rise of the Guardians belong to me. No matter how much I wish Jack were real.
She had finally reached it. Her beautiful castle of ice up on the mountain. She never had the heart to demolish it. Mostly because she still liked coming to it.
Months had passed since the whole "eternal winter" incident. The kingdom had come to love their new queen and respect her as a fair and just ruler.
Elsa still liked to come up to the castle on the mountain whenever she wanted to be alone. Or whenever she needed to give Kristoff and Anna some alone time.
As she walked up the stairs that stretched across the abyss, she sighed happily. The Snow Queen dragged her arm elegantly up the railing as she went.
When inside, Elsa transformed her formal attire into the outfit she adorned when she first made the castle.
She walked up the grand staircase in the lobby-type area. After that, she made her way to the small balcony that hung out over a chasm.
This was one of her favorite spots to be when she was here. She could see Arendelle from there.
Smiling, Elsa used her powers to make the railing of the balcony bigger. Creating a small staircase leading to the banister, she climbed them and then sat criss-cross on top.
Dispersing the temporary staircase with a wave of her hand, Elsa took her hair out from the bun it was once in to let it down into the side braid.
Many people would think her strange to come up to the castle on the mountain to be by herself. But, she enjoyed being alone every once and a while. It makes her happy, in a way.
Her sister appreciated the alone time her and Kristoff got. At least she's actually taking her time with this boy, not immediately announcing their engagement.
Even though they aren't getting married quite yet, Elsa can see it happening somewhere down the line. She knows her sister loves this man, and she can see how much he cares for Anna.
The mountain man is very loyal, carefree, and strong. He's a great match the young princess. Elsa knows he'll take care of her little sister. Not that Anna can't take care of herself, it's just... Sometimes she needs a little... guidance that Elsa can't provide.
The sun was just beginning to rise, sending the sky into a frenzy of pink and gold and orange. Elbows resting on her knees, Elsa smiled and put her chin in her hands, enjoying the view.
"Beautiful sunrise, isn't it?" asked a voice.
Startled, Elsa screamed out and jumped. Losing her balance, she started to fall.
Suddenly, a hand shot out to firmly grasp her forearm before she fell from the railing and into the dark abyss below.
Elsa was then pulled back onto the balcony, the hand still holding her arm.
"You should really be more careful," said the same voice.
She looked up to see her almost-murderer/savior.
Elsa was met with deep blue eyes, snow-white hair, and pale skin. It was like looking into a mirror.
Well, a mirror that changed your gender...
"W-Who the hell are you?!" Elsa stuttered out, blinking and stepping back which broke the young man's hold on her.
Grinning charmingly, the pale boy replied, "I'm Jack. Jack Frost."
"What are you doing here?!" questioned the Snow Queen frantically.
"Oh, well I was sent here to check out this beautiful ice castle 'cause North thought it was my doing. But, instead I found an even more beautiful girl," replied the 18-year-old-looking boy cheekily.
Blushing at his comment, Elsa folded her arms over her stomach self consciously.
"...How did you get up here?" This time, her voice was laced with genuine curiosity.
The boy in front of her shrugged, twirling the long staff Elsa just now noticed he had in his other hand. "I had the winds carry me up here."
Elsa's brows furrowed as she blinked in surprise. "You what?"
"It's a power of mine," Jack added, chuckling at the girl's amusing amount of confusion.
"A power? You mean you have more than one?" asked Elsa, starting to get excited and bringing her hands up to her cheeks.
"Man, you sure ask a lot of questions, huh?" Jack observed. "Yeah, I've got more than one."
As if to prove a point, Jack tapped the balcony with his staff, making another visible layer of frost form. It started to create an intricate picture of a tree.
Eyes widening, Elsa's jaw dropped. "Whoa..." she breathed.
Smirking satisfactorily, Jack leaned against the doorway to the small balcony.
"Wait a minute! You've got powers exactly like mine!" Elsa exclaimed, ecstatic.
It was Jack's turn to bring his brows together. "Exactly like yours?"
Nodding enthusiastically, Elsa held up her hand and created an intricate design in the air. "I made this castle!"
"No way! This place is amazing!" said Jack smiling, standing up straight.
"Thank you," Elsa replied shyly, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear.
"No problem," said Jack, a happy glint in the boy's eyes from finding someone like him. "What's your name, by the way?"
Elsa was feeling the same exact way. "I'm Elsa. Queen Elsa of Arendelle."
"Whoa, Queen? Sweet," Jack responded. "Wait, how did you get your powers?"
"I was born with them," answered Elsa, leaning against the railing. "How about yours?"
"It's a long story..." Jack said, rubbing the back of his neck.
Smiling, Elsa said, "Well then, it's a good thing I've got some time."
Grinning widely, the Guardian launched into the story. "Well, it all started when I didn't look like this. I had brown hair and brown eyes. I was playing with my little sister on a frozen lake, when suddenly the ice started to crack..."
"...And that's when I became an official Guardian," finished Jack.
He was leaning against the outside wall of the castle. She was sitting on the railing, facing him with her legs hanging down.
The sun had long since risen, so it was providing the light the two needed.
"Wow." Elsa was dumbfounded. She certainly wasn't expecting all that. "Impressive."
"Heh, thanks," he said.
Elsa took the lull in the conversation to examine the boy in front of her. She had noticed his hair and eyes earlier, so she moved on.
He was wearing a strange top... It was some sort of sweater with a hood attached. It was a blue that matched his eyes, but a bit darker. Looking closer, Elsa noticed frost on the edges and seams of the top.
Moving down, she spotted his tan pants that ended a few inches above his ankles.
His feet, she noted, were completely bare. She figured that not feeling the cold came with the whole "Winter Spirit" deal.
The end of the staff he held was twisted into a hook-like shape. It, too had frost on it.
Smirking, Jack noticed her gaze. "Like what you see, your highness?"
Elsa's gaze snapped up to his face. Registering his words, she blushed and looked away. "I was merely observing your odd choice of attire..."
"Mm hm. Sure you were."
"I-I was!"
"Well, then I suppose you won't mind if I 'merely observe your odd choice of attire,'" mocked Jack, saying the last part in a poor imitation of Elsa's voice.
"Don't mock me, Jack Frost!" Elsa said exasperatedly, looking back at him.
"Oo, now I'm scared! You used my full name!" said the boy, acting like he was terrified.
A smile on her face, Elsa rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Unbelievable," she muttered under her breath.
Hearing her comment, Jack chuckled.
A few beats of comfortable silence fell upon the two.
"Hey, do you have any family?" asked Jack, an oddly (for him) serious tone lacing his voice.
Surprised at his tone, Elsa looked back at the Spirit of Winter. "Um, yes, I do. A younger sister named Anna. Why do you ask?"
"Well, I was just wondering what you were doing up here all alone," he replied.
Shrugging, Elsa looked away once more. "Sometimes I like to be alone. It helps calm me when things in Arendelle get stressful," she started, her eyes taking on a far-away look.
Using his powers, Jack floated in the air, crossing his legs and putting his hands on top of his staff. Resting his chin on his hands, the Guardian listened closely.
"And besides," she continued, "it gives Anna some alone time with Kristoff, the man who's courting her."
"But it's cold up here," commented Jack. A light smirk was on his face as he took in the look of the young woman in front of him.
"The cold has never really bothered me," Elsa added, giving another shrug.
As Jack nodded in understanding, another silence fell over the pair.
The mischievous Guardian decided to get some "payback" from earlier. So, he looked at Elsa. Really looked.
Her platinum blonde hair and pale skin complemented each other. She had bright blue eyes that imitated the color of Jack's, but a shade lighter.
Looking at her elegant side braid, the boy noticed small gems in the shape of snowflakes.
Moving to her lightweight dress, he observed the color and how it complimented her eyes. The transparent cape that was attached to the see-through shoulders of the dress that hung off her actual shoulders was adorned with snowflake designs.
As his eyes traveled down her body, he noted how the dress hugged her curves.
'Man, your highness. Never thought someone like you would wear something like this,' Jack thought, smirking.
"Like what you see, Guardian?" Elsa said, interrupting Jack's thoughts.
Chuckling at her use of his earlier words, Jack looked up. "Clever."
"I thought so," Elsa replied coyly, smiling in false innocence.
Jack shook his head, smiling.
Jack decided to ask another question. "Are you... Close with Anna?"
"I am now, and I was when we were little."
"What about in between then?" he questioned.
Sighing deeply, Elsa closed her eyes as if she were in pain.
Noticing her pained expression, the blue-eyed boy added quickly, "Forget I asked. You don't have to tell me."
"No. I should. It's in the past now, it shouldn't matter..."
Jack nodded encouragingly.
"When we were very young," Elsa started, "I used to transform our ballroom into a wonder wonderland. One night, Anna was jumping up little snow towers I made. She just kept jumping higher and higher, and faster and faster. I could hardly keep up with her.
"She lost her footing on one of the towers and started to fall. I tried to catch her, but instead, I struck her on the side of her head with my powers," she said, a pained expression on her face.
Jack winced. For some reason, he really disliked seeing her unhappy. It didn't suit her.
"My mother and father took Anna to see the trolls and I went with them. The eldest said that he could heal her, but he would have to alter all of my sister's memories that involved my powers."
"So, if she had a memory that involved you creating a ice rink in the dining room, then it would be changed to make it seem as though you two were outside on a lake or something?" interjected Jack.
"Exactly," Elsa confirmed. "After that, I was never the same. I was always afraid to hurt anyone. So, I locked myself in my room and didn't come out.
"I was so... Afraid. Of myself, of hurting Anna further, of hurting my parents," she continued, her voice trembling slightly.
"Hey, hey, it wasn't your fault." Jack said, moving to put a comforting hand on her shoulder.
"That's what Anna keeps telling me," she said in a soft voice, "But I still think otherwise."
Jack was now standing in front of her.
"As I was saying... One day, my parents decided to go on a ship to visit another country. Little did I know, they would never come back..."
By the time Elsa finished her story, tears had come to her eyes. Jack didn't like it. Fun was his center, and this was not fun. He should be able to change the look on her face. "Man, that Hans guys is such a douche. How could he play Anna like that? And nearly kill Elsa?" thought Jack.
"Hey," he said, his voice gentle, "how about you take me down to see Anna? I'd like to meet her. Even if she doesn't see me."
Wiping her eyes, Elsa nodded and took a breath, composing herself. "Yeah, that sounds good. Just let me change."
"Okay," he answered, waiting for her to go inside to a bathroom or bedroom or something.
Instead, to his surprise and amazement, the girl held up a hand and a wisp of light blue slowly swirled up her body, changing her off-shoulder dress into her "Queen of Arendelle" dress. She left her hair in the side braid.
Jaw dropped and eyes wide, Jack was completely awed. And a little bit jealous.
"Get a painting done, it'll last longer," Elsa said, smirking. "And quit drooling."
"B-But... My powers don't do that..." he stammered, a bit flustered at her comment.
The Snow Queen put a hand over her mouth as she giggled at Jack's statement.
"Alright, let's go," she said, a smile on her face as she turned to head back in to the main room of her castle.
"Ah, ah, ah, not so fast, your highness," corrected Jack, moving backwards towards the railing.
Using his powers, he hopped up backwards onto the railing.
Turning to face him, Elsa furrowed her brows. "What do you mean?"
"If we're going to go all the way back down to Arendelle... Then we're going to do it my way," he said, smirking.
"Your way?" asked the young woman, tilting her head. "And what would that be?"
"Flying?! How?!"
"By using the winds to propel us!"
"You can do that?" Elsa inquired, eyes wide. He had mentioned something about this earlier, but she hadn't really been paying attention.
"'Course I can! Can't you?" he said, glad to see that he's got a power that she doesn't, just as she has a power that he doesn't. Now he considers them even.
Pouting and looking off the the side, Elsa crossed her arms over her chest.
Chuckling at her child-like display, Jack held out his hand with a smirk. "So are you coming or what?"
Looking up at his hand, she was having an inner debate. Cautiously lifting up her hand, Elsa thought for a moment more.
Coming to a decision, Elsa gave Jack a bright smile and put her hand into his. "You'd better not drop me, Guardian."
Smirk turning into a smile, Jack hoisted Elsa onto the railing beside him. "Wouldn't dream of it, your majesty."
Elsa took a deep breath, an excited smile on the girl's face. "Let's go!"
"Alrighty. Hold on tight!" Jack informed. And in an instant, they were shooting from the railing and into the sky, making their way towards Arendelle.
The once-frosty and isolated Snow Queen's laugh rang off the mountainsides.
AN: Did you catch my variation of a saying? It was when Elsa said "Get a painting done, it'll last longer." I figured since this was in the past, they wouldn't have cameras, so I couldn't exactly say "take a picture." Also, Jack's opinion of Hans is my opinion as well. Although, I usually call him a doucher. Anyway. My dorkineas is done for today. Until next time!
Reviews are greatly appreciated and may even help me write new chapters faster!