UPDATE- This story is cancelled. After not updating for a year, I'm assuming most of you figured this was the case. With a lack of interest in Pokespe, I just didn't have any reason to continue it although… I DID write like a third of a new chapter which was going to be a lot longer than any of the others as it was indeed the fabled Fall Ball. Ugh. Even that name, it just… Now, to get to the actual point.
If I was just cancelling Pokespe High, this update would only be 4 words- "THIS STORY IS CANCELLED." And while that is the case, I feel I should explain why and what I plan on coming after. First off- this story is garbage. I'm sorry to anyone who liked it but looking back on my own writing, Pokespe high is nothing more than an amalgam of tropes I read from other stories, contrived plot points mostly relating to… ships(I really don't like that term, either.), and a general lack of focus. I did, however, have a follow up arc planned but there'll be more on that later. The characters were, for the most part, grossly mishandled. The only characters I feel I did justice were Gold and Silver, while especially maiming Ruby and Sapphire (my favourite characters.) and Crystal, who I like a lot. This ties back to borrowing from other fanfictions and making the same mistakes that others made but after rereading the ruby & sapphire arc and reading for the first time the ORAS arc, I have a fresh angle on both characters and what I feel is fantastic characterization.
Ruby's prissy and Sapphire's a tomboy, when you get right down to it, that's the dynamic. Almost every fanfiction I read back in the day (Don't read 'em anymore.) reduced them to just that and me from like 4 years ago didn't know any better. Since then, my writing skills have drastically improved, naturally, and I've figured out what really makes both characters so great: Ruby is still a guy and Sapphire is still a girl. It seems so simple but the vast majority of any entertainment medium is absolute garbage and rules as simple as even these are butchered. Let me elaborate: watch both characters closely in the official story and you'll find Sapphire is very in tune with her emotions while Ruby is more repressive, ignorant of them. On multiple occasions Sapphire tries talk frankly with Ruby and in turn, he plays up a character that he knows will change the subject from something he doesn't want to talk about. When it comes down to it, Ruby is the smartest character in the entire manga but with it comes a level of narcissism and uncaring. On many occasions he shirks what could be considered his duty and as previously stated, completely disregards Sapphire just so he doesn't have face his feelings. He really reminds me a lot of his father, Norman which makes perfect sense. Ruby isn't just plain mean to Sapphire but he cares too much about himself to be truly and utterly generous and nice. On the contrary, when it comes to crunch time and Sapphire calls him out on his selfishness, he really pulls through. It happens both near the climax of the R&S arc, as well as the ORAS arc and he grows from both experiences. Old habits die hard, though, and he's still much the same even after some time in the ORAS chapters. I like this, though. In real life, Ruby wouldn't change that drastically but he wouldn't stay completely static either. He's written expertly which really surprised me from a medium (Manga and Anime) that I dislike and don't have a lot of respect for. Don't hate me; live and let live, I always say. But that goes both ways.
Anyways, I won't go as in depth with Sapphire but trust me in knowing the character as well as Ruby, because I do. The point to this is I'm back on this account and writing new stories. Not all Pokespe; I'm doing a few stories set in Hoenn first, based on the original games but with a realistic edge and a lot of cool world building. The first is called 'Pokemon: Bring down the Sky'. I've the entire thing written and 80% edited and it'll be up whenever I get around to finishing editing the last bit. It's a one shot, about 8,000 words and it'll be followed by a longer direct sequel, though the latter will be split up into chapters. I have a bunch of strong ideas regarding different regions, mostly concerning to the evil teams' leaders but no fully fleshed plotlines, so I'm not sure if any of those will actually come to fruition.
Finally, Pokespe. That sequel arc I said I had planned? It was originally set over the high school's winter break and featured Ruby and Sapphire as the main characters the same way the first arc of Pokespe High centred around the Johto gang. It's going to be a separate story, though it'll use what few elements I find salvageable from the previous story and will probably include the Johto and maybe Sinnoh dexholders. Why not Kanto? I find all the Kanto dexholders to be boring and one-dimensional and by far the weakest, most cringe-worthy part of Pokespe high. I only ever owned the first 4 (the mac number, it seems.) volumes of the diamond and Pearl arc and am currently on volume 3 for my reread of those. I like what I've read so far and I think there's a lot to do with all 3 protagonists whom I horribly butchered my first time around. Thanks for reading this update and all my writing, sorry for the length, too.