The sun trickled through the gaps in the blinds, spewing rays of light onto the amber eyed boy, interrupting his slumber.
Gold shoved a pillow against his face and then a second over top of his head, hoping he'd be able to get back to sleep.
No luck though, as he tightened eyes together, desperate to at least be rested enough to get through first period.
Gold released his grip off of the pillows and rotated his head to the left.
Silver was still fast asleep.
'Why the hell did I let Silver take the good side?!' Questioned Gold.
His mind replayed the events of the first day on campus, as if answering his question.
Everyone had been in awe of their new school, with it's dorms, loaded with plasma screens, expensive furniture, and even mini fridges stocked with soda and snack foods.
Of course, everyone had to have a roommate, but their dorm was big enough to house at least 5 people, and then the enormous living space that their rooms lead to, featuring, a home theatre, a pool table, a kitchen, and shelves stocked with magazines and books, and a dining area.(courtesy of Platina Berlitz.)
Professor Oak had announced the rooming situation, and declared their bunkmates, as after, everyone had gone to their rooms to unpack.
As, they entered their bedroom, the two male johto dex holders noticed the obviously better better bed, in which the sun didn't shine in on.
"DIBS ON THE GOOD BED!" Hollered Gold, diving on the bed.
That earned him a glare, courtesy of Silver, who then shoved him off, and climbed on himself, leaving his Weavile, rolling on the flour, "laughing" hysterically.
The Breeder's mind snapped back into reality.
Gold put on a plain black T-Shirt, and exited to the common room.
No one was up yet, and Gold figured turning on DJ Mary's early morning music blast would wake everyone up, so he settled on billiards.
Releasing Aibo and grabbing his own cue, he stumbled over to the end of the table, still half asleep.
Aibo, as wired as ever, scurried over into the kitchen, towards the fridge, eager to get something.
As Gold attempted a second shot, Aibo returned, carrying a soda pop and a small bag of cookies.
"Thanks, Aibo." Said Gold, reaching for the soda.
"I really need the caffeine."
The rebellious Johto boy chugged half the can and proceeded to lay his can onto the head of the table, while Aibo scarfed down his "breakfast".
After a few more shots, Gold heard the door to the far left gently open, and out of it walked Crystal, wearing nothing but panties and a tank top.
She rubbed her eyes and then a look of shock jumped onto her face as she noticed Gold and attempted to cover up just under her panties.
Gold felt his lips curl into a grin as Crys sputtered trying to figure out what to say.
"Couldn't hold out on me anymore, eh super serious gal?" He chuckled.
"GOLD!" Scolded the capture specialist, stomping over to Gold.
The amber eyed johto native ran behind the kitchen isle, barely dodging a swift kick to the head.
"GOLD! GET BACK HERE!" Screamed Crys.
Crystal tried once again to catch the teen from New Bark Town, but failed as he easily evaded her.
"YOU PERVERT!" Screeched the female johto resident, attempting to grab ahold of Gold.
She swiped, missing by only an inch, as Gold threw himself out of the way.
"Arceus, Crys! YOU were the one trying to seduce ME, remember?" Reminded Gold, talking in a joking tone.
"UGH!" She Groaned, delivering a round house kick to his head.
"AAH!" Wailed Gold.
"ERM!" She grunted, thrusting her leg forward, connecting with Gold's chest.
He let out another "AHH!" As the impact knocked him off of his feet.
"Crystal, Gold," said a sophisticated voice, followed by the creaking of a door.
"If you are becoming intaminte, please remain confined in a room when doing so."
Crystal slowly glanced over the isle towards the heiress, and indeed, standing there with perfect posture, was Platina Berlitz, causing Crys to blush furiously.
Platina eyed the capturing expert, maintaing composure as Gold let out a chuckle.
"Mmf!-AH! AHAHAHAHAHA! HA! Ha!" He cracked up, beating his fists onto the floor multiple times.
"Supe-Super Serious Gal-! Hahahahaha! Yeah right!" Tears filled his eyes while Crys broke eye contact with Platina, regaining her former rage.
"She wouldn't even-AHAHAHAHAHA!"
The amber eyed boy continued to pound on the floor.
Crystal readied her foot, for a third strike and Platinum casually strolled into the kitchen area, going to make some tea.
Towards the left, another door opened, this time, not being bothered to do so quietly, as it slammed against the wall.
"For fucks sakes..." Grumbled an annoyed sounding voice.
"Quiet the hell down!"
Crystal's foot smacked into Gold's face, causing him to swear repeatedly and cup the bruise.
"Shit! Shit! Damn it! Bitch!" He mumbled loudly through gritted teeth.
"Gold, SHUT UP." Commanded Green, who headed towards the coffee machine, rubbing his eyes.
"But she f'cking kicked my head in!" He complained, sticking a thumb back at Crys.
"I should care why?"
"asshole." Muttered Gold.
"Crystal, you might want to put some clothes on." Commented Green, pouring up a mug of steaming coffee.
Crystal blushed slightly, walking quickly into her room.
For a fourth time, a door opened, or more accurately, slammed open.
"Pleasant morning as well Sapphire." Said Platina, taking a sip on her tea.
Sapphire wore a huge grin, jumping over the couch and bounding into the kitchen.
"UGH!" Moaned a voice from inside the room next to Sapphire's.
"DAMMIT!" Another shouted.
After a few seconds, that door opened up, revealing Rald and Ruby.
"STOP...MAKING...SO...MUCH...NOISE!" Screamed Rald.
"Hypocrite." Said Green, sipping on his coffee.
Ruby returned back into his room, probably to pick out an outfit and Emerald rubbed his eyes, then bounced to the cupboard, grabbing at the peanut butter and chocolate cereal.
After a slurp of his lips, he treaded near the table before flinching and heading to the fridge.
The small hoenn boy snatched a carton of milk and then speed walked his way to the table.
Crys returned from her room, now sporting her signature outfit, some yellow and black shorts, a red t-shirt, and a pink long-sleeve jacket.
She glared at Rald.
"That's not very healthy."
"Let the kid eat what he wants, Crys!" Shouted gold, from the large leather couch.
"Gold, NO! Do you know how much sugar is in that?!"
"Rald?" He responed, loudly.
"Ummm..." Rald craned his neck to check out the nutrition facts.
"6 Grams!"
He sighed.
"14 Grams."
"See Gold? Extremely unhealthy." She turned to Rald.
"Now I'll make YOU some eggs."
Gold rolled his eyes, then turning to the living portion of the combined common area/kitchen.
Everyone minus Diamond and Pearl were there, socializing, cooking or eating, or preparing for their first full day of school.
Red was chatting with Yellow, Blue was talking to Green, who had his back turned to her and was sipping some coffee, Silver was also drinking coffee, although seeming more fixated on preparing his school pack, Ruby was talking to Sapphire, who scarfed down some jelly-filled donuts, Emerald was waiting impatiently as Crys grabbed a skillet and a carton of eggs in the fridge, and Platina was in the middle of a novel, presumably non-fiction.
The blond hoenn dex-holder drummed is fingers against the table, looking up at Crystal.
"Don't worry, Rald! I'll have your eggs ready in a jiffy!" She exclaimed, cracking an egg against the bowl and poured up the contents.
Gold strided up to the table, next to Emerald, and took his bowl, cereal, and Milk.
"Hey!" Protested Emerald.
"First come first serve, Shortie!" Replied Gold.
"Emerald, I'm making your breakfast, if he wants to risk his heart to that... Stuff, he can go right ahead, but not you."
She poured the bowl of eggs yolks into the frying pan, creating a sizzling noise of sorts.
"You suck, Gold."
Gold pulled down his eyelid and stuck out his tongue in responce.
"Crystal!" He whined.
"Rald, Gold's just not as mature as you are, so you be the bigger man."
The emerald eyed boy stuck his tongue out at Gold.
"Yeah, Emerald, be the bigger man!" Taunted Gold.
A door slammed open, Diamond running straight on through towards the female johto dex-holder, receiving glances from Emerald. and Gold.
"Ooh!" He said excitedly, staring down at Rald's soon to be breakfast."Crystal, can you make me some too?"
She narrowed her eyes but smiled.
"Sure Diamond."
Diamond took a seat next to Gold, snatching his cereal from him.
"Hey!" Said Gold.
But Dia had already slurped down all of the cereal, and reach for the box, once again.
Gold narrowed his eyes, and looked out on the common room, only him, Rald, Crys, Dia, and Ruby remained.
"Prissy Boy! Shouted Gold.
Ruby looked up from something he was stitching.
"Where'd everybody go?"
"They mostly went to go get ready, classes start in an hour, but were supposed to be there fifteen minutes earlier on the first day!"
Gold looked surprised and worried.
"Crap! I haven't even started getting ready yet!" He said, before running into his room.
Ruby sighed then focused on his stitching , once again.
"So, How do you like your eggs?" Asked Crys.
"Scrambled!" Replied both Emerald and Diamond.
She turned back to the eggs.
"Rald, did you get your things ready the night before like I asked?"
He nodded.
"Alright then!" She scooped up both breakfasts, and dropped them carefully onto their plates.