A/N: I started to think, what if I did a re-write of the series, to show a bit how I would change things if I were there, but not too much either — wibbly wobbly timey wimey — and this is the result. I don't know if I should give any warnings... Uh, 2nd person point of view, the OC is a girl about 23. Real name and looks are completely up to the reader. And the characters will probably be a bit OOC since I hadn't written much of Torchwood at this point. Hadn't finished watching the series either (now I have). I hope you like it and sorry for the long A/N.
Disclaimer: I don't own Torchwood or any of the characters from the show.
Running. It's the only thing you can do. Something is chasing you, and you wonder if you have a chance to survive. Deep down, you know you can, but you're so overwhelmed by fear and doubt, that you don't even consider the possibility of survival.
You're getting tired. You're breathing fast, you feel like you could stop breathing at any minute, and you'll faint, giving that thing a possibility to kill you. Then you spot it. It's what you're looking for, isn't it? Torchwood Three. The Hub.
You don't dare look back, and as soon as you reach the door you knock frantically. You're scared as hell, on the verge of tears, but you manage not to break down, and keep knocking in that frantic way that only terrified people can make, those that are running for their lives.
"Please, please, please, please." Even after running so much, you find a way to speak. "Open the door, please. Open the door."
That thing after you, it's catching up. If the door doesn't open now, you're dead. You cry out, frustrated. Isn't saving people their duty? Saving people from alien life forms? Doesn't Torchwood exist to destroy alien threats? That thing after you is totally an alien threat, yet it seems like Torchwood doesn't want to help.
As you turn around to face your possible killer, you cry out loud, "Oh, come on!"
This is it. It's getting nearer and nearer. You're going to die, and you know it. You close your eyes and take a deep breath. Maybe it isn't that bad. Maybe…
You were leaning against the door, and it opens so abruptly it almost makes you fall down. But you notice, and you open your eyes while you steady yourself. Without another second's thought, you enter the office and shut the door behind you. Then you lean back against the door and take a moment to catch your breath, because you're still panting.
"Jesus Christ," you mumble. Running for your life isn't that fun after all.
That's when you hear it. A male voice, with a Welsh accent. You recognize his voice immediately. "Can I help you?"
"Hi," you say. You look at him, and he's exactly the same as you remembered. Short brown hair and blue eyes. You're not really sure that what you're going to do is for the best. It probably isn't. You wonder, if you're doing the right thing by coming here. And maybe you are, but maybe you're not. And there's only one way to find out. "I'm looking for, uh," you hesitate, not sure what you should call him, but you have to say something, "Captain Jack Harkness."
He remains expressionless, but you see something flicker in his eyes. Recognition. "I don't know who you're talking about."
You suppress an exasperated sigh. Why do people have to be so secretive? Then again, it is supposed to be a secret organisation. Then why do they order pizza under the name of Torchwood? you think. "Yeah, I think you do." You maintain eye contact for a while. He's sizing you up, wondering if he should give up his façade or not. "Look, if he's not available, I'll just wait here," you say, resigned. You know he's not going to give you any information. You start to look around. It does look like a tourist guide office, that's for sure. But your eyes flicker toward the hidden door, the one that takes you down to the Hub, and you remember what the Hub looks like, with all the technology, both Earth and alien tech, and the pteranodon and everything.
He clears his throat, and you look back at him. You were lost in your thoughts. Not really a good idea, when you know he could pull out a gun on you at any minute, but you also know he wouldn't do that. Or at least, you hope so. "What's your name?" he asks.
That's the least thing you could do. Give them your name. But you know that it might cause something terrible, something that might cause the fabric of reality to be torn apart. But you owe it to them. You really do.
So that's what you decide to do. To make up another name, to start fresh. A new life here. Maybe you could even try and get a job at Torchwood. The name you make up is a common name, which is a great way of hiding yourself even more. The thing is, you know everything about them. But they don't know you. Maybe it's time to change that.
"I'm Lucy Blake."