Reviews for Torchwood
kittyrsocute chapter 96 . 6/2
You are brilliant! And I love this story so much!
OCLover123 chapter 96 . 4/9
Hi! Your story has inspired me to start watching Torchwood myself. If you don’t get around to writing Miracle Day’, I could possibly do it for you if that’s alright?
Mel chapter 2 . 1/22/2019
Gosh! I hate this, it's suchs so a typical fanfic cliche concept, but its so well written that I can't help myself but to love it! Why are so good with your narration and description?! It's so good.
Alice chapter 11 . 8/12/2018
I'm honestly not sure how I feel about this story, I like it but I also hate it.

Everything is basically the same as the show and how has Lucy's family/friends been ignored thus far? I don't see the point in the transcripts either, like, why? I get the first one - to prove she is telling the truth but the others? And why would she say "don't read it, not even the title." Why would you put spoilers in the title?

I am so confused and annoyed.
Actually I think I just made up my mind.
I do hate it more so than like.
stormhazel chapter 95 . 1/20/2018
I love this and your story. I know college is rough but please make time to update this! You're really funny and I love all of Lucy's nerdy jokes/sarcastic remarks. I really admire your ability to actually write, like I have ideas for stories and I never have the patience to sit and write them down. I also love the fact that you have her in doctor who episodes as well. I would like to see more Janto and behind the scenes. My favorite parts are the original dialogue and relationships between characters you put in the story. I've noticed you haven't written much about Gareth and Lucy. In the story she says she loves him but you haven't shown how they fell in love or much of his character at all. I'd love to see more of him and his personality. You haven't shown much of their home life or anything so I don't feel as attached to his character, or their relationship. I do love this story and I have been reading it for two days straight so please give me more. xx
trying414 chapter 83 . 10/17/2017
she said she doesnt know if they know...but she just did adipose.
trying414 chapter 65 . 10/16/2017
so does Lucy ever find out about her earrings?
Cat-aflo chapter 94 . 1/27/2017
I really love this chapter, even thought I ended with the weird feeling of "assdfgfffghjjjaaaaaaa" (Sorry if that doesn't make sense)
You're a awesome writer. I kinda of really, really need to read more, so I hope you update soon (but if you're busy or anything It doesn't matter because I have the urge of read all the chapters again)
Cat-aflo chapter 93 . 6/30/2016
Your fic is amazing, thanks for mentioning me, I really like Lucy could you create so that it is as if you were there, but at the same time not.
No sé si esta bien escrito, pero creo que se entiende. :)
4195832325 chapter 93 . 6/27/2016
This was a really fantastic connection you made! I actually got chills when I was reading through this.
Epic Timelady chapter 33 . 6/20/2016
I love how excited Lucy is about Owen's character development! :D
WRose chapter 92 . 6/20/2016
The "lovely" government reminded me of Torchwood 1.

Wow to the chapter.
TwinTigerLover chapter 91 . 6/14/2016
i like the story, admittingly it amazing you are writing it we are Lucy, even is that tense sometimes changes. look forward to the children of earth4 and any that follow. xx
WRose chapter 91 . 6/12/2016
Typical, for crown and country. Sacasm.
4195832325 chapter 90 . 6/6/2016
Great chapter! I always enjoy betareading for this fic. :) I can imagine how tense things are for the team, and especially Lucy since she has to not only worry about Ianto, but Tosh and Owen as well. I'm interested in what she has planned.
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